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dermatomes for face
trigeminal CNV
dermatomes region for upper arm
dermatomes region for front leg and side
dermatomes region for back of leg/feet
dermatome for thigh
dermatome for knee
dermatome for medial lower leg
dermatome for lateral lower leg
dermatome for lateral delts
dermatome for upper half of lower arm
dermatome for hand
dermatome for lower arm and elbow
dermatome landmarks for nips
dermatome landmarks for umbilicus/belly button
dermatome landmarks for back of knee/achillies
ascending pathway: posterior column-medial lemniscus function
vibration, proprioception, light touch
ascending pathway: antero-lateral function
pain, temp, crude touch
Posterior column medial lemniscus decussates at
internal arcurate fibers- lower medulla
Antero lateral decussates at, which sensory neuron 1-3?
anterior commissure- SC ramps 2-3 segments, second order
Antero lateral primary sensory neuron synapse? wherer
ipsilat, dorsal horn grey matter on 2nd order nuclei
Antero lat second order sensory neuron decussates where and asxends in what matter
anterior commissure, antero-lateral white matter
antero lat second order sensory neurons synapses on what
third order sensory neurons in thalamus
antero lat 3rd order sensory neurons project to ?
somatosensory cortex
Antero lat somatotopic organization? legs is
antero lat somatopic organization? arms is
antero lat somatopic organization? lat-medial
leg, trunk, arm, neck
antero lat what is the area for pain modulation called? located wherer
peri aqueductal grey area in the midbrain
antero lateral pathway has 3 tracts
spino-thalamic, spino-reticular, spino-mesencephalic
antero-lat tract spino reticular pathway
ascend SC, reticular formation in the medulla and midbrain
pathway for upper body PC-MLprimary sensory neurons travel in
fasciculus cuneatus
pathway for lower body PC-MLprimary sensory neurons travel in
fasciculus gracilis
pcml somatotopic organization of legs is FG
pcml somatotopic organization of arms is FC
PCML axons in fasiculus gracilis. cuneatus synapse on what where
nucleus gracilis, nucleus cuneatus
caudal medulla
PCML primary sensory neuron
bificates, ascending axons enter post column
PCML second order sensory neurons do what where
decussate, caudal medulla, synapse in thalamus
PCML second order sensory neurons tract called
PCML third order sensory neuroms from what to wherer
thalamus to seomatosensory cortex
thalamus is responsible for
major relay center sensory inputs, cerebellar and basal ganglia, cortico inputs,
the somato sensory cortex is where
postcentral gyrus of the parietal lobe, posterior to the central sulcus.and primary motor cortex
somatosensory cortex added thing in homunculus 2
back of head after trunk more medial, tongue most lateral
neative sxs of somatosensory lesions pcml 5
loss of postions, vibe, discrimatory/light touch, astereognosis/steroagnosia, sensory ataxia
loss of discrimatory touch means what is preserved
crude touch
what does astereognosis mean what is smth should note
inability to recog obj by touch
non pcml specific due to many components, sensory info reception, processing, intact language area- may mean parietal damage
sensory ataxia is 3 parts
no proprioception/touch so must rely on vision, unsteady balance, gait, coord, worse wo vision
Tabetic gait aka(2)
Ataxic gait or high steppage gait
Tabetic gait 3 parts
High steppage gait-
Foot flapping-heel first slap down dbl tap
Unsteady wo vision - cross over
tabetic gaits tested called? and result of what cord syndrome
romberg sign, post cord syndrome
PCML if damage to primary sensory neuron sxs
loss of deep tendon reflexes- hyporeflexia, cuz at sc lvl
if above sc intact
spino-thalamic Antero lat negative sxs of somatosensory lesions 3
loss of pain and temp, reduced touch sense-crude
positive sxs 2 categories
paresthesia/dysesthesia, hyperpathia/ allodynia
hyperpathia is
excessive pain sensation, burn, sear, sharp
allodynia is
pain to non normally painful stim, burn, sear, sharp
abnormal sensation non painful- tinglins, numb, tight
pos sxs related to pcml pathway is
positive sxs related to Anter lat pathway is
hyperpathia/ allodynia
primary sensory neuron sxs (nuclei or nerve root) result in
radicular pain, numb, ting thru dermatome
trigeminal nerve inputs pathway is
CNV>trigeminal ganglion-primary sensory neuron>back to BS and SC 2nd order trigeminal nucleus>midbrain?
cheif trigeminal nucleus modality is
fine touch
chief trigeminal nucleus main pathway to thalamus
trigeminal lemniscus and ventral posterior medial nucleus
where is the chief trigeminla nucleus
rostral pons
where is the spinal trigeminal nucleus
caudal medulla rostral SC
spinal trigeminal nucleus modality
crude touch, pain, temp
spinal trigeminal nucleus main pathway to thalamus
trigeminothalamic tract
CNV primary sensory neurons synapse on what side, decussate wherer, 3rd order go wherer?
ipsil, 2nd order cross asap BS thalamus, then to facial region of ssc
if there is damage to the cnV/cell bodies/axons sxs on what side?
if damage to facial somatosensory cortex/thalamus sxs what side?
loss of sensation L face and entire R body where is lesion?
L lateral pons- trigeminal ipsil and A-L at pons
complete loss Rside face and R side body where is lesion?
contra side of sxs thalamus - converse face and body from contra lat side- sensory only
transverse cord lesion means
damage of entire cord at lvl both sides
transverse cord lesion MOTOR sxs? what lvl? where
LMN at lvl and bilat, UMN below bilat
transvse cord lesion sensory sxs where?
post colm-pcml, Dorsal horn, ant commissure.
At lvl and below bilat
transverse cord lesion sxs
loss vibe, position, pain, temp,motor
causes of transverse cord lesion 3
trauma, tumor, MS
central cord lesion small affects where? sensory sxs
ant commisure at lvl crosses 1-2 seg below , sxs 1 dermatome below bilat
central cord syndrome sxs
loss of pain and temp
causes of central cord syndrome 3
syringomyelia, tumor, MS
posterior cord syndrome can spread to dorsal horn a-l sxs?
loss of vib and position may also ..
posterior cord syndrome sxs ? lvl?
below and possible at lvl bilat, full body?
causes of posterior cord syndrome 5
trauma, tumor, MS, vita B12 deficient, tabes dorsalis
anterior cord syndrome motorsxs?
LMN at lvl bilat, UMN below lvl bilat
anterior cord syndromesensory sxs where?
a-l path, pain , temp crude touch, ant comisure- dermatomes 1 seg below crossing, and all below
anterior cord syndrome sxs
pain and temp, motor
ccauses of anterior cord syndrome 4
trauma, tumor, MS, infarct
hemicord lesion/brown sequard syndrome sxs
pain, temp, contra 1 lvl below, motor- ipsil
causes hemicord lesion 3
penetrating trauma, compression from tumor, MS
hemicord lesion motor sxs? where
LMN at lvl ipsil, UMN below ipsil
hemicord lesion sxs post colm/dorsal horn where ?
at lvl and below ipsil
loss propr and light touch
1st order adn 2nd hemicord lesion what lvl and where?
at lvl and 1 below ipsil
hemicord lesion A-L sxs wherere
2 seg and below contra
herpes zoster aka
herpes zoster virus and where is it
chicken pox dormant in dorsal root ganglion(sensory)
herpes zoster sxs neg and pos?
hyperpathia/allodynia, paresthesias along 1 dermatomes-sensory nerve
pain, temp, cude touch
tabes dorsalis related to what
prolonged syphilis
tabes dorsalis is? what region
slow degen of (dorsal colm), roots, gangia typically lumbar
tabes dorsalis sxs, pos and neg 5
loss proprioceptive, vibe, touch bilat (below degen) parasthesias, allodynia
tabetic gait
tabes dorsalis treatment
mononeuropathy focal eg
carpal tunnel syndrome
neuropathy is what
nerve disorder
poly neuropathy general eg 4
diabetes, overdoes pyridoxine b6, ganglionpathies, polyneuritis