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What Indian history should you know far?

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What Indian history should you know far?

It was a British colony establisehd in 1858. They wanted freedom from Great Britian. Mohandas K Gandhi practiced ahisma, nonviolence, and satyagraha, or passive resistance. There were two mass movements from 1920-1922. ON 1930 there was the civil disobedience movement. The government of India act was passed in 1937. It gave India institutiosn for self government. However, 600 soveriegn Indian princes ddin’t cooperate and Muslims also didn’t because Hindus dominated the National Legislature. They called for a separate Muslim state. Muhammad Ali Jannah, was a lawyer and head of the Muslim League. He proposed that there should be 2 states: Hindu India and a “pure land” for the Muslims in the form of Pakistan.

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What did Asian nationalists rally their people against?

They wanted the end of colonialism and imperialism.

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What intercepted the drive for self-rule in INdia? (effects)

INdia had supported Great Britain’s war effort during WW2. AFter WW2 ends, churchill was out and replaced by a liberal labor government (labor party). They said there was no need for a British empire in India. The war devastated the economy, and so it was unrealistic for Britain to continue ruling over the Indian empire due to the financial burden it possessed.

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What did Muslim Indians increasingly fear?

THey feared an independent India that was dominated by HIndus. Muhammad Ali Jinnah, leader of the Muslim League, had the Muslim desire for a separate state and emphasized communalism, or religious identity over national identity. On August 1946, the Day of Direct Action was instigated by the Muslim League, and they protested Hindu dominated independence. Effects: This led to the Great Calcutta where over 6,000 people died.

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HOw did iNdian leaders like Gandhi feel about Muslim concerns?

They urged INdians to act as one nation against communalism and emphasized national identity over religious identity believed over religious identity. they believed that the division of INdia into a hindu and Muslim state would lead to violence.

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What happened on August 15, 1947?(effects)

India gained indepedence. It was dominated by Hindus. Pakistan gained independence and was dominated by Indian Muslims. In 1948 10 million refugees (people forced to leave the country to escape war, persecution, or natural disastor) made way to India and Pakistan. Effects: ½ -1 million people died due to violence.

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What is the Bandeng Conference? (effects)

On April 1955 in Bandung, Indonesia, leaders of 23 Asian countries and 6 African countries met with the goal to find the “3rd path” of the Cold war aka an alternative to siding with the US or Soviet Union. they decided on alignment, or having no alliance with the Cold War powers (akak formal neutrality). Effects: it failed due to a lack of unity and countries had close ties with the US or Soviet Union.

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Who is Jawaharlal Nehru and why is he importatn?

He was the first post independence prime minister of India from 1947-1964. He’s important because he established democracy in India.

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Who is Indira Gandhi and why is she important?

She was Nehru’s daughter. In 1966 she was the leader of the INdian national Congress. She’s imporatnat because she was prime minister of India from 1966-1977 and served again from 1980-1984.

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How did Indira Gandhi’s leadership impact India?

Positives: She enforced the Green Revolution, which increased the use of fertilizer. She wanted to increase agricultural yields to feed the increasing INdian population, which was made of 800 million people. Negative: The agricultural policies aided wealthy farmers. Effect: There was violence an

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How did WW2 impact Vietnam? (effects)

IN the Early modern period (1500-1800) France colonized Vietnam. French colonized Vietnam is also known as French Indo China. During WW2, Japan conquered Vietnam. End of WW2, French rule was over.

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Who is Ho Chi Minh and why’s he important? (effects)

He was a Vietnamese nationalist and Communist leader. He’s important because at the end of ww2 he helped kick out the Japanesse. ON Sept 1945, Minh issued the Vietnamese declaration of independence.

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How did France react to Vietnam’s push for independence at the close of WW2? (effects)

France tried to reclaim their status as a world power through impieral possession. Cause: AFter the fall of France, In 1945 they recaptured South Vietnam and moved to North Vietnam. However, the in North vietnam were the Viet Minh, who were nationalists and communists led by Minh. In 1947 the French capture north Vietnames and kill 10,000 Vietnamese civilians.

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How did Vietnamese nationalists respond to France’s push to reclaim Vietnam? (effects)

Viet Minh’s leader was Ho CHi Minh. The general was Vo Nguyen Giap. They estalbishedea campaign of guerilla warfare in the countryside. Effects: IN 1954 the Viet Minh defeat france.

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What is the General Conference? (effects)

In 1954 Geneva, Swizerland, there was a Peace conference. Effects: Vietnam was temporarily divided at the 17th parellel. IN the north was Ho chi Minh and communism. in the south were non communists. There would be an election in 2 years for a president to reunite Vietnam.

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how did the US react to the decidsions made at the Geneva Conference? (effects)

Dwight eisenhower applied the domino theory on Vietnam. This led to US support of South Vietnam. There, they built a government to stop the spread of communism.

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how did the people of South Vietnam react to South vietnam’s anti Communist policies?

South Vietnamese poltiical leaders don’t gain the peoples support. There was the growth of guerilla warfare in South Vietnam. IN 1960 nationalists formed the nNational Liberation Front, or NFL, with the goal of fighting for freedom from South Vietnamese rule and received aid from North vietam. North Vietnam received aid economically and militarily from the Soviets and China .

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What is the Vietnam war? (effects)

Causes: End of WW2 and the onset of the Cold War. there was also the Geneva Conference. Conflict: from 1955-1975 the first Indochina war was between France and northerrn nationalists and communists. the nationalists defeat the French. The seconded Indochina war is also known as the “vietnam war”. The “american war” was fought between North Vietnam, the Soviet union, and China vs South Vietnam, US intervention. then came the third Indochina war.

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How does the US react to the outbreak of guerilla warfare in South Vietnam and north vietnams’s intervention in the south?

In 1965, US president Lyndon b Johnson ordered a bombing campaign against north vietnam. he sent us ground troops to support the South Vietnamese forces. Effects: the war was at a stalemate.

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How did Americans react to eh US involvement in vietnam? (effects)

opposition to the gwar grows due to conscription. in 1968 president Richard nixon pledged to end the war by using a vietnamization policy, which was to escalate the conflict and extend the war to Cambodia. from 1965-1970 there was bombing in North Vietnam. the US turned the war over to South Vietnam.

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what happens to the gvietnma war by 1973?

us troops gradually withdrew from Vietnam and on January US involvement in the war ends.

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what political struggles did the Arab states of southwest Africa face after ww1?

Arab nationalists pushed for indepdence. Effects: There were obstacles such as the the mandate system that originated in 1919 during the ww1 Paris Peace conference. the league of nations created the mandate system so that divided lands could be “guided” by the Allied powers such as greatt Britain and France. it is an internationally sanctioned method of colonialism

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what southwest Arab states gained their independence shafter ww2? (effects)

syria, iraq, Lebanon, and jordan

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how did the Cold complicate the soveiegnty of Arab states in southwest Asia? (effects)

superpowers such as the US and Soviet union interfered in southwest Asia because they needed oil for their military power.

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who was the mandate power in Palestine after ww2? what kinds of promises did this mandate power make? (effects)

it was great Britain. they promised palestinain Arabs that Palestine would be their official homeland where they could face no persecution. Britain also promised palestinian Jews Palestine as their official homeland where they could face no persecution.

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what is the Balfour Declaration?

in 1917 Great Britain declared their committed support for the Jewish homeland to be Palestine because in 1890 there was a Zionist movement with the goal of combating anti semitism in Europe and establish a Jewish state by returning to Palestine, which was the original Jewish homeland. IN 1919 in the Paris Peace conference the Allies supported the Balfour Declaration. Effects: great Britain allowed the Jews to migrate to Palestine. the migration wass problematic because palestinian Arabs lived and controlled Palestine. Great Britain limited Jewish migration and settlement and promised to protect political and economic Arab rights.

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What kind of aa war began to grow in Palestine at the conclusion of ww2?

Palestinian Arabs team up with Arab states around Palestine that gained independence because of pan Arab nationalism. the states supported the Arabs in Palestine and opposed the Jewish state of Palestine. team 2 were the Palestinian Jews who were committed to the establishment of a jewish state to defended the world’s remaining Jews after the Holocaust. in 1945 there was violent resistance by the Jews in Palestine and they demand great Britain for Jewish self rule and the opening of immigration to Jews. in 1947 great Britain gives up and withdrew control of Palestine and turns it over to the UN. the general assembly then proposed Palestine to be divided into a palestinian Arab state and a Jewish state.

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cold War partitions =

partition of India,: India and Pakistan. partition of Korea: north and south Korea. Partition of Vietnam: north and south. partition of Palestine: Palestine and israel

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was the Palestine civil war the end of conflict in Palestine?(effects)

the causes of the civil war was the mandate system in where 1947 great Britain abandons Palestine and the UN divides Palestine into two states. that conflict lasts from 1947-1948. team 1 were palestinian jews vs team 2, Palestinian Arabs. effects: in May 1948 the Palestinian Arabs lose and the Jews win. they then created an independent state named israel

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what was the Palestinian civil war? (effects)

it was a series of wars in palestine between palestinaian Jews, or Israelis, and Palestinian Arabs. there were wars in 1948-1949, 1956,1967,1973,and 1982.

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how did the Palestinian Warsaw that followed the palestinian civil war impact Palestinian Jews and Arabs. (effects)

the Israelis win and increased the size of israel. hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs were displaced, creating refugees. there was no peace treaty

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What is intifada?

it refers to a civil uprising against Israeli occupation

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WHo unified China for the first time since the collapse of the Qing dynasty? (effects)

it was Mao Zedong. he transformed European communism into Chinese communism known as moaism.

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what does Mao Zedong do in 1949?

he launched a series of programs to accelerate SPICE developments in China to rapidly industrialize and collectivize agriculture, similar to that of stalin.

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what is the first five year plan? (effects)

In 1955 it was the first economic plan by Mao. it’s purpose was economic development by improving infrastructure. it also planned on expanding industry and agricultural development by confiscating land from rich peasants and landlords so that the gov could redistribute a small plot of land to every peasant. the government controls the agriculture and farmers are prohibited from selling crops. collective farms replace private farming.

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what social changes did Mao Zedong make?

he allowed for the equal rights of women and created marriage laws. he prohibited child marriage. there was also no forced marriage. women had equal access to divorce and he legalized abortion and prohibited foot binding.

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what is the Great leap forward? (Effects)

it was mao’s second economic program from 1958-1961 that planned on China to surpass the industrial production of developed nations. this allowed the government to own all land, manage ll businesses and industrial enterprises, and there was no private property. this plan fails as agricultural peasants didn’t meet mao’s production quotas and there were bad harvests. effects: this caused the deadliest famine that lasted from 1959-1962 where 20 million people died due to starvation and manutrition.

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whatis the cultural revolution? (effects)

from 1966-1976 the Great leap forward failed, causing Mao to desire to reignite revolutionary spirit in China and eliminate China’s enemies and opponents. He destroyed the “four olds”, which were old ideas, customs, cultures, and habits. he did this by closing schools, destroyed religious and cultural relics, and banned western ideas, music, literature, film, and theatre to bring them in line with communist ideology. Effects: opponents were beaten, killed, jailed, and sent to labor camps.

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what happened to Mao in 1976?

he dies

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who is deng Xiaoping?

he was a colleague of Mao. in 1981 he replaced him and became head of the people’s Republic of china, allowing communism to continue.

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what is deng’s revoltuion?

it was to reduce mao’s commitment to economic self sufficiency aka reduce communism and engineered China’s entry into the international financial and trading system, a move that was facilitated by the normalization of relations between China and the US in the 1970s. He opened China to foreign things such as capitalism. he sent tens of thousands of Chinese students to foreign unis. his purpose for this was to rebuild the profession elite because it was needed for modern development.

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What were the students that deng recruited exposed to in foreign universities?

they were exposed to democracy in western Europe and the US. In Beijing, China, at tianamen square, students staged a pro democracy demonstration. Effects: Deng stopped the demonstrations and sent troops to fire at the civilians.

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What happens in 1989?

due to deng’s experiences in the cultural revolution, it made him wary of zealous revolutionary movements,causing him to approve a bloody crackdown of the students protesting in tiananmen square. he faced hostile world opinion after crushing the movement.

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What AFrican history should you know so Far?

ther was the partition of Africa. volunteers, African chiefs recruited soldiers, and carriers, and conscription. they fought in both ww1 and ww2 for European colonizers. European colonizers don’t give their colonies independence after ww1. in ww2 the colonizers continued to use their colonies for profit. they increased their economic involvement and didn’t share any profit with African peoples. then came the rise of african nationalism and nationalist movements in africa. african nationalism was led by the “new elite”. African nationalists were doctors, lawyers, and writers. there were different forms of African nationalism. there were ones based on ethnicity, religion, or language. there was the rise of pan arianism, where the goal was teh unification of Africans as members of a single race.

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agitation for what in sub Saharan Africa took on many forms? what complicated the decolonization processing in Africa? (effects)

Agitation for independence came in many forms. they wanted the decolonization of Africa, or the process of freeing a dcountry form the dependency of another country. it was complicated due to internal divisions. ex: tribal, ethnic, religious, and linguistic divisions. effects: it was difficult for the national unity of all Africans.

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what did france do in 1956 and 1960?

in 1956 they gave Morocco independence and Tunisia indepedence. in 1960, also known as the “year of Africa” thirteen African French colonies gained independence.

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what was revitalized in the north African French colony of abjeriz at the end of ww2?

nationalism and indepdendce from France and freedom from domination by the whites was revitalized.

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what happened in Algeria in May 1945?

ther was a revolt in setif, Algeria. it was a peaceful demonstartion in support of Algerian nationalism and Arab nationalism. effects: the French police fire shots and the Algerians rito. France represses the ritos and 8,000 algerians were killed and 10 french people died.

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what is the Algerian war of liberation?

cause: the algerian reovlt and massacre. Conflict: lasted form 1954-1962. team 1 was the Front de Liberation National of Algeria, or the FLN, who used guerilla warfare. team 2 was france, who had ½ million soldiers. effects: in 1968 the fln wins and France loses. Algeria gained independence from France.

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who is frantz fanon and why’s he important?

he was an Algerian reovltuionary. he was from martinique part of the French West indies. he studied psychiatry in France and worked at an Algeria hospital where he headed the psychiatric department. he’s important because in 1961 he wrote The Wretched of the earth, where he aruged the use of violence against colonial oppressors. he said that violence overcame racism. Gandhi was the opposite of fannon because he believed violence wan’t the answer. Gandhi practice ahisma.

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what is Negritude?

it’s a nationalist movement that promoted “blackness” and led by African intellectuals with the goal of reviving African traditions. ex: cultures. and encourage Africans to get away from Europeans and embrace African SPICE.

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how did AFrican nationalist movements emerge?

there were nationalist organizations and poltiical parties. there were also grassroots movements, or organized native peoples with the purpose of fighting for indepedence.e

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why did imperial powersw in africa plan for a slow transition to indepdendce fro afircan nations?

they believed Africans were incapable of self government and needed time to train them for self-government.

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How did the Cold war impact indepdence and decolonization in Africa? (effects)

the imperial powers feared the spread of commuinsm. effects: they needed to oppress peoples to keep them safe from communism. they stopped indepdence movements, rebellions, and iotws because they believed that they were started by communists. Africa eventually gained indepdence.

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what was the first sub saharna country to achieve indepdence form colonial rule?(effects)

it was west Africa, specifically Ghana, which was a British colony starting in 1974 because of nationalist leaders such as kwama Nkrumah. there was the emergence of nationalist political parties as well. effects: Nkrumah was jailed and politcal parties were repressed. in 1957 they gainedi independence from pritain.

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how did ghana’s independence impact other African nations?

it inspired other natalist movements. effects: 30+ African states gained independence. Nkrumah became the spokesperson of pan African unity.

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how did kenya’s indepdence movement begin in 1947? (effects)

Kenya is located in East Africa and a bitish colony the Kikuyu were kenya’s largest ethnic group. there were militant nationalists who led violent campaigns for indepdence against Europeans and traitorous Africans. the British gov doesn’t recognize the uprisings becasue they believed the kikuyu to be communists.

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what caused kikuyu resentment of colonial rule?

from 1930-1940 there was settler agriculture. effects: white settlers pushed the kikuyu off their land and they became wage laborers.

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how did kikuyu resistance begin? (effects)

it began in the 1940s with labor strikes and direct action campaigns. in 1952 great Britain establisehd a state of emergency in Kenya to crush the uprisings. Effects: Britain establsihed counterinsurgency programs, or military offensives, against protestsers. in 1956 Brits stopped resistances and led to 12,000 African casualties.

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how did Kenya finally gain indepdence?

the kikuyu defeat Britain and keep fighiing. in 1959 grreat Britain lifts the state of emergency. Kenyan nationalists estlabish poltiicial parties for independence. in 1963 Kenya negotiates independene with great birtian.

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what was the basis of South africa’s economy? how was the econoomy impacted by ww2? (effects)

the extraction of minerals led to industrial development. in ww2 there was the growth of the industrial sectror. effects: it opened tjobs to blacks and gave the possiblity of change in their social status. it also led to the rise of black activism and political reform.

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what is the Afrikaner national party?

established in 1948, it was a white south african political power. it comes into power and was dedicated to stopping black indepdence.

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what is apartheid? (effects)

it’s a set of laws established by the afrikaner national party. apartheid means the “separateness” of blacks from whites. it was white supremacy. it institutionalized racial segregation 87% of South africa’s territory was reserved for white residents only. non whites were classified by their ethnic identifications. ex: colored, mix-raced, Indians, and “bantu” tribal distinctions such as the Zulu, Xhosa, and Sotho. the purpose was to keep blacks subordinate to whites.

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what was protest against apartheid like?

iN 1912 the African national Congress, or AnC was led by Nelson Mandela. he led direct action campaigns against apartheid. in 1955 the AnC publishes the freedom charter and writes the goal of multiracial Democratic rule in South Africa.

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how did the government of South Africa respond to the AnC?

the south African government represses AC supporters, aka communists. on March 1960 white police gun down black demonstrations in sharpville. Effects: 69 black casualties and 200 wounded. the government bans black organizations and jails protestors. in 1963 the government captures AnC leaders such a as Nelson mandela and sentences him to life in prison.

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how did apartheid end?(effects)

in 1989 FW de Klerk became president of South Africa and he and the national party began to dismantle apartheid. in 1990 Nelson was released and the AnC was legalized. deklerk and Mandela and the AnC negotiate the e end of white rule. in 1994 a new South African constitution was created and elections that was open to all races allowed the AnC to win and mandela becomes the first black president of South Africa.

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what Latin American history should you know so far?

new colonial powers were ethe us, great Britain. the US and great Britain were colonizers of neocolonialism, which was intervention in the form of economic domination and political and military intervention. the growth of us economic imperialism was due to US president William Howard Taft. in 1912 he gives his final address to Congress. his speech was known as the “dollar diplomacy speech. Taft said European investments should be replaced with us investments. American businesses neededd to develop foreign markets in Latin america peacefully and avoid military intervention. The ‘New Neigbor politicy” was created by Franklin d roosevelt. It’s a policy of non intervention cooperation between us and Latin American nations. Purpose of the policy: being an aggressive neighbor would lead to Latin American resistance of American imperialism. if the US was a “good neighbor” latin America would continue to cooperate with us economic imperialism. Diego Rivera was a Mexican artist and activist in the Mexican communist party.

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who is Lazzaro Cardenas and what changes did he make in Mexico?

he was president of Mexico from 134-1940. he applied reforms guaranteed by the 1917 Mexican constitution. he gave 45 mill acres of land to peasants. Causes: in 1910 during the Mexico revolution emiliano Zapata’s battle cry was “land and liberty”. Cardenas reformed the Mexican oil industry. he takes it away from foreigners and established petroleos mexicano, or PEMEX, mexcio’s oil company. the purpose of it was to control mexico’s oil products. he nationalizes the Mexican oil indistury.this leads to El Milagro mexicano, or the Mexican economic miracal. effects: this led to decades of Mexican prosperity

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what was Mexican politics like following cardenas’ presidency?

mexico was a democracy. there was the emergence of political parties. the institutional revolutionary part, or the pri, was the dominant party. it was made up of conservative European elites. in 1990 the pri campaigned for poltiicial oppression of mexcan peasants and indigenous peoples such as the Chiapas of southern Mexico. the Democratic reovltuionary party, or PRD, was a liberal political party led by cardenas’s son lazaro cardenas.

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what Latin American nations became a leader in the struggle against us and economic and political intervention?

in South america, Argentina. in 1946, president Juan Peron, former army colonial, controlled the government though the military, meaning it was a military dictatoriship. ti was popular because he appealed to Argentina’s poor.

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what dominated Argentina politically?

it was nationalist populiassm. the government was the champions of the common peoples. they supported the working class and industrialization. the protected the economy from foreign control.

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who is Eva Peron?

she was wivfe of Juan Peron. she’s known as “evita”. she’s the first lady of Argentina from 1946-1952 and helped peron’s popularity because she rose from poverty and migrated at 15 to Buenos Aires and worked as a soap opera actress.

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What political rule did Evita play in peron’s administration?

she pusehd her husband’s political reforms and sympathized with the poor of Argentina known as descaminisados. the poor visited her offices of the labor of ministry and asked and received gifts such as dentures, wedding clothes, and medical care. seh cared for children in her own home. in 1948 she created the Eva Peron foundation that gave out lona,s provided tools, established scholarships for deserving people who needed the money. they also constructed housing for needy families. the yalso constructed educational establishments, hospitals, and recreational facilities. she was called Santa evita after her death. in 1955 Peron was taken out of power and the office elects military dictators who ruled Argentina fo 3 decades.

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what was Argentina like politically afterr the rule of Juan Peron?

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what groups of people in argentina began speaking up against Argentine military dictatorships?

ther was the rise of female activism.

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in addition to Argentina, what other nations in Latin America faced issues after ww2?

central America: Guatemala and nicuaga

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what was Guatemala like politically after ww2?

in 1951 jacobo arbena guaman was president. in 1953 guaman’s government seized hundreds of thousands of acres of uncultivated land and land owned by the United fruit company, which was a private fruit company controlled mostly by US investors. guaman wants control of land and plans on redistributing it to peasants. he offers monetary compensation to the United fruit company. it’s similar to Cardenas by seizing the Mexican oil industry in the form of pemex.

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hwo does the US respond to guzman’s land plan in Guatemala?

the US fruit company and government says that hsi money wasn’t enough and argues that he was a Communist. they feared the spread of communism in central America.

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how did US president Eisenhower respond to guatemala’s gov?

the CIA overthrew guaman’s government and sent arms to nicuaga and hunduras to protect them from communism. the CIA trains non commie Guatemalans under colonel Carlos castillo armas so that they could asttack and weaken guaman’s gov. in 1964 guaman gov was out.

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what was Guatemalaa like politically after the fall of guuzman’s gov?

us supported colonel Carlos Castillo armas. armas established a military gov. he returns land to the United fruit comapny and suppresses opponents by torturing and murdering them. in 1957 he was killed. effects: Guatemalan civil war.

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waht was Nicaragua like politically after ww2?

president anastacio Somoza Garcia was in power. in the 1930s teh national gaurd murdered nationalist Augusto Cesar sandino. somoza Garcia WA an anticommie. the us was its allies. he outlowed the commie party. garcia’s sons Luis and anastacio controlled Nicaraguan political 40+ years with us supporting it financially and militarily.

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how did nations lin Latin America and nicuaraguans react to US involvement in nicuaragua?

there was growing dislike of the US . in the 1960s Nicaraguans created the sandinista font fro national liberation, or FSCN. it was named after nationalist Auguso Cesar sandino. the members were known s Sandinistas and their goal was guerilla warfare and overthrow Somozas. they overthrew Somozas in 1979. they gain power in nicuaragua

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hwo did the US react it he riseo f the Sandinistas in cnicuagagua?

In 1981 president Ronald Reagan was an anticommunist. he argued that Sandinistas helped Communist reberls in el salvdor. effects: he stopped aid to Nicaragua and boycotted it. in 1983 he supported contrast, CiA trained counterrevolutionary group dedicated to overthrowing the fsln financially and militarily. effedcts: contra war in nicaragua.

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how did central American leaders intervene in the dveloping tensions between the Sandinistas an d thecontras?

presidnet Oscar arias Sanchez of cospta Rica helped end the Nicaraguan contra war. in 1989 there was the peace agreement. the UN was the peacekeeping force and monitored elections. they disarmed the contrast. effects: democracy returned to Nicaragua and there was improved relations between Nicaragua and the US.

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what revolutionary doctrines di the peoples of central and south america begin to experiment with as a result of teh economic and political stuggles of their nations?

catholic priests used a “liberation theology” which combined catholicism and Marxism to combat misery and repression of the masses through “revolutionary slavation’” in the form of Marxism. effects: governments ordered the assassinations of priests

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hwo did new reovltuionary ideollgoeis and political activism impact altin American women?

women pushed for national liberation and women’s liberation. in 1977 the nicuaragua association of women were concerned over the natioanl crisis and were part of the rsln. they said “no revolution w/out women’s emancipation, no emancipaiton w/out revolution. feminism, or the advocacy of women’s rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to men.

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what’s Latin america ike political and economically in the 20th century?

there was a revival of democracy. they faced economic problems as landowning elites allied w/ the US. there was a the wealthy adn everyone else were the poor masses.

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what’s the dependency theory?

Argentine ecobonmist Raul Prebish estqablihsedh the depdency theory on eChononmic devlopment. the theory says north armica aka the US and European industrial nations were the center and dominated the internaitonal economy and profited at the expense of non industrialized nations. Latin American nations were periphery states, meaning they were export economies depdenct on “center nations” there was no strong domestic ecnomy and they needed to diversitfy it by becoming both an export and domestic economy.

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