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the core unit of psychological research
levels or values
the things that make up variables
something that could potentially vary, but only has one level in the study in question
measured variable
a variable whose levels are simply observed and recorded
manipulated variable
a variable a researcher controls
constructs/conceptual variables
the abstract names used to discuss theories
operational variables
how a construct is measured or manipulated in an actual study.
a theoretical, careful definition of a construct
an argument someone is trying to make
frequency claims
a claim that describes a particular rate or degree of a single variable
association claims
a claim that argues one level of a variable is likely to be associated with a particular level of another variable
to correlate
when one variable changes, the other variable tends to change too
correlational study
a study in which the variables are measured and the relationship between them is tested
positive association
high goes with high and low goes with low in this association
negative association
high goes with low and low goes with high in this association
zero association
no association between the variables is called this
casual claim
arguing that one of the variables is responsible for changing the others
the appropriateness of a conclusion or decision
how did the researchers choose the study’s participants, and how do those participants represent the intended population?
external validity
how well the results of a study generalize to or represent people or contexts besides those in the original study