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“You knit me together in my mother’s womb”

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“You knit me together in my mother’s womb”

Life is created by God, Genesis teaches that humans are the only species created in the image of God(Abortion)(Bioethics)

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“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you”

Life is sacred(Abortion)(Bioethics)

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“The baby in my womb leaped for joy”

God considers the unborn child as a living being (Abortion)(Bioethics)

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“God created man in his own image”

God considers the unborn child as a living being. He or she deserves the same respect and rights awarded to all human (Abortion)(Bioethics)

Life is sacred and a gift from God (Euthanasia)(Punishment)(War)(Equality)

The body should be respected by keeping sex until marriage(Relationship)

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“The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away”

Only God has the right to take life (Abortion) (Euthanasia) (Punishment) (Bioethics)

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“Do not murder”

Against 10 commandments (Abortion) (Euthanasia) (Punishment)(War) (Bioethics)

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“Even the hairs on our heads are numbered”

Matthew 9 tells how jesus went from village to village caring for and healing the sick. Focus should be on care for the dying rather than euthanasia (Euthanasia)

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“There is a time for everything…a time to be born and a time to die”

A religious faith helps a person to die with dignity knowing God’s will. (Euthanasia)

God has a plan for everyone(Relationship)(Abortion)(Bioethics)

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“Whoever sheds human blood, by human shall their blood be shed”

OT suggested that God created the capital punishment (Punishment)

Take revenge(War)

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“The authorities that exist have been established by God”

Right to administer (Punishment)

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“Do not repay anyone evil for evil”

Idea of not taking revenge (Punishment)(war)

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“Let anyone of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her”

Jesus emphasises the need forgiveness (Punishment)

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“Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth”

Take revenge (Punishment)(War)

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“But let justice roll down like water, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream”

The bible emphasise the importance of justice (Punishment)

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“live in peace with one another”

Jesus taught this (War)(Equality)

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“A time for war and a time for peace”

Allowance for war for a JUST cause (war)

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“Strive for peace with all your heart”

The psalmist emphasises the need for peace(war)(Equality)

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“Love your neighbours as yourself”

Jesus’s teachings(War)(Equality)

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“Do for others what you would have them do for you”


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“Carry one another’s burdens’”

Caring for others(Equality)

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“Man must not sperate what God has joined”

Marriage is permanent(Relationship)

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“You shall not commit adultery”

Cheating goes against the 10 commandments (Relationship)

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“Love is patient, love is Kind…”

Quality of love(Relationship)

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“Respect your father and mother”

Children should be obedience (Relationship)

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“Not treat their children in a way to make them angry”

Parents should respect their children (Relationship)

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“With Christian discipline and instructions”

how they should bring their children up(Relationship)

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1 Timothy

Emphasis on caring for the extended family

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