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Poenās dare
to pay the penalty, to be punished
Causam agere
to conduct or plead a case
Cōnsilium capere
to form a plan, to have an idea
Bellum gerere
to wage war
Ōrātiōnem habēre
to make a speech
Prīmā lūce
at daybreak, at dawn, at first light
Impetum facere
to charge, to make an attack
Negōtium agere
to do business
Iter facere
to make a journey, to march
Grātiās agere
to give thanks
Memoriā tenēre
to remember
Fābulam agere
to act in a play
Animus recipere
to recover consciousness
Rem conficere
to finish the job
Se convertere
to turn (oneself)
Graviter ferre
to take badly
Iniūriam īnferre
to do an injustice
Sē īnstruere
to draw oneself up
Rem intellegere
to understand the truth
Rem nārrāre
to tell a story