scientific study of behavior and mental processes
studying individuals
how we act in groups
how we treat each other
how we feel about each other
diverse perspectives
Neural: biological (brain, chemicals)
Evolutionary: ancestors (before races, roots, or past)
Cognitive: how we process and how we see the world
Social: interactions or people influence our behavior
Cultural: where we are born; immediate social context; geographical location → personality
Developmental: nature/nurture
making observations
defining a problem
proposing a hypothesis
gathering evidence or testing the hypothesis
theory building
Empirical Research
If … then
findings support the hypothesis
confidence in theory increases
findings do not support the hypothesis
revise and refine the theory
discard the theory
measure variables
assess the impact of these variables on an outcome
test theories or broad explanations
apply results to a large number of people
Identifying the Research Problem
description and explanation oriented
Reviewing the Literature
major role
justification for the research problem and specification for the need for the study
Specifying a Purpose for Research
specific and narrow
measurable, observable data
Collecting Data
predetermined instruments
numeric (numbered)
large number of individuals
Analyzing and Interpreting Data
statistical analysis
description of trends, comparison of groups, or relationship among variables
a comparison of results with predictions and past studies
Reporting and Evaluating Research
standard and fixed
objective and unbiased
1 - 3 are not as linear, you can still make revisions
A. Independent Variables
factors, treatments, predictions, determinants, antecedent
this is the expectation that this variable will influence the outcome
B. Intervening Variables
Sometimes there are intervening variables identified and examined in research, sometimes there are none
C. Dependent Variables
outcome, effect, criterion, consequence
What is the outcome of the study?
A deliberate manipulation of a variable to see if corresponding changes in behavior result, allowing the determination of cause and effect relationships
Independent Variable (cause) : the one that is manipulated or varied to see if it will influence the dependent variable
Dependent Variable (effect): the one that is affected by the independent variable
The only way to determine if one thing is causally related to another is via an experimental design
In an experiment, you purposely manipulate variables, rather than just measure already existing differences.
Random Assignment of Participant Groups
Experimental Group: group that receives the manipulation
Control Group: group that does not receive the manipulation
Experimental designs are the most powerful research designs for identifying cause-and-effect relationships
The Relationship Condition: Variables A and B must be related in a logical way
The Temporal Antecedence Condition: proper time order must be established
The Lack of Alternative Explanation Condition: The relationship between variables A and B must not be due to some confounding extraneous or “third variable”
Any difference between the experimental and control groups aside from IV
Makes IV effects uninterpretable
Cause and effect is possible to infer, with random assignment and manipulation of independent variable
Placebo Effect
Improvement resulting from the mere expectation of improvement
Participants must be blind to their assignment to groups
Placebos show many of the same characteristics as real drugs
Nocebo Effect
Harm resulting from the mere expectation of harm
Experimenter Expectancy Effect
When researchers’ hypotheses lead them to unintentionally bias a study outcome
Clever Hans, the mathematical horse
Using a double-blind design can decrease this
Demand Characteristics
Cues that participants pick up allowing them to guess at the researchers’ hypotheses
Disguising the purpose of the study or using ”filter” items can help to decrease them
Examine how 2 variables are related
Correlations vary from -1 to +2 and can be:
Positive: as one increases, so does the other
Negative: as one increases, the other decreases
Zero: no relationship between variables
Depicted in a scatterplot
Perception of a statistical association where none exists
Examining a probability table helps to explain why we are all prone to seeing relationship where none exists
Just because 2 things are related, does not mean that one causes another
3 Possible Explanations
A causes B
B causes A
C causes both A and B
Learn about the views of individuals
Assess a process over time
Generate theories based on participant perspectives
Obtained detailed information about a few people or research sites
Inductive Approach
Typically used in qualitative research
Researcher gathers information
Interviews, observations
Researcher asks open-ended questions of participants or records field notes
Researcher looks for broad patterns, generalizations, or theories from themes or categories
Generalizations or theories to past experiences
Research Ethics
A set of principles to guide and assist researchers in conducting ethical studies
Relationship between Society and Science
Revolve around the extent to which societal concerns and cultural values should direct the course of research
Professional Issues
Research Misconduct: the fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research or reporting research results
Research should avoid harming participants
Research on human subjects should produce some positive and identifiable benefit rather than simply be carried out for its own sake
Autonomy or Self-Determination
Research participants’ values and decisions should be respected
All people should be treated equally
There must be fairness in the distribution of benefits and possible risks across all research participants
Concerns about Deception
Sometimes full disclosure of the nature and purpose of the study will alter the outcome and invalidate the study
Deception: misleading or withholding information from the research participant
Debriefing: a post study interview in which all aspects of the study are revealed, any reasons for deception are explained , and any questions the participant has about the study are answered
Freedom to Withdraw
Participants have the right to withdraw from a study at any time unless otherwise constrained by their official capacity or roles
Participants’ perspective might not be sufficient
Confidentiality, Anonymity, and the Concept of Privacy
A person’s freedom to identify the time and circumstances under which information is shared with or withheld from others
The person’s right to decline receiving information that he or she does not want
Not revealing the the identity of the participant to anyone other than the researcher or his or her staff
Belief Perseverance
Motivated by a desire to be certain about one’s knowledge
Tendency to hold doggedly onto a belief, even in the face of evidence that would convince most people that the belief is false
Confirmation Bias
A tendency to search out information that support one’s beliefs while ignoring contrary information
Strongly held prejudices include both belief perseverance and confirmation bias
Availability Heuristic
Occurs when we experience unusual or very memorable events and then overestimate how often such events typically occur
Emotional Reasoning Fallacy: using emotions rather than evidence as the guide
Bandwagon Fallacy: lots of people believe it so it must be true
“Not Me” Fallacy: other people may have biases but not me
Spontaneous perception or judgment not based on reasoned mental steps
Common Sense
Another kind of intuition because of its dependence on informal methods
Emphasizes the agreement of a person's judgment with the shared attitudes and experiences of a larger group of people
Good Scientists
Aware they might be wrong
Scientific knowledge is always tentative and open to revision
Science forces us to question our findings and conclusions
Is merely common sense (from scientific method)
Does not scientific methods
Cannot yield meaningful generalizations because everyone is unique
Does not yield repeatable results
Cannot make precise predictions
Is not useful to society
Public Skepticism towards Psychology
Psychology’s failure to police itself
The problematic face of public psychology
Popo psychologists
Confusion between psychologists and psychotherapists
Media is to blame
Hindsight Bias
The illusion of understanding
Personal experience vs factual studies
Greedy reductionism
The scientific impotence excuse
Ignore scientific facts
Failure to distinguish basic from applied research
Basic: empirical or test theories
Applied: program applied to groups