Peterson and Peterson date
Peterson and Peterson Aim
To investigate the duration of unrehearsed short-term memory
Peterson and Peterson Method
Participants were asked to remember trigrams and then distracted by counting backward for 6-18 seconds
Peterson and Peterson Results
After 6 seconds → 50% accuracy rate After 18 seconds → zero recollection
Robbins et al. date
Robbins et al. Participants
20 male chess players from Cambridge
Robbins et al. Method
Dual-task paradigm involving recreating the arrangement of chess pieces on a board from memory
IV: Type of distraction (phonological/visuo-spatial)
Robbins et al. Results
Far greater reduction in scores with visuospatial interference (4/25) than phonological interference (16/25)
Klingberg et al. Date
Klingberg et al. Participants
42 children with ADHD
Klingberg et al. Method
Five week trial playing computerized games designed to improve working memory.
One condition had increasing difficulty, one did not
Klingberg et al. Results
Group with increasing difficulty showed significant improvements in working memory capacity and less display of ADHD-related symptoms
Watson and Rayner date
Watson and Rayner Method
White rat (neutral stimulus) was reintroduced to Baby Albert with loud noise (aversive stimulus) over and over
Watson and Rayner Results
Baby Albert started showing fear towards white rat without the presence of a loud noise
Buchanan and Lovallo date
Buchanan and Lovallo Aim
To investigate the effect of cortisol on memory consolidation of emotionally significant information
Buchanan and Lovallo Method
Experiment: Administered 20mg of cortisol
Control: Placebo
Viewed images (neutral - emotionally arousing) Given memory test a week later
Buchanan and Lovallo Results
Increased levels of cortisol improved memory recall of emotional images compared to neutral ones
Solomon et al. date
Solomon et al. aim
To investigate the prevalence rates of PTSD symptoms amongst Israeli men and women after a series of terrorist attacks
Solomon et al. participants
500 Israeli men and women
Solomon et al. method
Used questionnaires to gather data about factors related to cognitive appraisal like:
Sense of threat
The extent that you are confident in your ability to cope with the stressor and its effects
Sense of threat
The extent that you find the stressor threatening/dangerous
Solomon et al. results
Men were significantly more likely to be exposed to traumatic events
Females reported higher levels of trauma and stress-related symptoms than men
PTSD was 6 times more common in women
women had lower self-efficacy and high sense of threat on average -> negative cognitive appraisal
Garrison et al. date
Garrison et al. aim
To investigate the cross-cultural differences in PTSD symptoms after a natural disaster (Hurricane Andrew)
Garrison et al. participants
350 Black, Hispanic and Caucasian teenagers
Garrison et al. method
Structured interview about:
Disaster experienced
Recent stressful events
Exposure to traumatic events
Psychiatric symptomatology
Garrison et al. results
Prevalence of PTSD was highest amongst blacks/hispanics
Number of stressful events after the disaster was positively correlated with PTSD symptoms
Socioeconomic status affects one's ability to cope with trauma
Luby et al. date
Luby et al. Participants
Children aged 3-6
Luby et al. method
parent and child together in a room
brightly colored gift in front of child
child told to wait until parent fills out questionnaire
trained observers measure interactions between the parent and child (hostile/supportive)
Luby et al. results
Positive correlation between supportive parenting and hippocampal volume
Children raised in poverty have lower hippocampal volume on average