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transcontinental railroads
railroad lines connecting the new frontier to the west and midwest
Great American Desert
name for the great plains before it was used to farming due to it’s lack of rain and harsh winters
barbed wire
invention made to replace fences in the great plains that helped pen in cattle, contributed to the downfall of the American bison because it restricted the free range
Homestead Act
federal program to promote farming in the West by granting 160 acres of land to anyone who farmedit for 5 years
National Granage Movement
group of farmers who gathered together to share knowledge, socialize, and promote economic equality for farmers
Granger Laws
federal laws that regulated railroad and grain elevator prices to protect the farmers who relied on the services
Munn v. Illinois
SCOTUS case that up help Granger laws and the ability of states to regulate public businesses
Frederick Jackson Turner
author of the Significance of the Frontier in American History
The Significance of the American Frontier
Thesis that talked about the role westward expansion played and how it provided an opportunity for people to “remake” themselves. Said that because migrants had settled out to the Pacific the US would loose the sense of expansion and a new place to go
Little Big Horn
Natives ambushed a US infantry, short lived win
Ghost Dance movement
religious resistance by Natives against the government, ended in 200 person massacure
Helen Hunt Jackson
author of A Century of Dishonor, a book sympathizing Indians and encouraging their assimilation to improve their situation
Dawes Act of 1887
divided native land into 160 acres parcels and gave it to families to divide them, were told that could earn citizenship after 25 years on the land
Indian Reorganization Act
part of the New Deal, reestablished tribal organization and culture
Santa Fe Trail
path that connected the Southwest with the East
Forest Reserve Act of 1891
authorizing the President to designate public lands in the West into what were then called “forest reserves
Forest Management Act, 1897
authorized establishment of National Forest Reserves to improve and protect the condition of forested areas of the United States
John Muir
founder of the Sierra Club a group of preservationists
Sierra Club
preservationists who wanted to preserve natural areas from human effects
New South
post reconstruction south with more manufacturing and economic reliance
George Washington Carver
black academic at Tuskegee promoted diversifying crops and breaking into peanuts, soybeans, and sweet potatoes
Tuskegee Institute
where George Washington Carver studies
White supremasists
people in the south who believed in the white race being better
Civil Rights Cases of 1883
court ruling that said that Congress could not regulate racial discrimination by private citizens and business
Plessy v. Ferguson
SCOTUS decision saying separate but equal was equal and legal
Jim Crow Laws
laws in the south that enforces racial segregation
literacy test
tests necessary used in the south the disenfranchise black voters
poll taxes
a fee required to vote in the south
grandfather clause
said that if your ancestors voted you automatically biassed voting regulations
Ida B. Wells
black female author who campaigned against Jim crow laws and lynchings
International Migration Society
formed by Bishop Henry Tucker to finance former slaves who wanted to return to Africa
Booker T. Washington
believed that black people had to slowly grow themselves into a white society and promoted industrial jobs, through progress would come slowly overtime if people stayed in their lanes
W.E.B. DuBois
civil rights leader who believed in the education of the top 10% of black people, demanded an immediate end to segregation
Atlanta Compromise
belief that black and white people both carried a responsibility to grow society, black people not challenging racial norms and white people supporting black education and rights
transatlantic cable
cable that linked the continents to communicate with Morse code
Alexander Graham Bell
inventor of the telephone
Henry Bessemer
created the technique used to create steel from iron ore
George Westinghouse
invented a transformer that allowed high voltage energy to be produced and allowed energy to be used to light houses and attach to electric trollies
mail order companies
companies that used a large catalog to sell product and then dropped it at customers doors
American Railroad Association
established 4 time zones in America to make railroads more standard
Cornelius Vanderbilt
earned his first fortune in steamboats and then bought a lot of railroad lines out of NYC
Jay Gould
NYC business man famous for watering gold and railroad stocks
JP Morgan
NYC banker, used panic of 1893 and the bankruptcy of railroad companies to take over the market, bailed out the government when they were low on gold
Andrew Carnegie
steel empire, rags to riches story, philanthropist who believed in self help, Gospel of Wealth, Homestead strike
John D. Rockefeller
took control of 90% of the US oil market, Standard Oil trust, bankrupt competitors, extorted rebates from railroad companies, cheap prices for customers
US Steel
controlled 60% of nations steel, combination of Carnegie and Morgan steel empires
Standard Oil
monopoly owned by Rockefeller that controlled 90% of market
board that manages companies assets, used by business people to “legally” have monopolies
horizontal integration
buying up all the companies who do the same things to control one part of the market, Standard Oil
vertical integration
used by businesses to take over all parts of the manufacturing and distributing process to not lose money, US Steel
holding company
company created to control a diverse set of companies
“let it be”economy with very little government involvement
social darwinism
belief that the Charles Darwin’s beliefs on survival of the fittest should be applied to the economy
protestant work ethic
god rewarded those who were hardworking with success
collective bargaining
employees negotiating conditions in a group against the employer
railroad strike of 1877
wages cut, 11 states on strike, 2/3rds of railroads shut down, 500,000 workers striking, disrupted by Hayes with military force, 100 dead
National Labor Union
union with 640,000 members, wanted better pay and 8-hour days, broader platform, lost support after unsuccessful strikes
Knights of Labor
started as a secret society, membership open to all, loosely organized, lost popularity after Haymarket Bombing
Haymarket Bombing
80,000 Knights of labor on strike in chicago, anarchists hijacked strike and threw bombs at police officers
American Federation of Labor (AFL)
union with set narrow economic goals for members, skilled workers only, wanted better wages and conditions, 1 million members
Samuel Gompers
founder of the AFL, led AFL until 1924
Homestead Strike
strike on Carnegie steel plant after cut wages, used scabs and lockouts to break union
Pullman Strike
strike at Pullman Palace Car Co after CEO cut wages but not rent of food prices, fired union leaders who bargained, used government mail system to keep cars running and used government forces to end strike
Eugene v. Debs
American Railroad Union leader who helped with Pullman Strike by telling railroad workers to not handle any Pullman cars
“old immigrants”
immigrants who confirmed to American society with ease, from north and west Europe, protestant, English speaking, edcated
“new” immigrants
immigrants from southern and eastern Europe, not English speaking, Catholic/orthodox, poor, unskilled, illiterate
Chinese Exclusion Act
law passed by Congress in 1882 saying no Chinese immigrants were allowed in America until 1943
crowded apartments where working class people lived
Ellis Island
where immigrants from Europe came through in NYC
political machines
politicians who aided poor immigrants in exchange for a vote and future support, overcharged workers and profited from taxpayers
Tammany Hall
political machine in NYC
Jane Addams
first social worker, founded Hull House in Chicago to support poor immigrants with education, food, childcare
settlement houses
spaces made for people in poverty to receive help
white collar workers
middle class people with non laborious jobs
Gospel of Wealth
book written by Andrew Carnegie about how philanthropy was important to giving people to resources to help themselves
Clarence Darrow
lawyer arguing that people commit crime people of the environment they are in
Joseph Pulitzer
owner of the New York World, the first newspaper with one million papers in circulation
William Randolph Hearst
publisher of scandal and society in New York
Salvation Army
religion from England, gave to the poor and preached about God
Social Gospel
the idea that Christian principles should be applied to social problems of public health and homelessness
Susan B. Anthony
feminist and founder of the NAWSA, arrested for illegally voting as a woman
NWASA, National American Woman Suffrage Association
organization founded to help women gain the right to vote
WCTU, Women’s Christian Temperance Union
advocated to the total absence from alcohol
Anti Saloon League
powerful political force for the shutting down of all bars and saloons
Carrie Nation
Kansas woman who rode into saloons and smashed barrels of beer so people could not drink
Mark Twain
first realist author
Frank Lloyd Wright
famous for organic architecture that harmonizes with the natural surroundings
landscape arcitecture
using nature to create anew thing
federal land grants
land given to big railroad businesses to incentivise building more tracks
Credit Mobilier
company who bribed US government to give them more land grants
Interstate Commerce Act of 1887
first law that regulated railroad companies, not effective
Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890
attempted to stop the formation of trusts and monopolies, to vague and worked around by big business
US vs.E. C.Knight Co.
SCOTUS ruling that the Sherman Antitrust Act only applied to commerce and not manufacturing, giving it even less power
Pendleton Act of 1881
put ineffective because of the assassination of Garfield, said that applicants for federal jobs must be given the position because they are qualified based on an exam
Civil Service Commision
created by the Pendleton Act, provides oversight to the people that are hired based on merit
“soft money”
greenbacks,silver coinage, wanted by farmers and debtors who wanted inflation
“hard” money
gold standard, makes the dollar more valuable as the population grows
Bland-Allison Act
limited coinage of silver at a 16:1 ounce ratio, 2M every month
“solid south”
stringley democratic states that were former Confederate states
Farmers Alliance
group that provided the foundation for the populist party by electing various state officials