chapter 9- topics

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Why are cells small?

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Why are cells small?

that is the most efficient size for the cell, so it can preform all it's necessary tasks

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Why small cell are more effective in transporting nutrients and removing waste (surface area to volume ratio)

because with a smaller volume and SA, it is easier for diffusion, and can transport all the required nutrients to all the organelles

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What is the difference between prokaryotic cell division and eukaryotic cell division ?

Prokaryotic: binary fission

Eukaryotic: cell cycle

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What is the cell cycle ?

different stages and phases that a cell goes trough to achieve division

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Explain What happens in interphase

in interphase cells prepares for mitosis, it carries out normal functions and grows, replicates all the DNA and organelles

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What stage does the cell spend the most time in and why?

interphase, because it is preparing for mitosis and must complete 3 phases

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Understand the importance of Mitosis and in what type of cells mitosis occurs in

mitosis is important as it helps us repair our body and grow, body cells undergo mitosis

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Understand the difference between cytokinesis in animal cells and cytokinesis in plant cells

animal cells: uses cleavage furrow to split the cytoplasm

plant cells: cell forms cell plate to split the cytoplasm

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Understand the importance of mitosis

mitosis helps repair our bodies and causes us to grow, it also makes sure a cell doens’t grow too large

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Understand the steps of mitosis

  1. prophase

  2. metaphase

  3. anaphase

  4. telophase

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Know what happens in each stage as well as drawing the stages and labeling them

prophase: chromosomes become condensed and nucleus dissolves

metaphase: chromosomes line up in the middle

anaphase: spindle fibers pull chromosomes to opposite sides of the cell, become chromatid

telophase: two new nuclei form and cell undergoes cytokinesis to split the cell membrane

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Why cell regulation is important during cell division

it is important because it regulates the rate and health of cell during cell division

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The three different types of check points and what they do

g1: checks for cell size, growth, nutrients

g2: if DNA is replicated properly

m/(SAC): if the chromosomes are lined up in the middle and the spindle fiber attachment

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What is a Mitosis Promoting factor and when is the concentration of it the highest?

The MPF is the combination of cyclin and CDK, and it’s the highest during end interphase

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What is cancer?

the uncontrolled growth and division of cells due to the failure in the regulation of a cell during the cell cycle

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What are the causes of cancer ( including environmental and non environmental)?

  1. Cancer occurs when mutations or segments of the DNA are altered or changed

  2. or due to environmental factors called carcinogens

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What is the difference between oncogenes and a protooncogenes? How are these two genes involved in cell cycle regulation?

oncogene: mutated pro-oncogene and is always activated, signals cell division

pro-oncogene: normal DNA, is activated only when it’s time for cell division

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Why does a cell go through apoptosis? Give an example of how apoptosis can be important

a cell goes thrrough apoptosis if it needs to die, it is important because it gets rid of damaged cells with mutated DNA like cancer, also some cells are required to die for us to grow (web hand ex.)

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What are stems cells and why are they important

stem cells are unspecialized cells, they give rise for specialized cells, like the kidney and liver cells

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Know the difference between embryonic stem cells and adult stem cell

embryonic: give rise to all types, come from an embryo

adult: gives rise only to it’s corelating type, found In bone marrow and tissue

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