difficilis facilis, iucundus acerbus es idem:
“You are equally difficult and easy, pleasant and bitter”
Stylistic Point:
Chiasmus: the 2 negative adjectives (difficilis & acerbus) encase the positive adjectives (facilis & iucundus). This creates an impression of the bad ecasing the good and a the equally weighted phrase mirrors the equal weight of the person’s personality.
Paradox: The opposite emotions do not make sense and introduce the speakers inner conflict as well.
Work placement: “difficilis” (unbearable) starts the line which could suggest the overarching theme to be how this experience is unbearable for him “idem” (you are) ends the line which emphasis the nature of the person being the problem.
nec tecum possum vivere, nec sine te.
“I cannot live with you, nor can I live without you.”
Stylistic Point:
Oxymoron of Dependency: The contrast between the two statements creates an impression of a toxic or deeply conflicted relationship.
Word placement: The “possum” (to be able to) is in the centre which reflects how he is being torn apart by the two sides in this conflict.
Repetition: “nec” (nor) is repeated to show how both sides are of equal weight (as in similar word phrasing) and conflicting.