1970s-1980s \= investment by foreign TNCs in EU, training and employment grew, multiplier effect created, opportunities for people and places, increase in international opportunities, firms specialised in areas where they had comparative advantage
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Positive impacts of economic change in ACs
Increase in industrial efficiency caused development of new tech and promotion of entrepreneurship which attracts FDI, growth of LIDCs caused increasing demand for exports from ACs, loss of mining and manufacturing improved environment
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Negative impacts in ACs
Global shift caused secondary job loss, TNCs relocated internationally for lower costs and increased profits, workers who lost jobs may not have been able to transfer skills to new jobs so remain unemployed
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Positive impacts in EDCs and LIDCs
Reduces negative trade imbalances, led to exposure of new tech + skills improvement + labour productivity, higher export generated income produces export led growth which promotes investment and creates multiplier effect
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Negative impacts in EDCs and LIDCs
Industrialisation causes environmental degradation, leakage occurs where TNCs send money back to source country, unlikely to decrease inequality due to jobs concentrated in core areas