Drury et al - date
Huesmann et al - date
Hilliard and Liben - date
Chen et al - date
Wood et al - date
Lueck and Wilson - date
Drury et al - aim
to investigate the role of social identity theory on helping using virtual reality
Huesmann et al - aim
to investigate the relationship between children’s exposure to TV violence and later aggressive and violent behaviours in young adulthood
Hilliard and Liben - aim
to determine how social category salience may play a role on development of stereotypes and inter-group behaviour in elementary school children
Chen et al - aim
to investigate the role of Confucian Work Dynamism (long-term orientation) on an individual’s buying habits
Wood et al - aim
to investigate the influence of parenting and toy selection on the enculturation of gender roles in children
Lueck and Wilson - aim
to investigate the variables that may predict acculturative stress in a nationally representative sample of Asian immigrants and Asian Americans