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transcontinental railroads
railroad lines connecting the new frontier to the west and midwest
Great American Desert
name for the great plains before it was used to farming due to it’s lack of rain and harsh winters
barbed wire
invention made to replace fences in the great plains that helped pen in cattle, contributed to the downfall of the American bison because it restricted the free range
Homestead Act
federal program to promote farming in the West by granting 160 acres of land to anyone who farmedit for 5 years
National Granage Movement
group of farmers who gathered together to share knowledge, socialize, and promote economic equality for farmers
Granger Laws
federal laws that regulated railroad and grain elevator prices to protect the farmers who relied on the services
Munn v. Illinois
SCOTUS case that up help Granger laws and the ability of states to regulate public businesses
Frederick Jackson Turner
author of the Significance of the Frontier in American History
The Significance of the American Frontier
Thesis that talked about the role westward expansion played and how it provided an opportunity for people to “remake” themselves. Said that because migrants had settled out to the Pacific the US would loose the sense of expansion and a new place to go
Little Big Horn
Natives ambushed a US infantry, short lived win
Ghost Dance movement
religious resistance by Natives against the government, ended in 200 person massacure
Helen Hunt Jackson
author of A Century of Dishonor, a book sympathizing Indians and encouraging their assimilation to improve their situation
Dawes Act of 1887
divided native land into 160 acres parcels and gave it to families to divide them, were told that could earn citizenship after 25 years on the land
Indian Reorganization Act
part of the New Deal, reestablished tribal organization and culture
Santa Fe Trail
path that connected the Southwest with the East
Forest Reserve Act of 1891
Forest Management Act, 1897
John Muir
founder of the Sierra Club a group of preservationists
Sierra Club
preservationists who wanted to preserve natural areas from human effects
New South
post reconstruction south with more manufacturing and economic reliance
George Washington Carver
black academic at Tuskegee promoted diversifying crops and breaking into peanuts, soybeans, and sweet potatoes
Tuskegee Institute
where George Washington Carver studies
White supremasists
people in the south who believed in the white race being better
Civil Rights Cases of 1883
court ruling that said that Congress could not regulate racial discrimination by private citizens and business
Plessy v. Ferguson
SCOTUS decision saying separate but equal was equal and legal
Jim Crow Laws
laws in the south that enforces racial segregation
literacy test
tests necessary used in the south the disenfranchise black voters
poll taxes
a fee required to vote in the south
grandfather clause
said that if your ancestors voted you automatically biassed voting regulations
Ida B. Wells
International Migration Society
Booker T. Washington
W.E.B. DuBois
Atlanta Compromise