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wilson 1966
the “classic” definition. The process by which religious thinking + practices lose social significance
difficult to operationalise
bruce 2002
secularisation - a social condition manifest in:
the declining imp of religion in non-religious institutions
decline in social standing of religious organizations
decline in the extent to which people engage in religious practices, display engagement in religion
Jose Casanova
macro: secularisation of societal structures/decline in the social significance of religion - how much power does religion hold over instititutions?
micro: secularisation in personal life/beliefs - how many ppl attend church?
argued that rel declined in importance due to rationalization and modernization -modern societies are incompatible w religion, ppl turn to science instead
ppl act less in terms of emotion/tradition and mire in terms of the rational pursuit of goals (what in the corporate nonsense)
evaluation: modern society is swinging towards fundamentalism
bruce (2011)
protestanism contributed to secularisation (like weber)
structural differentiation - social inst. separate themselves from each other, become more specialised.
social differentiation - social classes became distinct
the secularisation process countered by constant regrowth of religion - will never be complete
religious participation
church attendance dropped from 11.1% to 5.4% - mayreflect a rise in denominations and immigrations
religious membership
church in england has lost power: 20% say no official religion, 5% say they are hostile to religion