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a system in which society, usually in the form of the government, owns and controls the means of production
Karl Marx
developed Marxism
common ownership of property
the right to vote
drinking in moderation
no drinking of alcohol
Corn Laws
1815 tariff on imported grain to protect domestic producers
Reform Bill of 1832
entitled the Middle Class to vote
universal man sufferage and secret ballots
Benjamin Deiraeli
Prime minister of 1867 doubling the number of men who could vote
Reform Act of 1867
granted voting privilages to all male homeowners
William Gladstone
stressed domestic reform during his term as Prime Minister
Parliament Bill of 1911
reduced the House of Lords from its status as equal partner w/ House of Commons; took away the power of veto from the House of Lords
Louis Napoleon Bonaparte
elected President of France, declared himself President for life, and later made himself emperor of France and made his name Napoleon III
Second Empire
the empire Napoleon III establish
Third Republic
the forces that captured and deposed Louis Napoleon Bonaparte
hosility toward Jews
Dreyfus Affair
1894 falsely charged for supplying French secrets to the Germans
massacre of Jews in Russia or eastern Europe
desired to imitate mideival times
replaced romanticism as a new art form
Charles Dickens
wrote about the negitive aspects of the Industrial Revolution
Leo Tolstoy
described the difficulties of the life in Russia
James Maxwell
Scottish scientist; predicted the existence of radio waves before their discovery; combined the sciences of electricity, magnetism, and optics into one model
Louis Pasteur
a French chemist, developed a method of heating milk and other liquids in order to slow the development of disease-causing microbes, pasteurization, proved that spontaneous generation is a myth
a method of heating milk and other liquids in order to slow the development of disease-causing microbes
Charles Darwin
wrote "Origin of Species" which described his ideas on evolution and natural selection
internal combustion engine
produces power inside the engine
Wright brothers
made the first successful airplane flight on 12/17/1903
enables people to write messages to others who live far away
Samuel Morse
invented Morse code
a device used to send and recieve sounds and speech over any distance
Alexander Graham Bell
invented the telephone
Porfirio Diaz
develop a constitutional democracy and prosperity
British North America Act
created the dominion in Canada with Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia as the four provinces