APUSH Period 3 Key Terms

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Alexander Hamilton

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Alexander Hamilton

Strong nationalist and first secretary of the treasury; supported a strong central government and founded the Federalist Party.

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Alien and Sedition Acts

Series of acts designed to suppress perceived French agents working against American neutrality; gave the president power to deport "dangerous" aliens, lengthen residency requirement for citizenship, and restrict freedoms of speech and press.

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Persons who opposed ratification of the U.S. Constitution by the states; feared concentration of power in the national government.

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Battle of Saratoga

Turning point of the Revolution in October 1777; British army of 6,000 soldiers surrendered in New York; convinced the French to ally with the colonies and assured independence.

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Battle of Yorktown

Siege that ended in October 1781; Washington trapped 8,000 British soldiers in Virginia; led to British ceasing large-scale fighting and negotiations for independence.

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Ben Franklin

America's leading diplomat; served as a statesman and advisor throughout the Revolutionary era; secured French alliance and Treaty of Paris.

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Boston Massacre

Confrontation between British soldiers and Boston citizens in March 1770; troops shot and killed five colonials; used by American radicals to roil relations between England and the colonies.

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Coercive Acts (1774)

British actions to punish Massachusetts for the Boston Tea Party; included closing the port of Boston, revoking Massachusetts's charter, trying officials accused of misdeeds outside the colony, and housing troops in private dwellings.

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Democratic Republican Party

Political party led by Thomas Jefferson; feared centralized political power, supported states' rights, opposed Hamilton's financial plan, and supported ties to France.

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Farewell Address

Presidential message by Washington warning against foreign alliances and domestic "factions" (political parties); basis of isolationist arguments for 150 years.

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Federalist Papers

Eighty-five essays written by Hamilton, Madison, and Jay; published in newspapers to convince New York to ratify the Constitution; treatise on the foundations of the Constitution.

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Federalist Party

Political party led by Hamilton; favored strong central government, commercial interests, Hamilton's financial plan, and ties to England.

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Persons who favored ratification of the U.S. Constitution by the states.

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George Washington

Commander of the colonial army; indispensable to the colonial cause.

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John Jay

Lead diplomat in negotiating the Treaty of Paris; gained America's goals for independence despite deviousness and meddling of France and Spain.

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John Locke

English philosopher; governments have a duty to protect people's life, liberty, and property; influenced colonial leaders.

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James Madison

Strong nationalist; organized Annapolis Convention, authored Virginia Plan, drafted constitutional amendments (Bill of Rights); founding member of Democratic Republican Party.

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Jay's Treaty (1794)

Agreement for England to evacuate forts in U.S. territory along the Great Lakes; U.S. agreed to pay pre-Revolutionary War debts owed to Britain; treaty barely ratified in face of strong Republican opposition.

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Loyalists (Tories)

Colonists who remained loyal to England; older, better educated people who were members of the Anglican Church.

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Loose constructionist

Person who believes the "elastic clause" of the Constitution gives the central government wide latitude of action.

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New Jersey Plan

Offered by William Paterson to counter the Virginia Plan; favored one-house Congress with equal representation for each state.

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Northwest Ordinance (1787)

Organized the Northwest Territory for future statehood; provided territorial status and procedure for expanding the nation; outlawed slavery in the territory.

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Patrick Henry

Early advocate of independence; strong opponent of the Stamp Act and defender of individual rights.

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Salutary neglect

British policy before 1763 of leaving the colonies alone; abandonment of this policy led to revolution and independence.

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Samuel Adams

Agitator and leader of the Sons of Liberty; supported independence and led the Boston Tea Party.

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Seven Years War

Fought between England and France, 1756-1763; known as the French and Indian War in the colonies; impetus for taxing policy that led to the American Revolution.

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Shays's Rebellion

Uprising in western Massachusetts between August 1786 and February 1787; central government's inability to suppress the revolt reinforced the need to strengthen or abandon the Articles of Confederation.

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Sons of Liberty

Street gangs that formed during the Stamp Act crisis; intimidated British officials with violence.

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Stamp Act (1765)

Tax on items such as pamphlets, newspapers, playing cards, and dice; strong protest among colonists.

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Stamp Act Congress (1765)

Met in New York City to protest the Stamp Act; petitioned the king and organized a

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