Capacity for increase, geometric vs exponential growth, survivorship, logistic growth, density dependence, human demogr. trans life tables
Capacity for increase over time, darwin example with elephants
If an elephant starts breeding at 30, stops at 90, and has 6 calves it will and survive until 100, then in about 750 years there will be 19 million elephants descended from the first pair.
Increase in Northern Elephant Seal
Populations in central california and the channel islands (more isolated) had dramatic increases because more seals are giving birth
Discrete breeding
Having periods of abundance of when breeding occurs (during spring, fall, etc). Looking at when populations spike shows breeding season.
Growth Curves
Geometric growth when breeding only occurs during breeding season, it occurs during intervals. Exponential growth occurs when breeding is continuously
How can we measure changes in a population over a period of time?
When lambda is < 1 and r is < 0, population is declining. When lambda = 1 and r = 0, population is staying the same. When lambda is > 1 and r > 0, population is growing.
Peter and Rosemary Grant study
Looked at evolution of beak size with an increase in seed hardness. Mistnetted all medium ground finches on Daphne Island, banded them, then resampled each year for 15 years, specific example was cactus finch
Survivorship Curve Type I
Humans and bears, good survivorship through adult hood, most individuals die in older ages
Survivorship Curve Type II
Birds and squirrels, decline in the number of species remains steady (at any rate)
Survivorship Curve Type III
Insects and flowers, high mortality young in life but those that make it typically mature
Exponential vs logistic growth
Exponential growth has “K” which describes the ones that do well at carrying capacity and above the inflection point it levels off. Logistic growth does not account for carrying capacity
Human demographic transition
Countries across the world are at different stages of this transition. Pre-industrialization, birth and death rates are high, therefore population is stable. After industrialization,
Density dependence
refers to how environmental factors influence population growth rates, with the impact varying based on the population's size or density, In song sparrows, increase of territorial males also increases the number of “floating males” that arent reproducing.
Big project research question
How do pollinator amounts and individuals differ across campus in regards to flower richness?