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Individual Psychology
It is Adler's main theory.
February 7, 1870
Adler's birth date.
Adler's birthplace.
Paulin and Leopold Adler
These are Alfred Adler's parents.
Adler's birth order
The number of siblings of Adler.
Rudolf Adler
The name of Adler's younger brother who died at the age of 4 in the bed next to him which made him traumatized and had a goal of being physician.
The illness that Adler almost died from at the age of 5 years old.
Sigmund Adler
The brother of Alfred Adler to whom he developed rivalry, and who became popular in business industry.
Eye specialist
The first career of Adler before pursuing psychiatry and general medicine.
Wednesday Psychological Society
The group to which Adler and Freud, along with the other three physician formed.
Vienna Psychoanalytic Society (1908)
It was formerly known as the Wednesday Psychological Society. It is now called the ________________________.
The year to which Alfred became the president of VPS which started the tension between him and Freud.
Society for Individual Psychology
The society that Adler formed after resigning as the president of VPS.
sex and agression
Freud's Motivation of Personality
social influences and striving for success and superiority
Adler's Motivation of Personality
little to no choice
Freud's View on Shaping Personality
responsible to who they are
Adler's View on Shaping Personality
past experiences
Freud's View on Behavior
future goals
Adler's View on Behavior
unconscious component of behavior
Freud's Focus on Unconscious
awareness of action
Adler's Focus on Consciousness
guilt and self-reproach
Freud's Brother's Death
Adler's Brother's Death
parents; mother
Freud's Attachments
siblings & peers
Adler's Attachments
Freud's Relationships
group setting
Adler's Relationships
widely popular
Freud's Popularity
less popular
Adler's Popularity
organization establishments
Freud's Influence
lecturing, training & clinics
Adler's Influence
Individual Psychology
It presents an optimistic view of people while resting heavily on the notion of social interest.
Social Interest
- It is the feeling of oneness with all humankind.
- It implies membership in the social community feeling of all people.
German word to which social interest is derived from.
freewill, teleology & individual difference
The things to which Adler's concept of humanity is based.
1st Tenet
Striving for success and superiority motivates personality.
2nd Tenet
Subjective perception shapes behavior and personality.
3rd Tenet
Personality is unified and self-consistent.
4th Tenet
The value of human activity must be seen from the viewpoint of social interest.
5th Tenet
Self-consistent personality structure develops into a person's style of life.
6th Tenet
Style of life is molded by people's creative power.
Striving for personal superiority
These people strive for this with little or no concern for others. Their goals are mainly personal ones for personal gains. It is largely motivated by the presence of inferiority complexes.
Striving for success
These are the type of psychologically healthy people who are motivated by social interest and success for all humankind. They are concerned with goals beyond themselves. They are capable of helping others without demanding or expecting a personal payoff.
Final Goal
it reduces the pain of inferiority feelings and points the person in the direction of either superiority or success.
Superiority's Final Goal
Their final goal is to have a parasitic relationship with her mother.
Success' Final Goal
They set their final goal in terms of success and social interests.
First Tenet
The one dynamic force behind people's behavior is the striving for success or superiority.
Second Tenet
The manner in which a person strives is not shaped by reality but by their subjective perceptions of reality, that is, by their fictions, or expectations of the future.
These are the ideas that have no real existence, yet they influence people as if they really existed.
Third Tennet
According to Aldler, inconsistent behaviors do not exist. Thoughts, feelings and actions are all directed toward a single goal; and serve as a single purpose.
Organ Dialect
- The deficient organ expresses the direction of the individual goals.
- Disturbance of one part of the body cannot be viewed in isolation which affects the entire person.
- Through this, the body's organ "speaks a language which is usually more expressive and discloses the individual's opinion more clearly than words are able to do."
Consciousness & Unconsciousness
Adler viewed both of these as two cooperating parts of the unified system.
Conscious thoughts
These are the thoughts that are understood and regarded by individuals.
Unconscious thoughts
These are the thoughts that are not understood and not helpful.
Social Community/Community Feeling
The actual translation of Gemeinschaftsgefühl.
Occupational (work), social, love & marriage
These are the task needed to develop social interest.
Styles of Life
- Refers to the flavor of a person's life which includes personal goals, self-concept, feelings for others and attitude towards the world.
- The product of interaction of heredity, environment, and a person's creative power.
- Established at the age of 4 or 5.
Ruling-Dominant Type
they always dominate others
Getting-Learning Type
they always rely on others
Avoiding Type
they avoid failure, thus, they never pursue anything.
Socially Useful Type
confronts problems and attempts solve the problem in a socially useful way.
Faulty Lifestyle
The first three styles of life based on their level of social interest is also known as this.
Sixth Tenet
According to Adler, each person is empowered with freedom to create his own style of life.
Creative Power
- It places people in control of their lives.
- It is responsible for their final goal.
- It determines their method of their goal.
- It also contributes to the development of their social interest.
- It implies movement with direction which help people to move freely.
Creative Power limits
(1) to be psychologically healthy/unhealthy; (2) follow useful/useless styles of life
Underdeveloped social interest could lead to this.
Exaggerated Physical Deficiency
A factor of maladjustement in terms of either congenital or result of injury or disease accompanied by accentuated feelings of inferiority.
Pampered Style of Life
- A factor of maladjustment to which it makes people have weak social interests.
- They tend to develop parasitic relationship with their parents, peers, and partner.
- They expect other to look after them, overprotect them and satisfy their needs.
Neglected Style of Life
- A factor of maladjustement to which abused and mistreated children develop little social interests. They feel unwanted and unloved.
- They have little confidence in themselves and tend to overestimate difficulties.
Safeguarding Tendencies
Patterns of behavior to protect people from their exaggerated sense of self-esteem against public disgrace. It enable people to hide their inflated self-image and to maintain their current style of life.
Typically expressed in "Yes, but" or "If only" statements
"Yes,but" excuse
people first state what they claim they would like to do, something that sounds good to others, then, they follow with an excuse
"If only" excuse
protect a weak-but-artificially-inflated sense of self- worth and deceive people into believing that they are more superior than they really are.
Some people use this to safeguard their exaggerated superiority complex.
- People run away from difficulties
- Safeguarding through distance.
Masculine Protest
In societies where women are seen as weaker and passive, some women resist these roles by adopting a masculine orientation and becoming more assertive and competitive.
Firstborn Children
- They often experience intensified feelings of power and superiority, high anxiety, and overprotectiveness.
- They face a traumatic dethronement when a younger sibling is born.
- If older than 3 and self-centered, they may feel hostility and resentment, but if they are cooperative, they adapt positively. - - For ____ under 3, hostility and resentment are mostly unconscious.
Secondborn Children
They develop better cooperation and social interest, shaped by the older sibling's attitude. Hostility leads to competitiveness or discouragement, while cooperation fosters healthy, moderate competitiveness.
Yougest Children
They are often the most pampered, which increases the risk of becoming problem children. They may develop strong feelings of inferiority and a lack of independence.
Only Child
They compete with parents instead of siblings, often developing an exaggerated sense of superiority and inflated self-concept. They may struggle with cooperation, social interest, and tend to expect pampering from others.
Early Recollection
An Adlerian technique where clients recall early life memories (usually before age 10), which provide insights into their style of life. These memories are analyzed by the therapist but are not considered causally influential, whether they reflect reality or fantasy.
Dreams (Adler)
- According to Adler, this can provide clues to solve future problems. The way of the body to prepare a person in possible danger.
- Also used to analyze problems and plan future goals.
Adlerian Psychotherapy
- Adler encouraged clients to examine their goals and take responsibility for their current struggles, often asking, "What would you do after I cure you?"
- He emphasized that how individuals use their resources is more important than the resources themselves.
enhance courage, reduce feelings of inferiority, and increase social interest.
Primary goals of Adlerian Psychotherapy.