Multiplier effect
The idea that an initial change in spending will set off a spending chain that is magnified in the economy.
Marginal propensity to consume (MPC)
How much people consume rather than save when there is a change in income.
Marginal propensity to save (MPS)
How much people save rather than consume when there is a change in income.
spending multiplier
The spending multiplier is the number we use to identify the total change in spending we will see after the initial spending.
we increase imports, it actually
decreases real gdp
increase in imports, there is a decrease
in the maximum amount of spending
increase exports, we increase
real gdp
increase in exports, we see an increase
maximum change in spending.
tax multiplier
used to determine the maximum change in spending when the government either increases or decreases taxes.
he tax multiplier will always be
less than the spending multiplier.