Neuron doctrine
developed by Ramon y Cajal
the brain is made of separate neurons and other cells that are independent structurally and functionally
info is transmitted through gaps/synapses
Golgi stain
stain used to study brain cells that specifically takes neurons but not all neurons take it
Nissl stain
stain used to study brain anatomy that stains whole cells and is not limited to neurons
make up 10% of cells in the brain and function in computation
make up 90% of cells in brain function in support
provide nutrients to neurons and regulate/buffer extra cell space
structural framework for other type of cell in the brain
make myelin
guide other cells during development
capable of regeneration at high rate
schwann cell
type of glial cell
make myelin in the PNS (peripheral nervous system) (travels through entire body)
found in axon
type of glial cell
make myelin in CNS (brain and spinal cord) (central nervous system)
connects to myelinated portion of axons
type of glial cell
regulate extracellular space and blood/brain barrier (system the protects / keeps things out of the brain)
type of glial cell
removes/ engulfs debris and dying/dead nerons
where neurons connect to communicate
synaptic vesicles
contain chemicals that can be released into the synapse
sends info to other neurons
has myelinated portions (w nodes of Ranvier)
inside is negative with respect to the outside
can be recorded from
where voltage - gated ion channels are found
AP’s move down it
resting membrane potential
difference in charge between inside and outside of cell
uses Goldman equation to be calculated
takes into account that membrane is permeable to more than one ion
membrane potential becomes closer to zero
attract cations (-) are positive
attract cations (+) are negative
electrical current
the movement of a positive charge
determined by voltage and electrical conductance
driving force + conductance
when positive + there is movement out of the cell
when negative - there is movement into the cell
Equilibrium potential
when the force of diffusion = electrical force
unique to each ion
Nernst equation used to determine its value
equilibrium potential (Eion) of potassium K+
equilibrium potential (Eion) of sodium Na+
driving force
net available force available to move across the membrane
0 when the equilibrium potential is 0
planes that separate negative and positive charges
ex. membrane
action potential
can be generated by
injecting + current
synaptic activity that releases transmitter that activates chemically activated channels
value of membrane potential that elicits an action potential
step 1
Na+ channels open Na+ rushes in
step 2
depolarization/rising phase
K+ channels open, K begins to leave the cell
gNa > gK
step 3
Na channels inactivate
Na influx stops
step 4
K continues to leave the cell
causes membrane potential to return to resting potential
step 5
after falling phase
where gNa < gK
K channels close
Na channels deinactivate
step 6
under membrane potential
sodium potassium pump
maintain sodium/potassium gradient
kicks out 3 Na+, brings in 2 K+
brain used 70% ATP with these
absolute refractory period
period after AP where it is impossible to shoot another AP
this happens because of inactivation of sodium gated ion channels after AP
1-2 ms
during peak and downfall
relative refractory period
period of time after an AP where another AP can be fired
second initiation requires stronger stimulus than before
needed to reopen inactivated sodium channels
right after other type of refractory period
during undershoot/hyperpolarization
stem cells residing in the adult brain divide and differentiate into neurons
binds and blocks Na+ channels which can block AP’s (chart would be little bump but no AP)
makes eating pufferfish wrong lethal
fast acting poison, no antidote
internal resistance
current that flows along the axon
membrane resistance
how easily current flows in and out of the membrane
saltatory conduction
involved in passive propagation
when current flows from node to node in the myelinated portion of the axon
AP’s happen in this node
active propagation
how AP’s move down the axon
unmyelinated portion
slower due to constant firing of AP’s
passive propagation
how currents AP’s move down the axon
myelinated portion of the axon
faster because AP’s happen at nodes
saltatory conduction
gap junction
electrical synapses
ions flow from cell to cell
chemical synapse
uses vesicles to release NT’s through a complex system
pre synaptic
vesicles store NT
AP arrives at terminal button
Voltage gated Ca++ channels open
Ca++ enters terminal
Vesicles fuse with membrane
post synaptic
ions flow in and out
transmitter gated ion channel receptors
elicit EPSP’s
ionotropic receptors
bind to receptors that open Na+ channels
not voltage gated
hyperpolarizes when it elicits and IPSP
G protein coupled receptors
metabotropic receptors
can open ion channels
can activate second messengers
spatial summation
records multiple axons and adds EPSP’s
temporal summation
records multiple AP’s on the same axon and adds EPSP’s
animal research
good model for behaviors in humans
controllable conditions
organizational similarities in brain structures
simpler and easier to focus on certain aspects of neural behavior
scientific laws
fact of the physical universe
exist until disproven
explanation that is broad in scope and supported by evidence
can include laws
proposed explanation from an observed phenomenon
testable and falsifiable
negative control
group in an experiment where no effect is found from a given placebo
positive control
group in an experiment where an effect is expected from a known substance
when a part of the brain is taken out/destroyed to learn its effects
ablation - destruction
one technique used to do this is lasers (RF) that can cause electrical destruction of certain parts of the brain
Pros: Provides strong evidence for the necessity of a brain structure for a process
Cons: does not actually investigate the function of the brain region, just what everything else can do without it
drugs administered through the abdominal cavity
drugs administered under the skin
drugs administered into vein
drugs administered into brain tissue
drugs administered into the ventricle
drugs administered by something placed into skin/ body
drugs administered through the skin
ex. nicotine or testosterone patch
drugs administered through the mouth
ex. pills
stereotaxic surgery
uses a stereotaxic atlas to input certain coordinates on the brain and target certain areas using electrodes
stereotaxic apparatus - used to place electrodes into brain
bregma - juncture of coronal and sagittal suture (point 0)
cannula - rods placed into brain (cannot be felt by patient)
measures brain activity in animals using electrodes
macroelectrodes - records many neurons
microelectrodes- records only one neuron
immediate early genes
uses antibodies to label proteins in the brain in response to stimuli
snapshot of the brain at a certain point in time
pros: noninvasive can be used on humans
cons: only gives a snapshot of the brain and doesn’t study brain activity
measures real time brain activity
macroelectrodes on the skull
pros: real time measurements, very mobile
cons: restricted to outermost layer of the cortex
looks for increase in blood oxygen level to study brain function
pros: can look at entire brain, non invasive
cons: complete immobilization and delay
in situ hybridization
used to detect MRNA at a cellular level one gene at a time
brain section exposed to radioactively labeled RNA probe
pros: cellular resolution
cons: time consuming, one gene at a time
Create a piece of RNA and inject it into the brain; the siRNA recognizes the strand of mRNA of interest, and destroys it such that it cannot be translated for protein expression
cons: potential off-target effects
grind up tissue; extract RNA; reverse transcribe to become DNA; fluorescently label; add to microarray chip; DNA binds to complementary strand on chip; ratio of different samples shows ratio of gene expression
pros: can assay of 1000’s of genes
cons: no cellular resolution, expensive
studying cellular proteins
in tissue slices, antibodies recognize the protein they are targeted against; label fluorescently to see under confocal
pros: cellular resolution, double label proteins
cons: time consuming, not as quantitative
activate receptors
drug that activated receptors
drug that blocks receptors
knock out mice
removes a gene to be studied
Knockout the gene in the mice embryo; no mRNA and therefore no protein products are made from
cons: May Interacts with other processes we want to control for
conditional knock outs
specific times (age) and specific tissue (area) where gene is knocked out
pros: doesn’t disrupt as much the developmental process
uses light to activate/ inhibit neurons
Use virus to inject a channel (eg. Rhodopsin 2/halorhodopsin); simulate with blue/yellow light to activate/inhibit neurons via ion flow
pros: Allows for bidirectional control of the neural activities simultaneously / allows for real-time investigation of function of neurons in behavior
twin studies
monozygotic - same egg (identical)
dizygotic - (fraternal)
concordant - when both twins have the same disorder
used to study genetic effect on certain diseases
pros: Allows for the disentanglement of shared genetic and environmental factors for the trait of interest
cons: many confounding variables
adoption studies
used to study the effect of environmental factors
pros: Allows for the disentanglement of shared genetic and environmental factors for the trait of interest
cons: information about biological parents isn’t always available
localized in neurons
synthesized by neurons
released by neurons
NT of neuromuscular junctions
motor neuron synapses
ach agonists
black widow spider venom
ach antagonists
botulinum toxin
myasthenia gravis
NT that assists in movement, attention, learning, addiction, and reward
cocaine is an agonist
methylphenyl (Ritalin) is an agonist
chlorpromazine is an antagonist
amphetamine both increases activity and release of this NT
type of NT
dopamine (DA)
norepinephrine (NE) - assists in attention
epinephrine (Epi) - adrenaline
bind to alpha and beta renergic receptors
serotonin (5-HT)
NT involved in mood, eating, sleeping, and arousal
antagonist is fluoxetine (Prozac)
agonists: LSD, Ecstasy/Molly (stimulates release, inhibits uptake), Psilocybin (mushrooms) >> Psilocin (binds to receptors
amino acid neurotransmitters
inactivates GAD
used to make experimental animal models for epilepsy
Glutamate - often excitatory
GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) - often inhibitory
bind to opioid receptors: opium, morphine, heroin
endogenous opioids
enkephalins (involved in reward pathway and pain reduction [analgesia])
reward pathway
projection of (in this case) dopamine neurons from VTA to NA