BCOR 2201 Clicker questions

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23 Terms

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A) Be similar in terms of their consumption behavior

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C) Demographic segmentation

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D) Is very compatible with its company’s capabilities to win

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C) the offering’s unique benefits or attributes

New cards
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D) Specialty product

New cards
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B) a continuous innovation

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E) the actual usage experience after purchase results in consumer dissatisfaction, or feature fatigue

New cards
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C) new-product strategy development

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B) it helps them to be more efficient shoppers

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D) customers are willing to pay a higher price

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A) brand extensions

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B) Not taking into consideration the audience field of experience

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D) the media habits of the target audience

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A) interest

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C) Trial

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C) Public relations to get publicity

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D) logistical

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E) retailer is large and can buy and warehouse large quantities from a producer

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A) there is more privacy than in-store shopping

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D) more specific than those for traditional media because of the ease of tracking online behavior

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D) we need to forget profits right now; just make sure we break even

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A) the more substitutes a product has, the more likely it is to be price elastic

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E) a reference value

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