REX + TOMLINSON: black underclass
working class ethnic minorities face further social challenges than the white working class because of their few numbers and lack of status in racist societies
this effects employment and housing opportunities
ethnic minorities suffer from both class and status inequality
BARRON + NORRIS: dual labour market
white men dominate secure jobs with good salaries and promotional prospects, ethnic minorities (women especially) have jobs with poor conditions and poor pay due to their lack of status
RICHARD DYER: the matter of whiteness
‘whiteness’ is seen as the cultural norm, and not seen as an identifying feature in the same way as ‘black’ or ‘asian’
this creates an ‘otherness’ when describing people by their ethnicity
ROGER HEWITT: ‘white backlash’
found that a reaction to a perceived threat to ‘whiteness’ led to a racist subculture of white nationalists
white working-class felt overlooked and left behind
others expressed frustration with political correctness