Origin: Maxilla and mandible Insertion: into muscle and skin at angles of mouth Action: closes lips
Orbicularis Oris
Origin: zygomatic bone Insertion: skin and muscle at corner of mouth Action: raises corners of mouth
Origin: mandible below incisors Insertion: Skin of chin Action: wrinkles chin, protrudes lower lip (as in a pout)
Origin: fascia of chest Insertion: lower margin of mandible Action: Tenses skin of neck, pulls lower lip back and down (downward sag of mouth)
origin: arch of frontal bone above nasal bone insertion: skin of eyebrow action: pulls eyebrows medially and inferiorly, wrinkles skin of forhead
Corrugator supercilii
Origin: Frontal and maxillary bones Insertion: Tissue of eyelids Action: Closes eye, pulls eyebrow inferiorly
Orbicularis Oculi
Two part muscle consisting of the frontal and occipital bellies connected by epicranial aponeurosis. The alternate actions pulls scalp forward and backward
Epicranius (Occipitofrontalis)
Origin: epicranial aponeurosis Insertion: skin of eyebrows and root of nose Action: raises eyebrows and wrinkles forhead skin horizontally
Frontal belly
Origin: occipital bone and temporal bones Insertion: epicranial aponeurosis Action: Pulls scalp posteriorly
Occipital Belly
Origin: fascia associated with masseter muscle Insertion: skin at angle of mouth Action: pulls corner of lip laterally, tenses lip; synergist of zygomatic
Origin: Zygomatic arch and bone Insertion: angle and ramus of mandible Action: Prime mover of jaw; closure
Masseter (1/3 chewing muscles)
Origin: Molar region of maxilla and mandible Insertion: corner of the mouth (orbicularis oris) Action: compress cheeks
Origin: temporal fossa Insertion: coronoid process of mandible action: closes jaw
Temporalis (1/3 chewing muscles)
Origin: Pterygoid plate of sphenoid bone Insertion: Medial surface of mandible near the angle Action: Acts with the lateral pterygoid muscle to protract (pull anteriorly) the mandible and promote side-to-side grinding movement
Medial Pterygoid (1/3 chewing muscles)
Origin: greater wing and lateral pterygoid plate of sphenoid bone Insertion: Condylar process of mandible Action: Provides side-to-side grinding movements
Lateral Pterygoid (1/3 chewing muscles)
Origin: transverse process of C1-C4 Insertion: Medial border of scapula, superior to spine Action: elevates and adducts scapula
Levator Scapulae
Origin: Manubrium of sternum Insertion: mastoid process of temporal bone Action: Flexes and laterally rotates the head
Origin: transverse processes of cervical vertebrae Insertion: anterolaterally on first two ribs Action: Elevate first two ribs
Origin: inferior border of rib above Insertion: superior border of rib below Action: Pull ribs toward one another to elevate rib cage
external intercostals
Origin: Superior border of rib below Insertion: Inferior border of rib above Action: Pull ribs together and depress rib
internal intercostals
Origin: Inferior, internal surface of rib cage and sternum, costal cartilages Insertion: Central tendon Action: Prime mover of inspiration; flattens on contraction
Origin: pubic crest and symphysis Insertion: xiphoid process and costal cartilages of ribs 5-7 Action: flexes and rotates lumbar region of vertebral column
Rectus Abdominis
Origin: fleshy strips from outer surfaces of lower eight ribs Insertion: fibers insert into linea alba via a broad aponeurosis; some insert into pubic crest Action: flex vertebral column and compress abdominal wall and trunk rotation and lateral flexion
External Oblique
Origin: lumbar fascia, iliac crest, inguinal ligament Insertion: linea alba Action: as for external oblique
Internal Oblique
Origin: inguinal ligament, lumbar fascia Insertion: linea alba, pubic crest Action: compresses abdominal contents
Transversus Abdominis
Origin: ribs 3-5 insertion: coracoid process of scapula Action: with ribs fixed, pulls scapula forward and downward
Pectoralis Minor
origin: ribs 1-8 insertion: entire anterior surface of medial border of scapula Action: Rotates scapula so its inferior angle moves laterally and upward
Serratus Anterior
Origin: ligamentum nuchae Insertion: continuous insertion along acromion and spin of scapula Action: Retracts, and rotates scapula
Origin: spinous processes of C7-T1 (minor), spinous processes of T2-T5 (major) Insertion: medial border of scapula Action: stabilize scapula
Rhomboid Major and Minor
Origin: Sternal End of Clavicle Insertion: Fibers converge to insert by a short tendon Action: Adducts medially rotates arm
pectoralis major
Origin: Lateral third of clavicle Insertion: Deltoid tuberosity of humerus Action: Prime mover of the arm when all its fibers contract simultaneously
Origin: indirect attachment via lumbodorsal fascia into spines Insertion: Spirals around teres major Action: Prime mover of arm extention; powerful arm addcutor; medially rotates arm
Latissimus Dorsi
Origin: subscapular fossa Insertion: lesser tubercle of humerus Action: Rotates arm medially
Origin: supraspinous fossa of scpula Insertion: superior part of greater tubercle of humerus Action: Intiates abduction of arm
Origin: Infraspinous fossa of scapula Insertion: Greater tubercle of humerus posterior to insertion Action: Rotates arm laterally
Origin: Lateral border of dorsal scapular surface Insertion: Greater tubercle of humerus inferior to infraspinatus insertion Action: Same as infraspinatus
Teres Minor
Origin: Posterior surface of scapula Insertion: Crest of lesser tubercle Action: Extends, medially rotates, and adducts arm
Teres Major
Origin: coracoid process of scapula Insertion: medial surface of humerus shaft Action: Flexes and adducts arm
Origin: Long head infraglenoid tubercle Insertion: common tendon into olecranon on ulna Action: Powerful forearm extensor
Triceps Brachii
Origin: Short head: coracoid Insertion: common tendon into radial tuberosity Action: Flexes and supinates forearm
Biceps Brachii
Origin: Anterior side of humerus Insertion: Tuberosity and coronoid process Action: Flexes forearm
Origin: Lateral supracondylar ridge at distal end of humerus Insertion: Base of radial styloid process Action: Synergist in flexing forearm
Origin: Medial epicondyle Insertion: common tendon into lateral radius Action: Pronates forearm
pronator teres
Origin: Medial epicondyle of humerus Insertion: Base of second and third metacarpals Action: Powerful Flexor of hand
flexor carpi radialis
Origin: Medial epicondyle Insertion: Fascia of palm Action: Tenses skin and fascia of palm during movements
Palmaris Longus
Origin: Medial epicondyle of humerus Insertion: Pisiform and hamate bones Action: Powerful flexor and adductor of hand
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
Origin: Medial epicondyle of humerus Insertion: four tendons into middle phalanges Action: Flexes hand and middle phalanges of second to fifth fingers
flexor digitorum superficialis
Origin: coronoid process Insertion: four tendons into distal phalanges Action: Flexes distal interphalangeal joints
flexor digitorum profundus
Origin: lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus Insertion: Base of second metacarpal Action: Extends hand and abducts hand
Extensor Carpi Radialis Lonhgus
Origin: Lateral epicondyle of humerus Insertion: Base of third metacarpal Action: Extends and abducts hand
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
Origin: Lateral epicondyle of humerus Insertion: Four tendons into extensor expansions Action: Prime mover of finger extention
Extensor Digitorum
Origin: Lateral epicondyle of humerus Insertion: Base of fifth metacarpal Action: Extends hand, abducts hand
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
Origin: Lateral epicondyle of humerus Insertion: Proximal end of radius Action: assists biceps brachii to forcibly supinate forearm
Origin: posterior surface of radius and ulna Insertion: Base of first metacarpal and trapezium Action: Abducts and extends thumb
Abductor Pollicis Longus
Origin: Dorsal shaft of radius Insertion: Base of proximal and distal phalanx of thumb Action: Extends thumb
extensor pollicis brevis and longus
made up of the iliacus and psoas major
Origin: iliac fossa Insertion: Lesser trochanter of femur Action: Prime mover for flexing thigh
Origin: Fleshy slips from transverse process Insertion: Lesser trochanter of femur Action: prime mover of thigh and flexes vertebral column laterally
Psoas Major
Origin: Anterior superior iliac spine Insertion: medial proximal tibia Action: Flexes, abducts and laterally rotates thigh
Origin: pubis Insertion: lesser trochanter inferior to linea aspera Action: Adducts, flexes and medially rotates thigh
Origin: Pubis near pubic symphysis Insertion: linea aspera Action: Adducts, flexes and medially rotates thigh
adductor longus
Origin: ischial and pubic rami Insertion: linea aspera and adductor Action: adducts and medially rotates and flexes thigh
Adductor Magnus
Origin: inferior ramus and body of pubis Insertion: medial surface of tibia Action: adducts thigh, flexes and medially rotates leg
Origin: anterior inferior iliac spine and acetabulum Insertion: patella and tibial tuberosity Action: Extends leg and flexes thigh at hip
Rectus Femoris
Origin: Greater Trochanter, intertrochanteric line, gluteal tuberosity, linea aspera Insertion: Patella, Tibial tuberosity, lateral+medial condyles Action: Extends leg and stabilizes knee
Vastus Lateralis
Origin: Intertrochanteric line, linea aspera, medial supracondylar line Insertion: Patella, Tibial tuberosity, lateral+medial condyles Action: Extends legs
Vastus medialis
Origin: Anterior and lateral surfaces of femur Insertion: Patella, Tibial tuberosity, lateral+medial condyles Action: Extends leg
vastus intermedius
Origin: Anterior aspect of iliac crest Insertion: iliotibial tract Action: Steadies the leg and trunk on thigh by tightening iliotibial tract
Tensor Fascia Lata
Origin: Dorsal ilium, sacrum and coccyx Insertion: gluteal tuberosity Action: Major extensor of thigh
Gluteus Maximus
Origin: Between anterior and posterior gluteal lines Insertion: Short tendon into lateral aspect Action: Abducts and medially rotates thigh
Gluteus Medius
Origin: Anterolateral surface Insertion: superior border of greater trochanter Action: Rotates extended thigh laterally
Origin: Ischial tuberosity Insertion: head of fibula and lateral condyle of tibia Action: Extends thigh and flexes leg
Biceps femoris
Origin: Ischial tuberosity Insertion: Medial aspect of upper tibial shaft Action: Extends thigh and flexes leg
Origin: ischial tuberosity Insertion: Medial condyle of tibia Action: Extends thigh and flexes leg
Origin: Lateral condyle Insertion: medial cuneiform and first metatarsal Action: Prime mover of dorsiflexion
tibialis anterior
Origin: Lateral condyle of tibia Insertion: Middle and distal phalanges Action: Prime mover of toe extension
extensor digitorum longus
Origin: Anteromedial fibula Insertion: distal phalanx of great toe Action: Extends great toe
Extensor Hallucis Longus
Origin: head and upper portion Insertion: first metatarsal and medial cuneiform Action: plantar flexes and everts foot
Fibularis longus
Origin: Distal fibula shaft Insertion: lateral malleolus Action: Plantar flexes everts foot
fibularis brevis
Origin: medial and lateral condyles of femur Insertion: Posterior clacaneus Action: plantar flexes foot
Origin: Extensive origin from superior tibia Insertion: gastrocnemius Action: plantar flexes foot
Origin: lateral condyle of femur Insertion: proximal tibia Action: Flexes, rotates leg medially to unlock extended knee when flexion begins
Origin: superior tibia and fibula Insertion: medial malleolus and under arch of foot Action: Prime mover of foot inversion
Tibialis Posterior
Origin: Posterior tibia Insertion: medial malleolus and distal phalanges of second-fifth toes Action: plantar flexes and inverts foot
Flexor Digitorum Longus
Origin: Midshaft of fibula Insertion: distal phalanx Action: plantar flexes and inverts foot; flexes great toe
Flexor Hallucis Longus