Dr. Jackson's General Animal Science 1401 course at TTU: Horses
Sexually mature, male horse. Typically used for breeding.
Sexually immature, male horse.
Sexually mature, female horse.
Sexually immature, female horse.
Male horse castrated before reaching sexual maturity. It is typically done to avoid the issues brought on by testosterone.
Why do people castrate male horses?
To reduce aggressive behavior, prevent unwanted breeding, and make handling easier. (Testes produce testosterone… the cause of the unwanted behaviors)
A young male or female horse until weaned at 4 to 6 month of age.
Refers to horses—species name.
Male donkey
Jennet (Jenny)
Female donkey
Offspring of a Mare mated to a Jack.
Offspring of a Jenny mated to a Stallion.
A term used to describe a male used specifically for breeding. It is also a place where stallions are housed.
Unit of measurement for the height of horses.
1 hand is equal to 4 inches
The pattern in which a horse moves its feet/hooves.
What’s the difference between English and Western tacks?
English tack is generally ligher and more streamlined, designed for precision and control. Western tack is heavier and more robust, suited for long rides and roping.
English saddles lack horns, so the riders will be holding the rein with two hands, and the reins will be slimmer and sleeker.
Western saddles have horns, the riders will hold the rein with one hand, and the bit is usually less compact—built for comfort.
Is this a Western or an English Tack?
Is this a Western or an English Tack?
Is this a Western or an English Tack?
Is this a Western or an English Tack?
Is this a Western or an English Tack?
Is this a Western or an English Tack?
What kind of Gait is the Walk?
A 4-beat gait meaning the horse’s feet/hooves move independently. It is the slowest and most fundamental.
What kind of Gait is the Trot?
A 2-beat diagonal gait performed in English Tack.
It is the most efficient.
What kind of Gait is the Jog?
A 2-beat diagonal gait performed in Western Tack.
Level, smooth sensation.
What kind of Gait is the Pace?
A 2-beat lateral gait
Teeter-totter sensation
Only recognized in standardbreds
What kind of Gait is the Canter?
A 3-beat gait where 2 feet/hooves move simultaneously while the other 2 move independently
Preformed in English tack
Can also be called a gallop
Can manipulate the lead foot/hoof
What kind of Gait is the Lope?
A 3-beat gait where 2 feet/hooves move simultaneously while the other 2 move independently
Preformed in Western tack
What kind of Gait is the Running Walk?
A trained specialty gait only seen in the Tennessee Walking Horse.
It is an Artificial Gate.
What Gait is this horse performing?
What Gait is this horse performing?
Running Walk
What Gait is this horse performing (English Tack)?
What Gait is this horse performing (English Tack)?
What Gait is this horse performing (Western Tack)?
What Gait is this horse performing?
What Gait is this horse performing (English Tack)?
What Gait is this horse performing (Western Tack)?
What Gait is this horse performing (Western Tack)?
What are the characteristics of a Sorrel/Chestnut colored horse?
A red-bodied horse with a lighter/same colored mane and tail.
What are the characteristics of a Bay colored horse?
A reddish/brown-bodied horse with a black mane and tail.
What are the characteristics of a Palomino-colored horse?
Considered a breed & a color
Have to have a yellow body & a white mane & tail
Less than 15% dark hair
Nicknamed ”lightened sorrel"
Compete in shows for color
What are the characteristics of a Black colored horse?
A pitch-black horse with a black mane and tail
Body will slightly (if at all) show red the sunlight.
What are the characteristics of a Brown colored horse?
Dirt brown bodied horse with a brown/black mane and tail
Can see hints of red in the sunlight.
What are the characteristics of a Grey colored horse?
Solid or Dappled grey body with lighter gray, even white mane and tail.
What color is this horse?
Sorrel/Chestnut (AQH)
What color is this horse?
What color is this horse?
What color is this horse?
What color is this horse?
What color is this horse?
What are the characteristics of a light breed of horse?
14.2 hands
900-1200 lbs
Riding and leisure
What are the characteristics of an American Quarter Horse (AQH)?
U.S. Origin
It is the most popular breed in the U.S.
It is typically a solid color.
They are incredibly versatile and primarily known for rodeo.
They are popular in cutting/roping.
They are the fastest in a quarter mile.
What are the characteristics of an Arabian Horse?
Light weight
Originated in Egypt
Known as a desert horse; carried people across the sand.
Known for speed and stamina
Variety of colors
Dished face, longer and arched neck, high tail setting, large feet
What are the characteristics of a Thoroughbred Horse?
Originated in England
Used for racing, polo, dressage, and 3-day events
Noted for speed, stamina, and agility
Good for jumping
Used to maintain other breeds
What are the characteristics of a Morgan Horse?
Developed in England by Justin Morgan
Arabian x Thoroughbred
Used for English pleasure and Stock
Level hips, notable neck, tail will depend
What are the characteristics of a Standardbred Horse?
U.S. Origin
Well-known for speed, endurance, and fitness
Trotters and Pacers
Smaller than a Thoroughbred
What are the characteristics of a Saddlebred Horse?
Originated in Kentucky as a plantation horse
The “peacock” of the light breeds
Expressive, animated, confident, formality, showy, elitist.
Used for showing and recreation
Known for ease of riding
What are the characteristics of a Tennessee Walking Horse?
Originated in Tennessee
Owns the Running Walk
Big feet
What are the characteristics of a Paint Horse?
Dictated by their white coloring
Must have one spot above their knee larger than a silver dollar
Can be bred with Thoroughbreds, AQH or other Paints
3 different patterns in Paints
— Overo
— Tobiano
— Tovero
What are the characteristics of an Overo Horse?
Genes/Inheritance are unpredictable
White splotches DONT cross its back
Bald (white head) except for around it’s eyes.
Eyes are blue.
What are the characteristics of a Tobiano Horse?
Very predictable genes/inheritance
White splotches across it’s back
Typically have dark eyes
Colored heads
What are the characteristics of a Tovero Horse?
Overo x Tobiano
Sometimes bald
White will cross it’s back
What are the characteristics of a Pinto Horse?
Shares the same color requirements as a Paint
Very inclusive breed
Exceptions: Appaloosas or Draft Horses
Golden rule: All Paint horses can be a Pinto, but not all Pinto horses can be a Paint
What are the characteristics of an Appaloosa Horse?
Developed in Idaho by Nez Perce Native Americans
- White scelra (area around the eyes)
- mottled fur (Uneven mixture of dark and light)
- Irregular spots
- Hooves striped vertical
Two basic color patterns
- Blanket (on the rump)
- Leopard (all over)
What are the characteristics of a Buckskin Horse?
All are Quarterhorses
Coloring came exclusively from them
Have yellow bodies with black manes & tails
3 other patterns are considered Buckskin
- Dun
- Red Dun
- Grulla
What are the characteristics of a Dun (Buckskin) Horse?
Mouse color with a black dorsal stripe
“Diluted Bay"
What are the characteristics of a Red Dun (Buckskin) Horse?
Red color with a black dorsal stripe
“Diluted Sorrel"
What are the characteristics of a Grulla (Buckskin) Horse?
Grey color with a black dorsal stripe
What breed (pattern) is this horse?
Breed: Paint
What breed (pattern) is this horse?
What breed (pattern) is this horse?
Breed: Paint
What breed (pattern) is this horse?
Leopard Appaloosa
What breed (pattern) is this horse?
Breed: Paint
What breed (pattern) is this horse?
What breed (pattern) is this horse?
Dun Buckskin
What breed (pattern) is this horse?
What breed (pattern) is this horse?
What breed (pattern) is this horse?
Grulla Buckskin
What breed (pattern) is this horse?
What breed (pattern) is this horse?
Breed: Paint
What breed (pattern) is this horse?
American Quarter Horse
What breed (pattern) is this horse?
Tennesse Walking Horse
What breed (pattern) is this horse?
Red Dun Buckskin
What breed (pattern) is this horse?
What breed (pattern) is this horse?
What breed (pattern) is this horse?
Grulla, AQH
What breed (pattern) is this horse?
What breed (pattern) is this horse?
American Quarter Horse
What breed (pattern) is this horse?
What breed (pattern) is this horse?
Breed: Paint
What breed (pattern) is this horse?
What breed (pattern) is this horse?
What breed (pattern) is this horse?
Red Dun
What breed (pattern) is this horse?
What breed (pattern) is this horse?
What breed (pattern) is this horse?
What breed (pattern) is this horse?
Breed: Paint
What breed (pattern) is this horse?
Tennesse Walking Horse
What are the characteristics of a Draft breed of horse?
17.2 Hands average (Range: 16-19 hands)
1,500 to 2,000 lbs
Large and Thick bones with heavy necks and heads
Developed as War Horses
Working horses in underdeveloped countries
Used Recreationally and as pets in America
Calm and Gentle nature
Used in athletic events pertaining to children and elders
Used as Nurse Mares
What is a Half-Draft?
A horse that’s a mix between a Draft horse and a Light horse.