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Les Demoiselles d’Avignon (1907)
Domenico Veneziano Annunciation (predella panel from the St. Lucy Altarpiece)c. 1442-1445
Gerrit Dou, Self-Portrait (1650).
Wassily Kandinsky Improvisation No. 30 (Cannons) 1913
Wassily Kandinsky Improvisation No. 30 (Cannons) 1913."
This picture is nearly in the shape of across. The centre-somewhat below themiddle-is formed by a large, irregular blueplane. Below the centre there is a muddy-grey, ragged second centre almost equal inimportance to the first one..."
Wassily Kandinsky Improvisation No. 191911
Jackson Pollock. Full Fathom Five. 1947
includes bits of materials from his studio
ie wood bits, bottle caps etc
Jackson Pollock, Autumn Rhythm (Number 30), 1950
jackson pollock describing his technique
On the floor I am more at ease. Ifeel nearer, more a part of thepainting, sine this way I can walkaround it, work from the foursides, and literally be in thepainting...When I am in mypainting, I'm not aware of whatI'm doing."
Pollock, Going West (1934-5).
Thomas Hart Benton, Hailstorm (1940
Jackson Pollock, Mural (1943).
Jackson Pollock
It's a stampede. Every animal in the American West,cows and horses and antelopes and buffaloes.Everything is charging across that gddamn surface."-
Paul Gauguin, Tahitian Women on the Beach (1891).
Henri Rousseau, The Hungry Lion Throws itself on the Antelope (1905)
colonial roots
deeply inspired by african tribal masks
african art and cubism
Tthe tempest
To which of the following is Pollock’s Full Fathom Five an allusion?
Malevich's Black Square
Gabo's Space Construction
According to Alfred Barr, which of the following works are "pure abstractions?
Gabo's Space Construction
Malevich's Black Square