Communicable Dis.

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Communicable Dis.

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by TRA Jesse Daclis; PHN White Book

35 Terms


Communicable Dis.

→ can be transmitted from one person to another

→ (+) Causative Agent

  • pano mo malalaman if communicable dis. siya? CA

Stages of Infection: (IPACR)

  • “IPA-CR mo”

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→ CA: Beta Corona Virus

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Incubation Period

→ first stage of infection

→ duration: entry until first s/sx appeared

→ Asymptomatic

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Prodromal Period

→ (+) non-specific s/sx

  • example: flu-like s/sx

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Acute Period

→ (+) specific signs & symptoms

Pathognomonic Signs

  • Rabies: Hydrophobia

  • Dengue: petechiae & Herman’s sign (flushing of the skin)

  • Leprosy: Leonile Appearance (a lion-like appearance)

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Convalescence Period

→ s/sx start to disappear

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Resolution Period

→ last stage

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  • Antigen

    • foreign bodies

    • “AntigENEMY”

      • from Sir Kenneth

  • Antibody

    • “papatayin ang mga antigen”

    • CHON (protein)

      • destroy familiar antigen

Immunoglobulin (GAMED)

IgM: first Ab → “Mauna ako”

  • first to respond

IgG: 2nd Ab → “Gagi sunod ako”

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Immunity General Types

  • Natural Immunity

    • inherent in the body

    • from the word natural

  • Acquired Immunity

    • acquired when exposed to the environment

    Active Acquired Immunity

    • Antibodies are produced by the individual itself


    • “Active Acquired = AKO”

    Passive Acquired Immunity

    • Antibodies are given to the individual


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Active Acquired Immunity (ANTIGEN)

  • Natural Active Immunity

    • stimulus: exposed to antigen

    • NARS - natural active nagrecover ka sa sakit

  • Artificial Active Immunity (LIT)

    • vaccine → laman ay Antigen

      • Live Attenuated → buhay na pinahina na mikrobyo; bawal for immunocompromised

      • Inactivated → killed; pwede sa immunocompromised

      • Toxoid (modified toxins)

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Passive Acquired (IMMUNOGLOBULIN)

  • Natural Passive Immunity

    • transplacental → IgG

    • breastfeeding → IgA

  • Artificial Passive Immunity

    • post-exposure

    • immunoglobulin na iniinject

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Mode of Transmission (CAVEVE)

  1. Contact

    1. Direct → physical touch

    2. Indirect → contaminated object

    3. Droplet

      1. respiratory secretions → large particles → within 3 ft.

      2. use surgical mask

  1. Airborne (MTV)

    1. respiratory secretions → fine particles → greater than 3 ft.

    2. use N95

    3. “MTV”

      1. measles

      2. tuberculosis

      3. varicella

  1. Vehicle T.

    1. taga-bitbit lamang ng mikrobyo (carrier)

    2. non-living → water, food

  1. Vector T.

    1. living

      1. mosquito

      2. fly

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RABIES (Lyssa)

CA: Rhabdo Virus → bullet shape virus


    • (-) s/sx

    • (-) contagious

    • (-) death


    • (+) contagious

    • (+) s/sx

    • (+) death

Mode of Transmission:

  • animal bite

  • scratch

  • tissue transplant

*RA 7170: Organ Donation Act

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Rabies: Signs & Symptoms

  1. Invasive Stage

    1. Prodromal s/sx → nonspecific

    2. fever, photophobia, headache, numbness

  1. Excitement Stage

    1. Acute

      1. Hydrophobia (laryngospasm)

      2. Aerophobia (fear of flying)

      3. Maniacal behavior (like a wild animal)

  1. Paralytic Stage

    1. Generalized Paralysis

      1. Respiratory Paralysis → cause of death

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Rabies: Diagnostics

  1. Brain Biopsy

  2. Fluorescent Rabies Antibody Test (FRAT)

    1. confirmatory test

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Rabies: Immunization (preventing the virus from reaching the brain)

First Aid: Wash with soap & water + betadine

Tetanus Toxoid: Prophylaxis

Artificial Active (Vaccine)

  • Verorab / Imurab

    • inactivated virus

    • stimulate immune system to produce antibodies

      • 5 doses

        • IM

        • ID (cost-effective)

      • Day 0, 3, 7, 14, 28

Artificial Passive (Immunoglobulin)

  • Rabies Ig (Rabuman)

    • laman ay antibodies

    • immediate effect

    • half is injected on the wound site; half is injected IM

    • depends on the weight of the pt

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Rabies: Palliative Care

For patients na nasa brain na ang rabies:

  1. Strict Isolation → Use all PPE

  2. Nonstimulating Environment

  3. Use of Restraints

  4. No any sense of fluids

  5. Cover IVF

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Rabies: Responsible Pet Ownership

→ prevention

→ Dog Immunization: 3 months; Booster yearly

*RA No. 9482: Anti-Rabies Act of 2007

  • “Ninenay Four Dog Eight 2”

    • “Nanay poor dog ito”

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Dengue vs. Malaria vs. Filariasis

  • Dengue - H-fever

    • CA: Dengue Virus 1, 2, 3, 4 or Chikungunya virus

    • Vector: Aedes Aegypti or the common household mosquito

    • Peak Age of Susceptibility: 5-9 yrs

    • Peak Months: September & October

  • Malaria - Marsh Fever

    • CA: protozoal parasite → plasmodium

    • Vector: Anopheles

    • Plasmodium

      • P. vivax

      • P. orale

      • P. malaria

      • P. Falciparum - fatal; common in the Phil.

  • Filariasis - Elephantiasis

    • Vector: Aedes Poecillus

    • Roundworms

      • Wuchereria bancrofti

      • Brugia Malayi

      • Brugia timori

Mode of Transmission

  • Mosquito Bite

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Dengue: Grade 1

→ Fever (High) → 2-4 days

→ Pattern: Biphasic/ Saddleback

  • will remain elevated for 2-4 days, then okay for 1-2 days, then will elevate again

  • *BEQ: low fever of dengue = low platelet → bleeding

  • Bradykinin

  • Prostaglandin

  • Histamine

  • → after producing → releasing fever


  • Herman’s sign (flushing of the skin)

  • Petechiae

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Dengue: Grade II

S/sx of Grade 1 + Spontaneous Bleeding

  • Platelets less than 50, 000

  • Epistaxis

  • Hematemesis

  • Melena


  • bawal ang dark-colored food & drinks

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Dengue: Grade III Shock

(+) Plasma Leakage

→ Hypotension

→ tachycardia

→ tachypnea

→ Narrow Pulse Pressure

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Dengue: Grade IV Profound Shock

→ undetectable BP/pulse

→ DSS: Dengue Shock Syndrome

Warning Signs

  • abdominal pain → damaged liver

  • persistent vomiting

  • clinical fluid accumulation → pleural effusion; ascites

  • inc HCT → plasma leakage

<p>→ undetectable BP/pulse</p><p>→ DSS: Dengue Shock Syndrome</p><p></p><p><strong>Warning Signs</strong></p><ul><li><p>abdominal pain → damaged liver</p></li><li><p>persistent vomiting</p></li><li><p>clinical fluid accumulation → pleural effusion; ascites</p></li><li><p>inc HCT → plasma leakage</p></li></ul>
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Dengue: Diagnostics

  1. Tourniquet Test / Rumpel Lead Test

    1. screening test → assesses the vascular resistance

    2. not for dehydration or bleeding

      1. link: (


  1. Check BP

  2. Solve Mid Systolic Diastolic Pressure

    1. Add the systole and diastole divided by 2

  3. Reinflate the BP Cuff until the answer for no. 2 for at least 5 mins

  4. Observe Petechiae: 1 inch or 2.5 cm square

    1. normal: 1-2 petechiae

    2. positive: 20 or more petechiae

  5. CBC

    1. Platelet: low

    2. HCT: high (concentrated)

  1. Serological test → (+) Antibody

    1. Elisa / EIA: Enzyme Immunosorbent Assay

      1. Confirmatory Test

  1. Dengue Duo

    1. rapid test

      1. (+) NS1 Antigen Test (Viral Particle)

      2. (+) Ab → IgM; IgG

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Dengue: Palliative Management

  • Paracetamol

    • NO aspirin (platelet inhibitor)

NSG Management:

  • Rest

  • Fluid Replacement

    • Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) → Most Important for Dengue

      • 2-3 L for adults

    • IVF → LR NSS

  • Ice Pack → for bleeding

  • Diet: No colored foods & drinks

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→ protozoal parasite

→ Sporozoites

  • immature protozoa → will live in liver → hepatomegaly

→ Merozoites

  • matured merozoites → will exit liver into the RBC → Anemia

  • (+) Severe anemia: Malarial Cachexia

S/sx every 2-3 days

  1. Cold Stage (10-15 mins)

    1. chills

    2. clatter teeth

  2. Hot Stage Stage 4-6 hrs

    1. high fever

    2. headache

    3. malaise

  3. Diaphoretic Stage

    1. wet stage

    2. mag-papawis

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Diagnostics Test

  1. Blood Smear → “Peak”


Artemether Lumefrantine → first-line

Primaquine - ff-up drug; 3-14 days

Chloroquine → prophyliactic drug; P. Virax

Quinine IM/IV

  • supine for 1 hr

  • wof dizziness

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  1. Asymptomatics S. → 8-16 months

  2. Acute Stqge

    1. Lymphdenitis

    2. Lymphangitis

    3. Funiculitis → spermatic cord

    4. Orchitis → testes

    5. Epididymitis

  3. Chronic S. (10-15 years)

    1. Hydrocele

    2. Elephantiasis

    3. Lyphmedema

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  1. Nocturnal Blood Exam


DEC _> diethyl carbamezapine (hetrazan)

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4 S

Search & destroy


Say No to indiscriminate fogging

Seek Early Consultation

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CA: mycobacterium tubercle

MOT: airborne droplet → cough



Afternoon low-grade fever

blood in sputum (hemoptysis)

Cough (less than 2 wks)

ddec in weight

eevening sweat (night sweats)

extrapulmonary tb

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  • Rifampicin

    • S/E: red-orange body fluids

    • A/E: hepatotoxic

    • bawal alak &

Inad Vit. B6 (Pyridoxine) → peripheral neuritis

No to tyramine foods → HPN crisis


  • Pyrazinamine

  • A

  • I

  • N

  • → inhibit the excretion of uric acid → Inc. fluid intake, NSAIDs, Allopurinol

  • Ethambutol

    • Eyes → Optic Neuritis → Blindness

    • Not for children 6 yo and below

  • Streptomycin

    • aminoglycoside

    • Nephrotoxicity

    • Ototoxicity

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Leprosy: Hansen’s Disease

C.A. Mycobacterium Leprae

MOT: Airborne-Droplet



Peripheral nerve



  • Loss of skin sensation

  • extremities paralysis

  • painful/thick nerves

  • redness eyes

  • obstruction nose

  • skin color changes → reddish / white

  • your ulcer do not heal


  • large breast in male

  • achronic ulcer contracture

  • toes & fingers clawing

  • eyebrows loss (madarosis)

  • eyelids can’t close completely

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Leprosy: Types

  • Paucibacillary (Tuberculoid & Intermediate)

    • Tx: Rifampicin & Isoniazid

  • Multibacillary (Lepromatous & Borderline)

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