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6 am-10 pm, 10 pm- 6 am
falls: nurses shud visit every hour fm —, every 2 hrs fm —-
a. assess b. inform physician c. incident report d. document
4 what shud a nurse do if a client falls
single temporary event that consist of uncontrolled electrical neural discharge of brain
protect head, establish airway
2 what to if client has seizure
tyep of seizure: electrical discharge fm one area to brain
generalized seizure
type of seizure: affect whole brain
grand mal(tonic-clonic), LOC
2 injury fm generalized seizure
burn fm liquid/vapor
result fm excessive exporsure to thermal, chemical, electric radioactive agents
rescue, alarm, contain, extinguish
RACE protocol means
a. paper, wood, rag
b. flammable liquid and gases
c. electrical
a. class A
b. class b
c. class c
categories of fire
use —in using the fore extinguisher
lack of oxygen due to interrupted breathing
level, frequency, duration
excessive noise can cause hearing loss depend on: 3
sound level above — db are painful and cause hearing damage
exposure to — db for sevaral hrs can lead to progressive/permannet hearing loss
limit time, distance, shielding devices
3 protection fm radiation
devices use to reduce/prevent physical activity
physical, chemical, seclusion
type of restraint
a. leather or cloth, and ankle restraint
b. use of meds
c. involuntary confinement in a room
a. roll belt
b. mitt
c. limb
type of restraint
a. allow side to side
b. avoid pulling
c. immobilize a limb
the term complementary & alternative medicine (CAM) includes — other therapies
combined mental, emotional, spiritual relationship, and environmental components
mind and body are indivisible, indiv have the power to solve their own problems
finding desirable point bet. opposite forces rather than being purely in one state or another
drive to become all that one can be & bound to intuition, creativity and motivation
force that integrates body, mind spirit; connects everything
healing environment
empower clients by providing knowledge, skills, and support that allow them to make healthy decisions
prevented western medicine to lean new ways
ayurveda, trad. chinese med, native american healing, curanderismo
4 systematized hc practices
emphasizes interdependence of health of individuals & quality of societal life
a. 3000
b. vital energy
c. mind, energy, body, spirit
traditional chinese med
a. yrs?
b. body?
c. composed of 4
native american healing
connection to the land, balance/harmony bet. mind and body
cultural healing tradition found in latin america
emotional support of mother
systematized hc pracs
botanical healing
nutritional therapy
manual healing methods
mind body therapy
spiritual therapy
miscellaneous therapy
7 healing modalities
herbal medicine, aromatherapy, homeopathy, naturopathy
4 botanical healing therapy
herbal med
treating illness w/ herbs
can interact w/ drugs so take caution when combining herbs w/ prescription & dtc med
self healing systematized assisted by small doses of remedies/medicine which is useful on a variety of acute/chronic illness
therapeutic use of essential oil plants in which odor of fragrance plays important role
goal is the restoration of health and normal body function rather than application
w/out use of drugs
nutritional therapy
consumption of specific types of diets
chiropractic, massage, acupuncture/acupressure/reflexology, hand mediated biofield therapy
4 manual healing methods
focuses on the relationship bet. the body’s structure mainly the spine & its functioning
scientific manipulation of the soft tissues of the body, a healing art, act of physical caring, way f communicating w/ out words
acupuncture, acupressure
techniques in which pressure/stimulation is applied to specific points on the body, to relieve pain, cure illness & promote wellness
form of acupressure most commonly performed on the feet but the hands/ears may also be manipulated
t/f: massage not allowed for 1st trimester but allowed for 2nd and 3rd
hand - mediated biofield therapy
using the hands to alter the biofield or energy field
therapeutic touch, healing touch, reiki
3 approaches of hand mediated biofield which could defined as the use of hands or near the body with the intention to manipulate
yoga, meditation, hypnotherapy, guided imagery, biofeedback, qi gong, tai chi, pilates
8 mind body therapy
way of life includes ethical models for behavior & mental & physical excercises aimed at producing spiritual enlightenment
fitness oriented
western approach to yoga
calm themeselves, sope w/ stress & for those w/ spiritual inclination, feel as one with God/universe
application of hypnosis in a wide variety of medical & psychological disorders
guided imagery
state focused attention, much like hypnosis that encourages in attitudes, behavior & physiologuc rxn
method by which indiv can learn to control physiologic responses of the body
qi gong
chinese discipline consisting of breathing & mental excercise
t’ai chi
arose out of qi gong and combines physical fitness, meditation & self defense
method of physical movement & exercise designed to stretch, strenngthen & balance the body in particular the core including abdominal area
refer to a belief in supreme being who listens & responds to individual & who cares abt their wellbeing
form of communication & fellowship
music therapy, humor & laughter, bioelectromagnetics, detox therapy, animal assisted therapy, horticultural therapy
6 miscellaneous therapy
music therapy
variety of prac settings. quiet, soothing music w/out words is often use to induce relazation
humor & laughter
bring out and integrate indiv positive emotions
how living organism interacts w/ electromagnetic fields
detoxifying therapy
physical/impurities & toxins must be cleared from the body
animal assisted therapy
use of animals as treatment modality in health & human service settings
horticultural therapy
view nature, visit healing garden