Module 2: Modeling Data in the Organization

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Entity Relationship Model (ERM)

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Entity Relationship Model (ERM)

a logical representation of the data for an organization or for a business area.

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Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

A graphical representation of an entityrelationship model

<p>A graphical representation of an entityrelationship model</p>
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Entity Types

  • collection of entities that share common properties or characteristics.

  • Represented by rectangles

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Strong Entity

  • Exist independently of other entities

  • Has its own unique identifier

  • Identifier is underlined with a single line

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Weak Entity

  • Dependent of a Strong Entity

  • Cannot exist on its own

  • No unique identifier (partial identifier only)

  • Entity box and unique identifier have double lines

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Identifying Relationships (Line relationships)

links strong and weak entities.

<p>links strong and weak entities.</p>
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  • Properties or characteristics of an entity or relationship type

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Classification of attributes: (RISSS)

  • Required vs Optional

  • Identifier Attributes

  • Simple vs Composite

  • Single-valued vs Multi-valued

  • Stored vs Derived

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Required Attributes

Must have value for every entity (or relationship) instance with which it is associated

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Optional Attribute

May not have value for every entity (or relationship) instance with which it is associated

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Simple Attribute

  • an attribute that cannot be broken down into smaller components

  • Example: First Name or Last Name from FULL NAME

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Composite Attributes

  • an attribute that has meaningful component parts (can be broken down into simple attributes)

  • Example: Employee's Address (Street address, City, State, Postal Code)

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Single valued

  • an attribute that holds only one value for an entity (or relationship)

  • Example:

    • DateOfBirth attribute must have only one value for each entity instance (A person only has one Birth Date)

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Multivalued Attributes

  • an attribute that may take more than one value for an entity (or relationship)

  • Example:

    • DateOfBirth attribute must have only one value for each entity instance (A person only has one Birth Date)

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Stored Attributes

  • an attribute whose value is physically stored in the database

  • Example: Price (this can be used for DERIVED ATTRIBUTES)

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Derived Attribute

  • an attribute whose value can be calculated from related values from STORED ATTRIBUTES (not physically stored in the database)

  • Example: DiscountedPrice may be derived from Price and DiscountRate attributed STORED in the database

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Identifier Keys

an attribute (or combination of attributes) that uniquely identifies individual entity instances.

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Types of identifier

  • Simple Identifier Attribute

  • Composite Identifier Attribute

<ul><li><p>Simple Identifier Attribute</p></li><li><p>Composite Identifier Attribute</p></li></ul>
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Criteria for Identifier


  • Does not change in value

  • Avoid intelligent identifiers (e.g., containing locations that may change)

  • Not Null

  • Substitute new, simple keys for long, composite keys

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Relationship Degrees


  • Unary

  • Binary

  • Ternary

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Relationship Cardinality

  • one-to-one

  • one-to-many

  • many-to-many

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Cardinality Constraints

  • Mandatory one

  • Mandatory many

  • Optional one

  • Optional many

<ul><li><p>Mandatory one </p></li><li><p>Mandatory many </p></li><li><p>Optional one </p></li><li><p>Optional many</p></li></ul>
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Business Rules


  • Statements that define or constraint some aspects of the business.

  • Assert business structure

  • Derived from policies, procedures, events, and functions.

  • Automated through DBMS.

  • Control/influence business structure

  • Expressed in terms of familiar to end users.

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Characteristics of Good Business Rules


  • Business-oriented (understood by businesspeople)

  • Expressible (structured, natural language)

  • Declarative (what, now how)

  • Distinct (nonredundant)

  • Consistent (internally and externally)

  • Atomic (one statement)

  • Precise (clear, agreed meaning)

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Characteristics of a Good Data NAME


  • Composed of words from an approved list

  • Related to business, not technical.

  • Unique

  • Meaningful and self-documenting

  • Written in standard syntax.

  • Readable

  • Repeatable

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Data definitions

Explanation of a term or fact.

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word or phrase with specific meaning.

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association between two or more terms.

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Guidelines for Good Data Definition


  • Gathered in conjunction with sysreqs

  • Accompanied by diagrams

  • Concise description

  • Achieved by concensus, and iterartively refined.

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  • A person, place, an object, and event or a concept in the user environment

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Entity Should (HOC)

  • Have many instances

  • Object that is being modeled

  • Composed of multiple properties

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Entity Should not (UO)

  • -User of the database system

  • -Output of the database system

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Entity Instance

a single occurence of an entity type

<p>a single occurence of an entity type</p>
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Naming Attributes

  • singular noun or noun phrase

  • unique

  • similar attributes of different entity types should use the same qualifiers and classes

  • follow format

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Relationship Types

modeled as lines between entity types

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Relationhip Instances

actual occurence of a relationship type

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Relationship Attributes

describe the features pertaining to the association between the entities in the relationship.

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Associative Entity

It is the combination of relationship and an entity

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