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How does a Bright-field microscope work?
Light passes through the specimen and then a series of magnifying lenses
What are the 6 main parts of the Bright-field microscope?
Ocular piece
Objective lens
Specimen stage
Condenser lens
Light source
Iris diaphragm lever
What does the ocular lens do?
Magnifies the image 10-fold (10x)
What does the condenser lens do?
Focuses the light
What does the Iris diaphragm lever do?
Controls the amount of light that enters the objective lens
What does the objective lens do?
Provides different magnifications based on the lens chosen.
What does the rheostat do?
Controls the brightness of the light.
Which two lens magnify the specimen?
Objective and ocular
Total magnification
The product of the objective and the ocular lens (10x)
Resolution definition
The minimum distance between two points at which those points can be observed as separate.
What is the maximum resolving power of the light microscope?
0.2 um
What is immersion oil used for?
To displace air between lens and specimen when using high powered 100 x objective. It prevents the refraction of light and keeps rays from missing opening in objective lens.
What is contrast?
Determines how easily cells can be seen. Bacteria lack contrast but while using stains increase it, it kills the microbes.
Dark-Field microscope
Increases contrast by directing light towards the specimen at an angle.
Only light scattered by the specimen enters the objective lens and therefore those cells appear as bright objects against a dark background.
Phase-Contrast microscope
Increases contrast by amplifying the difference between refractive index of dense material and surrounding medium to make the cells and other dense material appear darker.
Differential Interference Contrast microscope
Depends on differences in refractive index
Separates light into two beams that pass through specimen and recombine
Light waves are out of phase when recombined causing a 3D appearance
What is epifluorescence?
UV light projected onto, not through, the specimen
Confocal microscopy
Detects fluorescence
Uses a laser beam and mirrors to illuminate and image fine slices of a specimen
It is like a CAT scan
Multiphoton microscopy
Detects fluorescence
Like confocal but less energy is used
Doesn’t damage the cells as much and allows for time-lapse images
Light penetrates deeper to give interior views of relatively thick structures
How is electron microscopy similar to light microscopy?
Uses electromagnetic lenses and electrons instead of glass and light rays
Fluorescent screen replace glass lenses, visible light, and eye
Image is captured on electron micrograph rather than film
Since it uses electrons rather than light the wavelength of electrons are ~1,000 times shorter than light meaning greater resolution and higher magnification
Electron microscopes
Magnify images 100,000x
Specimen must be in a vacuum
Large and expensive
Specimen preparation is complex
Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)
Beam of electrons pass through or scatter (dark areas = dense material)
Thin sectioning used to view internal details
Freeze-fracturing, freeze-etching reveal shape of internal structures
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
Observes surface details
Surface is coated with thin film of metal
Beam of electrons is scanned over surface
Electrons released from specimen are observed to produce a 3D effect
Wet Mount
Uses a drop of unstained liquid specimen
Views microbial motility
Stained specimen procedure
Create a smear of the microbe
Dry the smear
Heat fix the cells
Stain the cells using different dyes depending on your goal
Types of Dyes
Basic dyes: Carry positive charge and are attracted to largely negative cellular components
Acidic dyes: Carry negative charge and are repelled by the negatively charged cell wall
Simple staining
Involves one dye
All cell components will look the same color
Shape and arrangements can be viewed
Differential Stains
Gram stain
Acid-fast staining
Gram Staining
Most common
Identifies two major groups of bacteria according to cell wall structure
Gram positive - purple, thick layer of peptidoglycan
Gram negative - pink, thin layer of peptidoglycan
Gram Stain Steps
Primary stain with crystal violet - all cells stain purple
Uses iodine as a mordant - cells remain purple
Decolorizes cells with alcohol - only gram-negative cells become colorless
Counterstain with safranin - gram-positive stay purple an gram-negative cells turn pink
Acid-fast staining
Primary stain uses carbol fuschin (red)
Counterstain uses methylene blue
Acid-fast microbes are red/pink
What does Acid-fast staining test for?
Mycobacterium - Causes tuberculosis and Hansen’s disease (Leprosy)
Cell wall contains high levels of mycolic acid, a waxy fatty acid that prevents uptake of dyes
Can presumptively identify agents in clinical specimens
Capsule stain
Used on microbes surrounded by gel-like layer
a negative stain is used by adding India ink to the wet mount
Endospore stain
Detects members of genera including Bacillus and Clostridium because they form endospore
Resist gram stain and appear clear
Uses heat to facilitate uptake of primary dye malachite green by endospore
Counterstain, usually safranin, is used to visualize other cells
Flagella stain
Flagella are too thin to be seen with a light microscope
Stain coats flagella to thicken and make visible
Presence and distribution can help in identification
Fluorescent Dyes and Tags
Some dyes bind to structures in all cells
Some are changed by cellular processes: distinguish between living and dead cells
Uses fluorescent dye-antibody labels to tag unique microbe protein
Common prokaryotic cell shapes
Coccus - spherical
Bacillus - rod, cylindrical
Fluorescence microscopes
Cells/ materials either naturally fluorescent or tagged with fluorescent dyes
Molecules absorb light at one wavelength and emit light at longer wavelengths
Most are epifluorescent
Other variety of prokaryotic shapes
Vibrio - bent rod
Spirillum - loose spiral
Spirochete - tighter spiral
Pleomorphic - no fixed shape
Prokaryote Groupings
Most prokaryotes divide by binary fission the stick together forming characteristic groupings
Diplococcus - two spherical cells
long chains
cubical packets
grapelike clusters