Chapter 4

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Pork barrel spending

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Pork barrel spending

legislation that directs specific funds to projects within districts or states

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trading of votes on legislation by members of congress to get their earmarks passed into legislation

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efforts by congress to ensure that executive branch agencies, bureaus, and cabinet department, as well as their officials, are acting legally and in accordance with congressional goals.

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a body of voters in a given area who elect a representative or senator

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the process of determining the number of representative for each state using census data

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states’ redrawing of boundaries of electoral districts following each census

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the intentional use of redistricting to benefit a specific interest or group of voters

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partisan gerrymandering

drawing district boundaries into strange shapes to benefit a political party

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majority minority district

a district in which voters of a minority ethnicity constitute an electoral majority within the electoral district

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the uneven distribution of the population among legislative districts

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being already in office as opposed to running for the first time

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incumbency advantage

institutional advantages held by those already in office who are trying to fend off challengers in an election

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speaker of the house

the leader of the house of representatives, chosen by an election of its members

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political action committee (PAC)

an organization that raises money for candidates and campaigns

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house majority leader

the person who is the second in command of the house of representatives

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a member of congress chosen by his or her party members, whose job is to ensure party unity and discipline

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minority leader

the head of the party with the second highest number of seats in congress, chosen by the party members

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senate majority leader

the person who has the most power in the senate and is the head of the party with the most seats

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committee chair

leader of a committee who has authority over the committee’s agenda

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discharge petition

a motion filed by a member of congress to move a bill out of committee and onto the floor of the house of representatives for a vote

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house rules committee

a powerful committee that determines when a bull will be subject to debate and vote on the house floor, how long the debate will last, and whether amendments will be allowed on the floor.

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committee of the whole

consists of all members of the house but no senators and meets in the house chamber but is governed by different rules, making it easier to consider complex and controversial legislation

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a delay placed on legislation by a senator who objects to a bill

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unanimous consent agreement

an agreement in the senate that sets the terms for consideration of a bill. Requires unanimous consent to finally get to a vote

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a tactic throughout which an individual senator may use the right of unlimited debate to delay a motion or postpone action on a piece of legislation

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a procedure through which senators can end a filibuster and proceed to action, provided that 60 senators agree to it

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the power of the president to reject a bill from congress, sending it back to the original branch with objections

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office of management and budget (OMB)

the executive branch office that assists the president in setting national spending priorities

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entitlement program

a program that provides benefits for those who qualify under the law, regardless of income.

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mandatory spending

spending required by existing laws that is “locked in“ the budget

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discretionary spending

spending for programs and policies at the discretion of the congress and the president

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budget surplus

the amount of money remaining when the government takes in more than it spends

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budget deficit

the annual shortfall when a government takes in less money than it spends

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national debt

the total amount of money owed by the federal government

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delegate role

the idea that the main duty of a member of congress is to carry out constitutions wishes

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trustee role

the idea that members of congress should act as trustees, making decisions based on their knowledge and judgement

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politico role

representation where members of congress balance their choices with the interests of their constituents and parties in making decisions

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Agreement between the parties to work together in congress to pass legislation

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a slowdown or halt in congress’s ability to legislate and overcome divisions, especially those based on partisanship

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divided government

control of the presidency and one or both chambers of congress split between the 2 major parties

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lame duck period

period at the end of a presidential term when congress may block presidential initiatives and nominees

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franking privilege

allows for members of Congress and their staff to send mail to their constituents or supporters without having to pay postage. This allows for Congress to be able to communicate more effectively with their supporters

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Senate rules committee

has jurisdiction over the internal management of the Senate, as well as responsibility for legislation establishing federal election laws

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17th amendment

The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote.

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term limit

legal restriction that limits the number of terms an officeholder may serve in a particular elected office

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marginal district

a district where there are tight elections

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safe district

a district where the incumbent will overwhelmingly win.

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Baker v Carr

the U.S. Supreme Court case that held that federal courts could hear cases alleging that a state's drawing of electoral boundaries, i.e. redistricting, violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution.

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shaw v reno

The Court ruled that claims of racial redistricting must be held to a standard of strict scrutiny, meaning that any law that results in classification by race must have a compelling government interest

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house ways and means committee

committee that considers legislation on tax. Any proposal with tax starts with the people in the house

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budget committee

committee that chooses and sets the budget of the government. Decides the budget

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appropriations committee

house committee that figures out how to spend the governments money and divides it between the different programs

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rules committee

the traffic cop for the house of reps, they deicide which bills make it to the floor of the house,

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President Pro Tempore

a person who is elected to serve only during the absence of the vice president, is usually the longest sitting member, and is usually only ceremonial

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conference committee

a committee of both senators and reps who get together and reconcile parts of the bills when they passed house/senate and bring it back to both houses for a final vote.

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sophomore surge

An increase in the number of votes candidates receive between the first time elected and their first time reelected.

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standing committees

perminent committees that stay present even if theres a new congress

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house of representatives

what part of congress can impeach and tax

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what part of congress can try impeachment trials, create treaties, and confirm presidential appointments and judicial appointments.

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General Accounting Office (GAO)

the legislative branch government agency that provides auditing, evaluative, and investigative services for the United States Congress

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Congressional Budget Office (CBO)

a federal agency within the legislative branch of the United States government that provides budget and economic information to Congress

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public bill

a proposed law which would apply to everyone within its jurisdiction.

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joint resolution

resolution passed by both the Senate and the House of Representatives

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closed rule

rule that sets time limits on debate and restrict the passage of amendments

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open rule

rule that permits amendment from the floor of the house

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the minimum number of a governmental body's membership necessary to act

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double tracking

a procedure to keep the senate going during a filibuster, whereby disputed bill is temporarily shelved so that the senate can go on with other business

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voice vote

a voting procedure in both houses that is answered with a yelled yay or nay

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division vote

If a senator is in doubt about the outcome of a voice vote, he or she may request a ____, whereby the presiding officer counts the senators voting yea and those voting no, to confirm the voice vote

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teller vote

a button is pressed to express the vote of a congressman

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roll-call vote

a yay or nay vote that is recorded

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joint committee

a committee that contains both members from house and senate and focus public attention on an issue, gather info for congress, or help party leaders speed things along in the legislative process.

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conference committee

a temporary joint committee that resolves differences between the house and senate versions of a bill.

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select/special committee

temporary committees used to investigate an issue, like scandels

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