VBa KWT 11-15

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show/express (one’s) disapproval (of sth)

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show/express (one’s) disapproval (of sth)

(phr) bày tỏ sự không đồng tình, phản đối (của sb) (về sth)

E.g: - “I don’t approve of people who tell lies” he said (DISAPPROVAL)
—> He expressed his disapproval of people who tell lies

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complain (about sth)

Phàn nàn, than phiền (về sth)
E.g: - “The food is awful here” George said (ABOUT)
—> George complained about the food there

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do the washing-ups

= wash up = do the dishes

—> Rửa bát (phr)
E.g: - “Honestly, I will wash up for you this evening” Max told his mother (DO)
—> Max would do the washing-ups for his mother that evening

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Offer to do sth

Đề nghị, xung phong làm gì

E.g: - “Shall I help you with your research?” Jenny said (TO)

—> Jenny offered to help me with my research

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have wide knowledge about sth

Có kiến thức rộng/chuyên sâu về sth

E.g: - The lecturer is an expert on modern art (WIDE)

—> The lecturer has wide knowledge about modern art

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be beyond comprehension

(phr) Vượt ngoài tầm hiểu biết

E.g: - He behaved in an incomprehensible way at the party (BEYOND)
—> His behaviour was beyond comprehension at the party

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incomprehensible (to sb)

impossible to understand

—> Khó hiểu (đối với sb) /ɪnˌkɑːmprɪˈhensəbl/
E.g: - Some application forms can be incomprehensible to ordinary people.

- He found his son's actions totally incomprehensible.

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look on sb/sth (as sb/sth)

to consider or think of someone or something in a stated way

—> Xem sb/sth (như sb/sth)

—> = consider sb/sth + N, perceive, think, conceive of sb/sth (as sth)

E.g: - I consider him my worst enemy (LOOK)
—> I look on him as my worst enemy

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consider sb/sth + N

—> Xem sb/sth như cái gì

—> = look on sb/sth (as sth), perceive, think, conceive of sb/sth (as sth)

E.g: - I consider him my worst enemy (LOOK)
—> I look on him as my worst enemy

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Be a foregone conclusion

(phr) Là một kết luận chắc chắn

--> = be obvious and certain = it goes without saying that = be bound/certain to happen…

E.g: - May is bound to pass her exam (FOREGONE)
—> It is a foregone conclusion that Mary will pass her exam

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no matter how + adj + clause

= however + adj + clause

—> Dù cho ntn đi chẳng nữa

E.g: - Len tried to do the exercise, but without success (MATTER)
—> No matter how hard Len tried to do, he couldn’t do the exercise

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come to the conclusion

= conclude = sum up

—> Đi đến kết luận

E.g: - The director decided that the cost of relocation was too high (CONCLUSION)

—> The director came to the conclusion that the relocation cost was too high

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to little/no vail (in sth)

(phr) ​(formal) with little or no success

—> Với ít/không có sự thành công (về sth)
E.g: - The company tried unsuccessfully to secure the bank loan (AVAIL)

—> The company’s efforts were to no avail in securing the bank loan

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​(formal) showing care and effort in your work or duties

—> Siêng năng, cần cù, chăm chỉ /ˈdɪlɪdʒənt/

—> = hard-working, industrious

E.g: - It is impossible to keep up with Sharon as she shows great diligence (DILIGENT)

—> Sharon is so diligent that no one can keep up with her

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take sb by surprise

to surprise somebody

—> Làm sb bất ngờ (phr)

E.g: - She was surprised when he suddenly asked her to marry him (TOOK)

—> His sudden marriage proposal took her by surprise

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have/get an early night

go to bed earlier than usual

—> Đi ngủ sớm (hơn bình thường) (H - G)
E.g: - He decided to have an early night because he was exhausted (GO)

—> He decided to go to bed early because he was exhausted

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have a good/bad/high/low… opinion of sb/sth

to think that somebody/something is good, bad, etc.

—> Đánh giá tốt/xấu/cao/thấp về sb/sth

E.g: - His boss had a very high opinion of him (HIGHLY)
—> He was highly regarded by his boss

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regard sb/sth adv/prep

[often passive] to think about somebody/something in a particular way

—> Đánh giá về sb/sth ntn

E.g: - His boss had a very high opinion of him (HIGHLY)
—> He was highly regarded by his boss

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deal a blow to sb/sth (1)

to cause someone or something, usually a plan or hope, to fail or to be affected very badly

—> Giáng một đòn chí tử vào sb/sth (nghĩa bóng) (1)

—> Xem lại VBa MC 11-15

E.g: - Breaking his leg dealt a blow to his chances of becoming a professional footballer

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deal a blow to sb/sth (2)

​to hit somebody/something

—> Đánh sb/sth (nghĩa đen) (2)

E.g: - The boxer dealt a hard blow to the punch bag while training (HIT)

—> The boxer hit the punch bag hard while training

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= very interesting = exhilarating = absorbing = electrifying = exciting = fascinating…

—> Rất thú vị /ɪnˈtriːɡɪŋ/

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Ngôn ngữ học /lɪŋˈɡwɪstɪks/

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would sooner do sth (than do sth)

= would rather do sth (than do sth) = would prefer to do sth rather than do sth = prefer doing sth to doing sth

—> Thích làm sth (hơn làm sth)

E.g: - I prefer teaching to working in an office (SOONER)

—> I would sooner teach than work in an office

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There’s no comparison (between…)

​used to emphasize the difference between two people or things that are being compared

—> Không cần phải so sánh (giữa…) (vì nó quá rõ ràng cái nào hơn)

—> (dùng để nhấn mạnh sự so sánh)

E.g: - The new mixer is much better than the old one (COMPARISON)
—> There’s no comparison between the old mixer and the new one

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(a) Giống như người cha

E.g: - He gave him a fatherly talk (TALKED)

—> He talked to him in a fatherly way

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​involving risk or danger, especially to somebody’s health or safety: —> = risky = perilous = lethal = fatal = dangerous = …

—> Nguy hiểm, mạo hiểm (đặc biệt về sức khỏe/sự an toàn) /ˈhæzərdəs/

—> # haphazard (adj): ~ messy

E.g: - He is an exceptionally good driver in hazardous conditions (WELL)

—> He drives exceptionally well in hazardous conditions

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There’s nothing like (doing) sth

used to say that you enjoy something very much

—> Còn gì tuyệt vời bằng việc (làm) gì
E.g: - It’s great to go home after a long day (LIKE)

—> There’s nothing like going home after a long day

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be the spitting image of sb

​to look exactly like somebody else

—> Giống sb như đúc

—> = take after sb = resemble sb = be a carbon copy of sb = be the (exact) double of sb

E.g: - John and his father look very similar (IMAGE)

—> John is the spitting image of his father

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come as a shock (to sb)

Sb be shocked

—> Đến như một cú sốc (với sb)

E.g: - Mr Jones was shocked to hear that his son had failed his exam (CAME)
—> It came as a shock to Mr Jones to hear that his son had failed his exam

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with a view to (doing) sth

(formal) with the intention or hope of doing something

—> Với ý định (làm) gì (phr)

E.g: - She decided to start her own business because she wanted to be independent (WITH)

—> She decided to start her own business with a view to being independent

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be to blame (for sth)

to be responsible for something bad

—> Chịu trách nhiệm (cho sth)
E.g: - The loss of the account was not our fault (BLAME)
—> We are not to blame for the loss of the account

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express concern about sth

Bày tỏ sự lo lắng về sth

E.g: - She said she was worried about the problem of pollution (CONCERN)

—> She expressed concern about the problem of pollution

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be the life and soul of the party

(idm) Là linh hồn của bữa tiệc

E.g: - Tom’s presence at parties adds to everyone’s enjoyment (SOUL)

—> Tom is the life and soul of the party

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share sb’s opinion about sth

= agree with sb about sth = see eye to eye (with sb) (about sth)

—> Đồng tình với sb về sth

E.g: - Linda did not agree with me about the closure (SHARE)

—> Linda did not share my opinion about the closure

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meet with failure/no success

(phr) Gặp phải thất bại (F - N)
E.g: - The government’s retraining programme proved to be unsuccessful due to lack of funds (MET)

—> The government’s retraining programme met with failure due to lack of funds

<p>(phr) Gặp phải thất bại (F - N)<br>E.g: - The government’s retraining programme proved to be unsuccessful due to lack of funds<strong> (MET)</strong></p><p>—&gt; The government’s retraining programme met with failure due to lack of funds</p>
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​[C] a legal agreement that allows you to use a building, a piece of equipment or some land for a period of time, usually in return for rent

—> Hợp đồng cho thuê

E.g: - He took a lease of the premises.

- She has taken out a new ten-year lease on the building.

- The club has a 20-year lease on the property.

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that is legally or officially acceptable

—> Có hiệu lực (a) /ˈvælɪd/

E.g: - Do you have a valid passport?

- He bought a bus pass valid for one month.

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come up for sth

​to be reaching the time when something must be done

—> Đến lúc gì

E.g: - The lease on my flat is valid until the end of the year (RENEWAL)

—> The lease on my flat doesn’t come up for renewal until the end of the year

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mix sb/sth up (with sb/sth)

= confuse sb/sth with sb/sth; mistake sb/sth for sb/sth

—> Nhầm lẫn sb/sth (với sb/sth)

E.g: - I think you must be mixing me up with someone else.

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tell the difference (between)

(phr) = distinguish = compare = differentiate…

—> Nêu ra sự khác biệt / phân biệt (giữa)
E.g: - I always get your boys mixed up (BETWEEN)

—> I can’t tell the difference between your boys

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the small/early hours

the period of time very early in the morning, soon after midnight

—> Sớm tinh mơ (=at the crack of dawn)
E.g: - Mark didn’t get home until just before dawn yesterday (HOURS)
—> Mark didn’t get home until just the small/early hours yesterday

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in view of sth

(formal) considering something

—> Bời vì/khi xem xét sth

E.g: - The latest developments have made them decide to postpone their visit (VIEW)

—> They have decided to postpone their visit in view of the latest developments

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scrutinise sb/sth

to look at or examine somebody/something carefully

—> Xem xét kỹ lưỡng, nghiên cứu cẩn thận sb/sth /ˈskruːtənaɪz/

E.g: - He leaned forward to scrutinize their faces.

- The statement was carefully scrutinized before publication.

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come under scrutiny

Be scrutinised

—> Được giám sát, xem xét chặt chẽ /ˈskruːtəni/ (formal)
E.g: - He hated the way the media scrutinised his private life (CAME)

—> He hated how his private life come under scrutiny from the media

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suffer a defeat

(phr) Be beaten: Nhận thất bại, bị đánh bại

E.g: - The current champion has been beaten in this year’s tournament (SUFFERED)
—> The current champion has suffered a defeat in this year’s tournament

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undergo a change

Trải qua một sự thay đổi / thay đổi (collo)
E.g: - The civil service has completely changed under the present government (UNDERGONE)

—> The civil service has undergone a complete change under the present government

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make use of sb/sth

​to use or exploit something/somebody, especially in order to get an advantage

—> Tận dụng sb/sth

—> = take advantage of sb/sth, reap a benefit of sb/sth, exploit

E.g: - Charles has potential but he hasn’t exploited it yet (USE)

—> Charles hasn’t made use of his potential yet

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subject to sth

likely to be affected by something, especially something bad

—> Dễ bị ảnh hưởng bởi sth (=vulnerable)

E.g: - Some services may be running late due to the bad weather (SUBJECT)

—> Some services may be subject to delay due to bad weather

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it occurs to sb (to do sth)

(of an idea or a thought) to come into your mind

—> sb nghĩ rằng (sẽ làm gì)

—> = cross sb’s mind (to do sth)
E.g: - I never thought of borrowing money from him (OCCURRED)
—> It never occurred to me to borrow money from him

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get promotion

(phr) Được thăng tiến, được thăng chức

E.g: - If I can't get promotion soon, I'll look for another job.

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on the strength of sth

​because somebody has been influenced or persuaded by something

—> Nhờ vào sth

E.g: - Ray’s good work record enabled him to get promotion (STRENGTH)
—> Ray got promotion on the strength of his good work record

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​the state of being serious

—> Sự nghiêm trọng / sự nghiêm túc (NOUN of serious)
E.g: - He spoke with a seriousness that was unusual in him.

- We saw from the seriousness of her expression that she meant it.

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play down sth

to try to make something seem less important than it really is

—> Làm giảm đi sth (sự nghiêm trọng, tầm quan trọng,…)

—> = diminish

E.g: - The government has tried to make the incident seem less serious (PLAYED)

—> The government has tried to play down the seriousness of the incident

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Restriction (on sth)

[countable] a rule or law that limits what you can do or what can happen

—> Quy định hạn chế (về sth)
E.g: - Travellers may bring as much luggage as they require (AMOUNT)

—> There is no restriction on the amount of luggage travellers may bring

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make sense of sth

​to understand something that is difficult or has no clear meaning

—> Hiểu được sth (mơ hồ, khó hiểu, không rõ ràng)

—> ~ figure out, make out, catch on…

E.g: - We couldn’t understand the film at all (SENSE)
—> We make no sense of the film at all

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only child

​a child who has no brothers or sisters

—> Con một

E.g: - Since he is an only child, his parents have spoiled him (NOT)
—> If he weren’t an only child, his parents wouldn’t have spoiled him

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provided (that)

= as/so long as, on condition that, if (loại 1)
—> Miễn là, miễn rằng, nếu

E.g: - If you revise all your notes, you’ll pass the exam (PROVIDED)

—> You’ll pass the exam provided that you revise all your notes

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but for sth

= without sth, if not

—> Nếu không có sth

E.g: - If it wasn’t for the good pay, I wouldn’t stay in this job (BUT)
—> I wouldn’t stay in this job but for the good pay

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nominate sb/sth (as sth)

to formally suggest that somebody/something should be chosen for an important role, prize, position, etc.

—> Đề cử sb/sth (là/thành sth) /ˈnɑːmɪneɪt/

—> = put sb’s name forward as …
E.g: - He was nominated (as) best actor.

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put sb’s name forward (as sth)

to state an idea or opinion, or to suggest a plan or person, for other people to consider

—> Đề cử sb/sth (là/thành sth)

—> Nominate sb/sth as sth

E.g: - Some friends nominated him as a spokesman (FORWARD)
—> Some friends put his name forward as a spokesman

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Người phát ngôn (nam)

—> Spokesperson, spokeswoman

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make sb’s getaway

an escape from a difficult situation, especially after committing a crime

—> Trốn thoát (phr) (=escape)
E.g: - They may have escaped through the back door (GETAWAY)

—> They may have made their getaway through the back door

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Be prone to sth

​likely to suffer from something or to do something bad

—> Dễ dính sth (adj phr) /prəʊn/

E.g: - He suffers from headaches and insomnia (PRONE)
—> He is prone to headaches and insomnia

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[U] Chứng mất ngủ /ɪnˈsɑːmniə/

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in excess of sth

= more than: Nhiều hơn sth (dùng trong writing)

E.g: - There are more than six hospitals in this city (EXCESS)

—> There are in excess of six hospitals in this city

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have greater depths to sb

sb có chiều sâu về nội tâm hơn /depθ/ (= have a more complex personality)

E.g: - Mike has a more complex personality than you may think (DEPTHS)

—> Mike has greater depths to him than you may think

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judge by the look of sb/sth

—> Đánh giá qua vẻ ngoài của sb/sth

E.g: - To look at him, you would think he was poor (judging)
—> You would think he was poor judging by the look of him

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Nhân viên bán hàng

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give sb your assurance (that)

= promise, guarantee, assure, make a promise…

—> Đảm bảo với sb (rằng)

E.g: - The salesman promised me the cooker would be delivered today (ASSURANCE)
—> The salesman gave me his assurance that the cooker would be delivered today

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obtain information

Tiếp nhận thông tin (collo)
E.g: - For further information, contact the accommodation officer (OBTAINED)

—> Further information can be obtained from the accommodation

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not have the remotest idea

to not know at all

—> Không biết, không hiểu

E.g: - We can’t possibly imagine how we’re going to afford a new car (REMOTEST)

—> We don’t have the remotest idea how we’re going to afford a new car

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overlook sb (for sth)

to not consider somebody for a job or position, even though they might be suitable

—> Bỏ qua, hững hờ với sb (về sth)
E.g: - She’s angry that she is constantly overlooked for promotion (RESENTS)

—> She resents being constantly overlooked for promotion

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confuse sb/sth with sb/sth

​to think wrongly that somebody/something is somebody/something else

—> Nhầm lẫn sb/sth với sb/sth

—> = mistake sb/sth for sb/sth, mix sb/sth up with sb/sth

E.g: - People often mistake me for my elder sister (CONFUSE)

—> People often confuse me with my elder sister

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make no mention of sb/sth

Do not mention sb/sth

—> Không đề cập đến sb/sth

E.g: - The brochure doesn’t say anything about its parking facilities (MAKES)

—> The brochure makes no mention of its parking facilities

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indebted (to sb) (for sth)

(formal) grateful to somebody for helping you

—> Mang ơn, mang nợ (sb) (vì sth) (adj phr)
E.g: - He owes his life to that surgeon (INDEBTED)
—> He is indebted to that surgeon for saving his life

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Bác sĩ phẫu thuật

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