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Gradual adoption of prevailing culture by minority groups.
August 1991 Coup
Failed Soviet government attempt to oust Boris Yeltsin.
System with strong central power and limited freedoms.
Autonomous Region
Subdivision with self-governing freedom in a country.
Beslan Incident
Terrorist siege in 2004 resulting in 300+ deaths.
Legislative body with two chambers.
Russian socialist faction leading 1917 revolution.
Capitalist class owning means of production.
Core group of skilled individuals capable of teaching.
Economic system based on private ownership for profit.
Causal Mechanism
Pathway through which cause leads to effect.
Causation (conditions of)
Relationship between cause and effect.
Suppression of speech or information.
Central Committee
Decision-making body in a communist party.
Central Military Commission (CMC)
Top body overseeing military affairs in communist states.
Centrally Planned Economy
State-controlled economic system for production and distribution.
Russian federal subject known for independence struggle.
First Soviet state security organization.
Soviet security ideology with secrecy and suppression.
China Road
China's unique blend of market economics with socialism.
Chinese Civil War
Conflict between Nationalist and Communist parties in China.
Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
Ruling party in China since 1949.
Civil Society
Non-governmental organizations representing citizen interests.
Classless Society
State with no classes and equal members.
Clientelistic Networks
Patron-client relationships exchanging resources for support.
Collective Leadership
Shared decision-making among leadership group.
Policy consolidating land and labor into collective farms.
Commanding Heights
Economic sectors crucial for state control.
Political ideology for classless society with public property.
Communist Party (in Russia)
Soviet Union ruling party until 1991 dissolution.
Communist party-state
State ruled by communist party with intertwined government.
Variables obscuring relationship between variables of interest.
Measure of relationship between two variables predicting each other.
Abuse of power for personal gain.
Historically contested peninsula on Black Sea.
Cultural Pluralism
Maintenance of unique cultural identities within a society.
Cultural Revolution
Mao's movement to purge capitalist remnants from Chinese society.
Dalai Lama
Tibetan Buddhism spiritual leader traditionally governing Tibet.
Transfer of control from central to local authorities.
Government system by population through elected representatives.
Democratic centralism
Leadership method with binding decisions on all party members.
Democratic transition
Shift from non-democratic to democratic political system.
Process of adopting a democratic system.
Dependent Variable
Variable tested and measured in a study.
Developmental state
Government deeply involved in economic development.
Dictatorship of the Proletariat
Working class control of political power.
Diversity (strategies for dealing with)
Approaches to understanding and valuing differences.
Dominant party (system)
Political system with one party dominating to maintain power.
Dual transition
Simultaneous shift to democratic and market economy.
Russian federal assembly's lower house.
Dutch Disease
Resource revenue increase causing manufacturing decline.
Dynastic succession
Hereditary leadership transmission, common in monarchies.
Economic deregulation
Reducing government control in an industry for competition.
Economic hypothesis
Theory explaining economic processes and relationships.
Ethnic Republic(s)
Russian administrative division for ethnic autonomy.
Federation/Federalism/Federal State
Political system dividing power between central and local units.
Federal Subjects
Russian administrative divisions like republics and oblasts.
Federal System
Government system sharing power between central and local units.
Federation Council
Upper house representing Russian federal subjects.
Floating population
Temporary residents without permanent residence rights.
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)
Investment in foreign business interests.
Freedom House
Watchdog organization promoting freedom and democracy.
Gangster capitalism
Wealth generation through illegal means in uncertain conditions.
General Secretary
Top official in a communist party.
Soviet policy for government transparency.
Expansion of businesses internationally
Great Famine
Devastating period in Soviet Union under Lenin
Great Leap Forward
Mao's campaign for rapid industrialization in China
Great Purge
Political repression in the Soviet Union
Chinese term for cooperative relationships network
Guerilla Warfare
Irregular warfare using military tactics
Han Chinese
Ethnic majority group in China
Harmonious Society
Stable social state concept by Hu Jintao
Hong Kong
Special Administrative Region of China
Household registration (hukou)
Official identification system in China
Household Responsibility System
Allowing profit from agricultural plots in China
Hybrid Regime
Mix of democratic and authoritarian elements
Extremely rapid inflation
Illiberal democracy
Limited civil liberties despite elections
Independent Variable
Variable manipulated by researcher in an experiment
Insider privatisation
Privatization by state-owned enterprise management
Institutional Strength (v. Weakness)
Capacity of a country's institutions to govern effectively
Iron rice bowl
Occupation with guaranteed job security
Primary security agency of the Soviet Union
Wealthy peasant in Soviet Russia
Land grabs
Large-scale acquisitions of land
Leading small groups
Influential bodies in the Chinese Communist Party
Political theory for revolutionary party organization
Loans for Shares
Controversial Russian scheme in the mid-1990s
Post-Tiananmen Deal
Agreement prioritizing economic growth over political freedoms after 1989 massacre.
Power Vertical
Centralization of power in the executive branch, associated with Putin.
Predatory State
Government focused on extracting resources for rulers' benefit.
Presidential-Parliamentary System
Government with president, parliament, and significant presidential power.
Wage-earners without significant production means, reliant on labor.
Transfer of ownership from government to private entities.
Privatization Vouchers
Instruments distributing shares of state-owned enterprises to the public.
Property Rights
Legal rights to possess, use, and dispose of assets.
Proportional Representation
Electoral system allocating seats based on votes for parties.
Political system with centralized power, suppression of dissent, nationalism.
Putin's Popularity
High approval ratings attributed to stability and economic growth.