Possible essays: river processes of erosion, transportation and deposition and spatial and temporal factors influencing their operation, including channel characteristics and seasonality
Stream Order
Water Budget
97.2% Salt Water, 2.8% Fresh Water
2.15% Frozen, 0.62% Ground, 0.03% Lakes, soils, atmosphere, 0.0001% Rivers
Distance Source to Mouth
Actual distance/straight distance = pi
Pool to pool/riffle to riffle
6x bedwidth
Thalweg length A to B / straight line A to B
Delta Types
Nile: Wave-dominated
Mississippi: River-dominated
Ganges: Tide-dominated
River Regime
Average levels over time(typically by month)
Shows a storm over time with discharge and rainfall
Peak rainfall + discharge, rising limb, falling limb, base flow, storm flow, and lag time all shown
Affected by rainfall type, drainage density, saturation, geology, etc.
Drainage Basin Density
Ratio of total length of streams within a drainage basin to the total area of the drainage basin, higher value indicates higher stream density and faster storm response
Volume of water passing a point in one second, cross-sectional area(m²) x velocity(m/sec), cumecs
Hydraulic radius
cross-sectional area/wetted perimeter
Gauging Station
Measure discharge, predicts floods
Schumm Model
Models rivers(discharge, channel width, depth, velocity, gradient) over three zones(upland, flood plain, estuarine)
Factors Affecting River Velocity
Flow Type → turbulent in UC vs laminar in LC
Channel Shape
Roughness → Manning’s coefficient calculated from velocity, hydraulic radius, slope
Dew Point
Pressure and temperature at which water vapour condenses