Meme identification-AP Euro

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Pluralism and absenteeism-

Church people hold many positions that they don’t go to

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Luther is an outlaw after the 95 theses.

  • Luther was declared an outlaw by the Holy Roman Empire in 1521.

  • He was banned from the Empire and his writings were to be burned.

  • Luther sought refuge in the Wartburg Castle, where he translated the New Testament into German.

  • His outlaw status made him a hero to some and a heretic to others.

  • Luther's actions sparked the Protestant Reformation and forever changed the course of Christianity.

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Favoring family for Promotions

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defenestration of Prague

  • Date: May 23, 1618

  • Location: Prague Castle

  • Trigger: Protestants threw two Catholic officials out of a window

  • Consequence: Sparked the Thirty Years' War

  • Importance: Symbolized religious tensions and political conflicts in Europe

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were reigning family in France until French revolution

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the edict that outlaws Luther and forces him into hiding in a castle

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Luther believed he needs to create a reformed faith based on the classic bible

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Indulgences bought by people to get loved ones out of purgatory

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Counter reformation

  • Council of Trent: established Catholic doctrine and reformed Church practices

  • Society of Jesus (Jesuits): founded by Ignatius of Loyola to spread Catholicism and combat Protestantism

  • Index of Forbidden Books: list of books banned by the Catholic Church

  • Inquisition: used to root out heresy and punish those who opposed Catholicism

  • Baroque art and architecture: used to inspire religious devotion and emotion

  • Catholic Reformation: movement within the Catholic Church to address corruption and improve spirituality

  • Papal States: territories controlled by the Pope in central Italy

  • Saint Teresa of Avila: Spanish mystic and reformer who founded the Discalced Carmelites

  • Saint John of the Cross: Spanish mystic and poet who wrote about spiritual purification and union with God

  • Peace of Westphalia: ended the Thirty Years' War and recognized the sovereignty of Protestant states in Europe.

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The realization that the catholic church had dissented so far from the original bible

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The fates of Henry VIII 6 wives

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The idea that indulgences poof you out of purgatory

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Mercantilism (if that wasn’t clear from the picture)

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Calvinism and predestination

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During the French wars of religion, Henry II accidentally died during a jousting match (not really important just funny)

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Schmalkaldic league-

a coalition of German (HRE) princes who wanted Lutheranism to be recognized in their states.

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Louis XIV inviting nobles to stay at lavish Versailles to consolidate power

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Jacques Bossuet

Divine right of kings

(idk why it’s this meme)

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France going broke due to louis XIV and his unnecessary spending

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Peter the Great adopted western culture for Russia after working at a shipyard in western Europe. So now he fangirls over it and imposes it on people by cutting off beards

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natural rights written by John Locke

believing that humans are born with some rights regardless of status (sounds like life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness but before we stole it)

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This is the concept of tabula rasa that everyone is born with a blank slate and learn through experience

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Montesquieu’s idea of the separation of powers 3 branches of government, legislative, judicial, and executive(basically copied america but was called an enlightenment thinker)

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Voltaire’s ideas on freedom of speech and the press

also brought about deism (god made this world but doesn’t interfere)

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Intellectual movement (enlightenment)

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Adam Smith and the Wealth of nations

anti-mercantilist, laissez-faire (government no touch our economy)

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PROPAGANDA!!!!! also the king cant stop a revolt if all the peasants got together

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Louis XIV reflecting on his failed attempts at war and telling his son Louis XV not to do the stupid things he did

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War of Austrian Succession- france and prussia smacking up austria after maria theresa takes the throne even after signing the pragmatic sanction

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Gustavus III was an enlightened monarch from Sweden but got assassinated by nobles because he tried to impose his enlightenment ideas

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We hadn’t talked about the hapsburgs for a while and now they’re back (Austria and maria theresa)

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reorganization of government in England where king and parliament shared power

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The peasant’s life line is bread

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also homemade propaganda

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We all know who this is for…

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The circle of the French revolution and everything else

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Peasants starving in the first stage of the french revolution

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Radicals Vs. moderates in the French revolution

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Napoleonic code solidifying the idea that women should stay home and make sandwiches

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Sans-culotee= the men without knee socks, not aristocrats

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The 3rd estate writes declaration of the rights of man and citizens

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Inflation during the french revolution

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Napoleon’s retreat after Russia’s scorched earth policy

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Austria and Prussia attack France in the stroming of the tuileries to stop the counter revolution

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Napoleonic code

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The kings signs a bunch of stuff for the revolutionaries and the king has basically given away all his power

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napoleon’s ambition to take over england fails so he decides to mess with their trade

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britain has the factors of production (land, labor, capital) that other countries don’t have

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The influx of food from the agricultural revolution makes it better for the peasants

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Luddites destroying the industrial machines because they are taking their jobs

Alice’s text makes no sense in this context

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rise of the middle class (factory owners) moving to the suburbs and out of the cities

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The rise of steam engines which were more efficient than horses

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Society shoots up at an exponential rate because of the abundance of food

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The ideas of Thomas Malthus and the fact that if we leave the population alone it will even out eventually

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The corn laws in England makes the price of bread shoot upward (lead to the Peterloo massacre )

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Europe starts sending prisoners to Australia

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Freedom of speech/religion of political liberalism

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The middle class is afraid of revolts from the poor and decides to create a police force to keep them safe England has bobbies while France has Serjents without guns and the Germans have Schutzmannschafts

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All revolts fail (mainly nationalistic ones)

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romanticism and feelings

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Metternich orchestrated the quadruple alliance between Russia Prussia Austria and England

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After Austria sides with no one in the Crimean war, they have no alliances in europe

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Otto von Bismarck creates the wars that bring German states together

(there is a whole series of bismarck- star wars crossovers that no one asked for in the notes )

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This creature is Camillo di Cavour of Italy

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Canada exists in 1867

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Alexander II (Russia) issues the emancipation edict where he frees the serfs but it fails cause they still work just for more money now

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Napoleon III was set on making France great again and got into a bunch of stupid wars because of it France

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Karl Marx exists to write the communist manifesto

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During the age of mass society, cartels were organizations that got together to control the prices of goods

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Women start to get white collar jobs such as receptionist and other things

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Theme parks start to form because people now have spending cash and boredom so the mouse takes over the world

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Places like the YMCA start to form as do organized sports for men

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Germany starts to gain more political parties during the Reichstag, communist manifesto starts to come into play political

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Imperialism in Africa- spurred on by social Darwinism and a desire for resources

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Forget physics, we have relativity due to Albert Einstein

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The incident of Emily Davidson stepping out in front of a horse for women’s rights

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England gets china hooked on drugs which leads to the opium wars

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Post impressionist movement

Sharper impressionism

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Emile zola- writes “life in the slums” though monologues

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Imma be honest, I don’t know if this is for growing tension in germany or russia’s coming out of timeout and this is the czar that they over

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This was an artistic movement that was made famous by people like picasso

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We were talking about the opium wars in china so this was made and put in the notes

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Darwinism evolves into social Darwinism which now oppresses people

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This is the triple entente vs the triple alliance

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Rasputin was involved in extracurricular activities with teh tsarina during the Russian revolutions and was also a super healer

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England no longer is a constantly growing country by the end of WWI, they had lots of general strikes

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The great depression after WWI

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Stalin gaining power and using it to impose regimes such as economic overhaul and the murdering of 60 million people who don’t agree with him

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USSR, Germany and Italy decide to go totalitarian after WWI and use terror to keep the people in line

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In Italy, their population was struggling so they began to give out medals for having 14 or more children

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In the roaring 20’s women were able to show more skin including shoulders and knee caps

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The Kellogg-Briand pact made it so that countries had to make their militaries smaller just for defensive purposes (everyone was skeptical that Russia wasn’t doing this)

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This is the art school that Hitler got rejected from

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Dadaism was essentially existentialism but in art

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Stalin began to expedite production but many factories began to report that they were making the specified amount but when Stalin came to collect their was less guns than stated

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a politcal cartoon featuring an impoverished child asking for money from a wealthy man

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