Continuous Spectrum
a rainbow is a common example of this type of spectrum
Emission Line Spectrum
a spectrum consisting of lines against a dark background
an instrument used to carry out measurements on spectra
the colour emitted by lithium in a flame test
the colour emitted by potassium in a flame test
the colour emitted by barium in a flame test
the colour emitted by strontium in a flame test
the colour(s) emitted by copper in a flame test
the colour emitted by sodium in a flame test
the energy of an electron in an atom cannot have just any value but may only have certain specific values
Energy Level
the fixed energy value an electron in an atom may have
Ground State
(of an atom) is one in which the electrons occupy the lowest available energy levels
Excited State
(of an atom) is one in which the electrons occupy higher energy levels than those available in ground state
energy is emitted in this form of light, when an electron falls back to a lower energy level
Frequency of Light Emitted
E2 - E1 = hf
Planck’s Constant
is denoted by h
Frequency of Light Emitted
is denoted by f
Paschen Series
invisible - found in infrared region
Balmer Series
Lyman Series
invisible - found in ultraviolet region
Absorption Spectrum
produced when white light passes through a gaseous sample of an element
consists of dark lines against a coloured background
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle
it is impossible to measure at the same time both the velocity and the position of an electron
Limitations to Bohr’s Theory
worked only for hydrogen
did not take into account the wave motion of the electron
Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle was in conflict with it
did not take into account the presence of sublevels
a region in space in which there is a high probability of finding an electron
S Orbitals
are spherical in shape
P Orbitals
are dumbbell shaped
a subdivision of a main energy level, and consists of one or more orbitals of the same energy