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what has the implementation of computer software done for the landscape industry
enabled companies to access their current financial status & proactively manage production operations in real time to increase their profitability
what is the role of accounting systems
efficiently integrates financial information from various input sources for generating financial reports
what should the common goal for all accounting systems be
what is the value of an integrated accounting system
its ability to interface with estimating, budgeting, & job cost management
what is the role of reporting programs
format accounting information to assist management with day-to-day operations and enable them to generate reports for any desired financial analysis
sales reports
weekly update reports of sales booked versus sales goals
how are sales reports broken down
into contract renewals, pending, & hot leads with probability
estimating software
generates job estimates by interfacing with databases of production standards, labor rates, material costs, overhead markups, & profit margins
what does interfacing estimating system with reporting system enable
tracking of the job cost status & its projected cost at completion
bar-coding systems
used for work orders, enabling scanning into the production database without the need for manual data entry
examples of what smartphone apps can help do
- maintain communication
- track real-time job costs
- transmit client information
- access accounting files
- download from the Internet
- submit digital images of plants for diseases diagnostics
what does design software enable
a company to generate scale multidimensional color renderings of its landscape concepts
what is an advantage of design software regarding flexibility
renderings can be readily altered based upon changes requested by clients
mobile resource management (MRM) systems
enable real-time tracking through the integration of GPS technology with business management systems
what can MRM system do for managers
provides them with the opportunity to view a job in progress and assess its productivity based on budgeted labor hours
global positioning system (GPS) role in landscaping
enables companies to maximize crew efficiency in routing & scheduling clients
advantages of using GPS on jobs
- downtime is reduced by utilizing the most direct routes & scheduling clients in close proximity to each other
- managers can track how long a crew has been on a job site as well as the location of vehicles & their travel times to the site
what facilitates excellent communication between managers & crews regarding GPS
managers can transmit messages & scheduling update instantaneously from their office computers
global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver
establishes geospatial position of the vehicle
inertial measurement unit (IMU)
tracks the vehicle attitude/pose (how an object is placed in the space it occupies)
long-range light detection and ranging (LiDAR)
captures high-resolution, high density point clouds that are time stamped using special software
water conservation application of the GNSS system
was used to determine plant density in existing & new plantings to determine how much water is needed for an area
general use of GNSS system
use information generated to maintain the health status of plant inventory & schedule maintenance procedures
which is the most important of the various computing tools available
an accounting system
what are the benefits of investing in computer technology
greatly improved operation efficiency & reduction of overhead costs, which positively affect the bottom line profit