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Automatic vs. Effortful Processing
Automatic processing happens without conscious thought, while effortful processing requires active attention and cognitive effort.
Cognitive Connection: Tasks like reading are automatic after practice, while studying for a test requires effortful processing.
General Personal Connection: Driving becomes automatic after practice, but learning a new language requires conscious effort.
Explicit Memory
Conscious memory of facts and events.
Cognitive Connection: Explicit memory is used in tasks requiring deliberate recall, such as answering questions on a quiz.
General Personal Connection: Remembering the capital of a country or a friend's birthday.
Implicit Memory:
Unconscious memory that influences behavior without awareness.
Cognitive Connection: Implicit memory affects our actions without conscious thought, such as skills learned through repetition (e.g., riding a bike).
General Personal Connection: Playing a song on an instrument or typing on a keyboard without thinking about each keystroke.
Episodic Memory
Memory for personal experiences and specific events.
Cognitive Connection: Essential for creating personal narratives and connecting past experiences to current actions.
General Personal Connection: Remembering a summer vacation or a birthday party.
Semantic Memory
Memory for general knowledge and facts.
Cognitive Connection: Used when recalling information not tied to specific experiences, such as knowing that water boils at 100°C.
General Personal Connection: Understanding historical facts or scientific principles.
Sensory Memory (Iconic and Echoic)
Brief storage of sensory information; iconic is visual, and echoic is auditory.
Working Memory
A system used for temporary storage and manipulation of information.
Cognitive Connection: Key for problem-solving and processing tasks in real-time.
General Personal Connection: Juggling multiple tasks, like cooking while reading a recipe or doing mental math.
maitenence rehersal
repeating info to short term memory
good for quick remembering but not retaining
ex: repeating phone number over and over until you remember it
eleborate rehersal
connecting new info to old
helps with retaining and long term memoery
connecting new vocab to a word u already know
Proactive Interference
Old information disrupts the recall of new information.
Retroactive Interference
New information disrupts the recall of old information.
perceptual set
the tendency to perceive or notice certain aspects of sensory information while ignoring others
Cognitive bias formed from past experinces and emotions
Definition: Mental templates that organize knowledge.
Connection: Speed up understanding but can cause stereotyping.
Example: Expecting a library to be quiet because of your schema for libraries.
Representativness heuristic
Definition: Judging based on how well something matches a stereotype.
Example: Assuming someone who likes books is a librarian.
availability heuristic
Definition: Judging likelihood based on how easily examples come to mind.
Example: Thinking shark attacks are common after watching a movie about one.
mental set
Definition: Sticking to old ways of solving problems.
Connection: Can block creative solutions.
Example: Reusing the same method to fix a computer, even if it doesn’t work now.
where exposure to one stimulus influences a person's response to a subsequent stimulus without their conscious awareness