physics final

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An object with a positive velocity accelerates at a constant rate of 4 m/s2. This means that the object:

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An object with a positive velocity accelerates at a constant rate of 4 m/s2. This means that the object:

Increases its speed by 4 m/s every second

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<p>Starting from the origin, a person walks 4 km east during first day, and 7 km west the next day. What is the total traveled distance of the person from the initial point in two days? (see above pic)</p>

Starting from the origin, a person walks 4 km east during first day, and 7 km west the next day. What is the total traveled distance of the person from the initial point in two days? (see above pic)

11 km

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<p>A race car moving west begins to slow down after crossing a finish line. Which of the following is the correct direction of the car&apos;s acceleration? (See above pic)</p>

A race car moving west begins to slow down after crossing a finish line. Which of the following is the correct direction of the car's acceleration? (See above pic)


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A modern car can develop an acceleration four times greater than an antique car. If they accelerate over the same distance, what would be the velocity of the modern car compared to the antique car?

2 times as much

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A vector quantity must have a magnitude and a _______________.


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<p>What is the distance that the object travels in the first 4 seconds?</p>

What is the distance that the object travels in the first 4 seconds?

16 m

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<p>What is the acceleration during the first four seconds?</p>

What is the acceleration during the first four seconds?

2 m/s/s

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<p>What is the acceleration during the last four seconds?</p>

What is the acceleration during the last four seconds?

0 m/s/s

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<p>As shown above, a ball is thrown up a ramp with an initial speed. The ball goes to the top of the ramp and then comes back down the ramp. Which of the following is true about the ball&apos;s velocity and acceleration at the top of the ramp? Up the ramp is considered the positive direction.</p>

As shown above, a ball is thrown up a ramp with an initial speed. The ball goes to the top of the ramp and then comes back down the ramp. Which of the following is true about the ball's velocity and acceleration at the top of the ramp? Up the ramp is considered the positive direction.

Its velocity is zero and acceleration is negative and non-zero constant

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<p>Describe the object&apos;s motion between 0 and 10 seconds.</p>

Describe the object's motion between 0 and 10 seconds.

The object travels to the right and slows down.

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<p>Describe the object&apos;s motion between 10 and 20 seconds.</p>

Describe the object's motion between 10 and 20 seconds.

The object travels to the left and speeds up.

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<p>At what time does the object turn around?</p>

At what time does the object turn around?


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<p>What is the acceleration of the system of two blocks?</p>

What is the acceleration of the system of two blocks?


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<p>What is the force exerted on Block B by block A?</p>

What is the force exerted on Block B by block A?


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A horizontal force is exerted on an object so that it moves at a constant speed across a rough horizontal surface with coefficient of friction, µk. What is the acceleration of the object?

0 m/s/s

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A net force F acts on a mass m and produces and acceleration a. What acceleration results if a net force 2F acts on a mass 3m?


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A person, of weight mg, is standing on a scale in an elevator. What will the scale read when the elevator is moving upward with a decreasing speed?

Less than mg

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A person, of weight mg, is standing on a scale in an elevator. What will the scale read when the elevator moves at a constant speed upward?

Equal to mg

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term image

6 N

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<p><span>A push broom of mass m is pushed across a rough horizontal floor by a force of magnitude T directed at angle θ as shown below. The coefficient of friction between the broom and the floor is μ. The </span><strong>frictional force</strong><span> on the broom has magnitude:</span></p>

A push broom of mass m is pushed across a rough horizontal floor by a force of magnitude T directed at angle θ as shown below. The coefficient of friction between the broom and the floor is μ. The frictional force on the broom has magnitude:

μ(mg + Tsinθ)

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<p><span>A block of weight W is pulled along a horizontal surface at constant speed v by a force F, which acts at an angle of θ with the horizontal, as shown below. The </span><strong>normal force</strong><span> exerted on the block by the surface has magnitude:</span></p>

A block of weight W is pulled along a horizontal surface at constant speed v by a force F, which acts at an angle of θ with the horizontal, as shown below. The normal force exerted on the block by the surface has magnitude:

W - Fsinθ

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<p><span>A uniform rope of weight 50 N is attached to a hook as shown below. A box of weight 100 N is attached to the rope. What is the </span><strong>tension</strong><span> in the rope?</span></p>

A uniform rope of weight 50 N is attached to a hook as shown below. A box of weight 100 N is attached to the rope. What is the tension in the rope?

It varies from 100 N at the bottom of the rope to 150 N at the top.

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<p>One end of a massless rope is attached to a mass <em>m</em>; the other end is attached to a mass of 1.00 kg. The rope is hung over a massless frictionless pulley as shown in the below figure. Mass <em>m </em>accelerates downward at 5.0 m/s<sup>2</sup>. What is <em>m</em>?</p>

One end of a massless rope is attached to a mass m; the other end is attached to a mass of 1.00 kg. The rope is hung over a massless frictionless pulley as shown in the below figure. Mass m accelerates downward at 5.0 m/s2. What is m?

3 kg

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<p><span>A rock is thrown horizontally from a cliff.&nbsp; The graph below represents the ________ position of the rock vs time.</span></p>

A rock is thrown horizontally from a cliff.  The graph below represents the ________ position of the rock vs time.


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<p><span>An rock is thrown horizontally from a cliff.&nbsp; The graph below represents the ________ velocity of the rock vs time.&nbsp; (Down is considered to be the positive direction.</span></p>

An rock is thrown horizontally from a cliff.  The graph below represents the ________ velocity of the rock vs time.  (Down is considered to be the positive direction.


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term image

D. (F T graph down/right diagonal)(A T graph straight horizontal line to right and below X axis)

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An object is released from rest on a planet that has no atmosphere. The object falls freely for 3.0 meters in the first second.  What is the magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity on the planet?

6 m/s/s

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<p>How do the speeds of the ball at the three points compare?</p>

How do the speeds of the ball at the three points compare?

vQ< vP = vR

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<p><span>Which of the following diagrams best shows the direction of the acceleration of the ball at point P?</span></p>

Which of the following diagrams best shows the direction of the acceleration of the ball at point P?


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<p><span>Which of the following best indicates the direction of the velocity, if any, on the ball at point Q?</span></p>

Which of the following best indicates the direction of the velocity, if any, on the ball at point Q?


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A pilot drops a package from a plane flying horizontally at a speed of 100 m/s along a straight line.  Two seconds later while maintaining that speed the pilot drops a second package.  What can you determine from the given information?

The distance between the two packages.

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A girl throws a rock horizontally, with a velocity of 10 m/s, from a bridge.  It falls 20 m to the water below.  How far does the rock travel horizontally before striking the water?

20 m

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Neglect air resistance.  A pilot drops a package from a plane flying horizontally.  When the package hits the ground, the horizontal location of the plane will be

directly over the package

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Multiple Correct.  Two marbles roll off of a table at the same moment.  One is traveling at 3 m/s and the other at 5 m/s.  The table is 1 m high.  Which of the following are true? Select two answers.

  1. Both marbles have the same acceleration.

  2. The marble with the speed of 5 m/s will land further than the one with the speed of 3 m/s.

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Multiple Correct.  The velocity of a projectile at launch has a hori­zontal component v0x and a vertical component v0y. Air resistance is negligible.  When the projectile is at the highest point of its trajectory, which of the following is true?  Select two answers.

  1. The horizontal component of the velocity is the same as v0x.

  2. The vertical component of the velocity is zero.

New cards
<p><span>A ball is fastened to a string and is swung in a vertical circle. When the ball is at the highest point of the circle its velocity and acceleration directions are:</span></p>

A ball is fastened to a string and is swung in a vertical circle. When the ball is at the highest point of the circle its velocity and acceleration directions are:


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A ball with a mass m is fastened to a string and is swung in a vertical circle. When the ball is at the lowest point of the circle the tension in the string is:


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A child whirls a ball at the end of a rope, in a uniform circular motion. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

The velocity of the ball is constant.

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A roller coaster car is on a track that forms a circular loop in the vertical plane. If the car is to just maintain contact with track at the top of the loop, what is the minimum value for its centripetal acceleration at this point?

g downward

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A pilot executes a vertical dive then follows a semi-circular arc until it is going straight up. Just as the plane is at its lowest point, the force of the seat on him is

more than mg, and pointing up.

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A ball attached to a string is whirled around in a horizontal circle having radius r. If the radius of the circle is changed to r/4 and the same centripetal force is applied by the string, the new speed of the ball is which of the following?

One-half of the original speed

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A satellite encircles Mars at a distance above its surface equal to 3 times the radius of Mars. The acceleration of gravity of the satellite, as compared to the acceleration of gravity on the surface of Mars, is

one-sixteenth as much

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A planet has a radius twice that of Earth and a ten times the Earth’s mass. The gravitational acceleration at the surface of the planet is most nearly


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What happens to the force of gravitational attraction between two small objects if the distance between their centers is halved?

It is quadrupled.

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Two planets have the same surface gravity, but planet B has twice the mass of planet A. If planet A has radius r, what is the radius of planet B?


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<p>Choose 2 answers</p>

Choose 2 answers

Particle 1 and Particle 2

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Based on the masses and radii of the following planets, which two will have the same surface gravity?

Planet A with a mass of M and a radius of R.
Planet D with a mass of 4M and a radius of 2R.

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A car of mass m, traveling at speed v, stops in time t when maximum braking force is applied.  Assuming the braking force is independent of mass, what time would be required to stop a car of mass 2m traveling at speed v?


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Two football players with mass 75 kg and 100 kg run directly toward each other with speeds of 6 m/s and 8 m/s respectively.  If they grab each other as they collide, the combined speed of the two players just after the collision would be:

2 m/s

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A 5000 kg freight car moving at 4 km/hr collides and couples with an 8000 kg freight car which is initially at rest.  The approximate common final speed of these two cars is


1.5 km/h

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Two carts are held together.  Cart 1 is more massive than Cart 2.  As they are forced apart by a compressed spring between them, which of the following will have the same magnitude for both carts?


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A ball with a mass of 0.50 kg and a speed of 6 m/s collides perpendicularly with a wall and bounces off with a speed of 4 m/s in the opposite direction.  What is the magnitude of the impulse acting on the ball?


5 N*s

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A cart with mass 2m has a velocity v before it strikes another cart of mass 3m at rest.  The two carts couple and move off together with a velocity of



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A 50 kg skater at rest on a frictionless rink throws a 2 kg ball, giving the ball a velocity of 10 m/s.  Which statement describes the skater’s subsequent motion?


0.4 m/s in the opposite direction of the ball's motion.

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A ping-pong ball is rolled at a velocity of +v directly at a bowling ball that is initially at rest. What is the final velocity of the ping-pong ball directly after the collision?  The bowling ball?


–v; ≈ 0

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