LIC location of earthquake
Gorka, Nepal
HIC location of earthquake
Amatrice, Italy
Nepal level of wealth
GNI per capita - $780
Italy level of wealth
GNI per capita - $32,910
Nepal details
7.8 Richter scale
Plates involved (Nepal)
Indo-Australian plate and the Eurasian plate, creating fold mountains
Preparation (Nepal)
Disaster management plan not in place
Primary effects (Nepal)
8441 died
16800 injured
1 million homeless
Historical buildings destroyed
Secondary effects (Nepal)
19 killed in an avalanche
Food shortages
Decreased tourism
Cost (Nepal)
$5.15 billion
Immediate response (Nepal)
Red Cross tents for 22500 people
WHO distributed medical supplies
$126 million in Emergancy aid
Long term response (Nepal)
After 8 months, the total recovery costs reached $274 million
November 2018 - 34% still in tents
Farmers were taught maintenance efforts
Details (Italy)
3:36 am
6.2 Richter scale
5.1 km
Plates involved (Italy)
Continental Eurasian plate and African plate
Preparation (Italy)
Many buildings did not meet the building standard
Primary effects (Italy)
299 killed
400 injured
293 historic buildings damaged
Secondary effects (Italy)
Town centre damaged leading to reduced business, tourism and income
Landslides blocked nearby roads
Looters were arrested
Farmer’s income decreased and animals died
Cost (Italy)
€21.9 billion
Immediate effects (Italy)
58 tent camps
Schools and hotels were used as shelters
12 helicopters and 70 dog teams
€50 million for emergancy response
Long terms responses (Italy)
Students attended schools in nearby villages
€42 million to rebuild villages
1 year later 2.4 million tonnes of rubble remains