Religion Study Guide - 1st Semester Final

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A schismatic group that felt a priest's personal sins could prevent God's grace from coming to us through the sacraments, this group would even actively attack Catholics and throw a blinding solution in the eyes of travelers.

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A schismatic group that felt a priest's personal sins could prevent God's grace from coming to us through the sacraments, this group would even actively attack Catholics and throw a blinding solution in the eyes of travelers.

The Donatists

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Group that denied Original Sin and believed humans could "earn" heaven by living lives that were "good enough". Many Muslim denominations hold similar beliefs today.

The Pelagians

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This group believed all material things were evil and only spiritual things were good. To this end they discouraged anyone from having children, promoting contraception and even abortion.

The Manicheans

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What was one of the important ideas of Augustine's "City of God"?

That the "City of Man" encourages us to pursue selfish desires and worldly power or money instead of eternal happiness in heaven.

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Heretical group founded by a bishop/patriarch that promoted believed Jesus' human and divine persons were different from each other.

The Nestorians

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Identify the source of the quote, "Virtue is nothing without the trial of temptation, for

there is no conflict without an enemy, no victory without strife."

St. Pope Leo the Great

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The Council of Ephesus found that Jesus became divine as he aged, not that he was born fully divine and human. This is why the Gospel said he "grew and wisdom and grace".


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From the greek word meaning "knowledge", the idea that possessing secret knowledge is what can save you. This was a common characteristic of early heresies.


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A heretical belief that evil and good are equal and necessary to the structure of the universe.


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Means, "God-bearer", a title for Mary.


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Meaning "all-powerful". One of the characteristics of God.


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When the city of Rome was sacked for the first time, many Christians, including priests and bishops, thought it might be a sign of the end of the world.


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A fate faced by many holy bishops after the legalization of Christianity, when political rulers disliked what they said.


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Eastern notion that the emperor was equal to or above bishops in matters of faith.


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First Bible translated entirely into a single language.


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Early Christian leaders and writers known for orthodoxy, holiness, antiquity (1-8th century) and Church approval, often in the face of persecution.

Church Father

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When Rome was sacked, some thought it was because of its return to the worship of pagan gods and goddesses.


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Saint who helped convert St. Augustine, and was a mere catechumen when elected bishop by the people of Milan.

St. Ambrose

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Sometimes the preaching of a bishop or pope turned the Emperor to repentance from evil, as in the case of Ambrose and Theodosius.


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This preacher said, "Love based on physical beauty belongs to unchaste souls. Seek instead for beauty of soul."

John Chrysostom

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Saint called "Golden Mouthed" who gave practical homilies urging the rich to help the poor and concerning how to have good, faithful marriages and families.

St. John Chrysostom

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Saint known for his skill with languages and for his temper and tendency to insult foes.

St. Jerome

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Saint who used to be an elite soldier, but left that life after an encounter with Christ in the person of a beggar.

St. Martin

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Meaning "solitary" in Greek


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Red Martyrdom

Shedding one's blood for the Faith, to the point of death.

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White Martyrdom

Self-sacrifice and renunciation of the things of the world in order to grow closer to Christ.

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Identify the person who said the following, "God was made man so that we might be made God."

St. Athanasius

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Why did the Apostate Emperor dislike Christians so much?

He blamed them for killing many of his many family members after the death of Constantine.

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When Constantine fought the battle at the Milvian Bridge, Christians were only 15% of the Empire's population. By his death, they accounted for 30%.


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Identify the person who said the following, "Mediocrity brings the Christian faith into discredit."

St. Basil

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Saint noted for being the founder of monasticism in the East and the inventor of the hospital system.

St. Basil

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Which were parts of Julian's plan to destroy and persecute the Church? Choose the BEST answer.

Reorganizing paganism, marginalizing Catholics, and allying with the Jews.

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Saint noted for being the founder of monasticism in the West.

St. Anthony the Abbot (or St. Anthony of Egypt)

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What does it mean to say that the emperor Julian was an "Apostate".

He renounced the true Faith to follow a false one.

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True or false: Arianism was so popular and widespread that even some bishops began to believe it.


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What was the result of the Council of Nicaea with respect to Arianism?

Arianism was condemned

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What did the Edict of Milan do?

made Christianity legal

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How did Arianism spread so quickly throughout the Roman Empire? (check all that apply)

Arius taught his theology to sailors who spread it throughout the Mediterranean port cities

Arius was very clever, and persuasive, and likeable

the Roman nobility and Roman army embraced Arianism

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How did Arius attempt to solve the problem of explaining the Trinity?

he said the Father created the Son and the Holy Spirit

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What was the problem with the term consubstantial?

it was used by a heretic - Paul of Samosata - to describe modalism

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Why did Constantine call the Council of Nicaea?

to settle the Arian crisis and have peace throughout the empire

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What is the meaning of the term used to correctly describe the relationship between the Father and the Son in the Trinity?

"of the same substance"

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Multiple Responses! What happened during the Great Persecution of Diocletian?Choose all responses that are true.

Over 200 bishops were martyred.

He ordered the closing of all Christian churches and buildings.

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Define the term "apologist". Provide the best answer from alternatives below,

They were educated Christians who provided a defense and explanation for why Christian beliefs were correct and superior.

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What was notable about St. Justin Martyr?

He was an apologist and the first intellectual to see history as twofold--divided between the secular and the sacred.

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Literally means "witnesses".


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Christians who renounced the faith or sacrificed to pagan gods during persecutions, but sought readmittance to the Church when persecultions ended.


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Christians who weren't killed for their faith, but withstood prison and terrible tortures for it.


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What is the famous quote from Tertullian that involved blood? Type it out, then explain in a single sentence what it means.

The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church.

Martyrs gave their lives to allow others to grow and expand the church

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What was Hippolytus?

He was the antipope who became a saint after renouncing his claim and schism.

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The early Church found in favor of the Rigorist position, that the lapsi couldn't be forgiven for publicly denying Christ to save their own lives, and thus were damned. Their sin was "blasphemy against the Holy Spirit".


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Why was Montanus a heretic?

He believed private revelations were as important as Scripture

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Why was Marcion a heretic?

He believed there were two different gods - one from the Old Testament and one from the New

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This bishop was a disciple of St Polycarp, who was a disciple of St John the Apostle, who knew Christ:

St Irenaeus

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Which pagan author attacked the Scriptures and the doctrines of the Incarnation and Resurrection?


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Early Christian documents, such as letters written by bishops, show that the Church believed the Eucharist was truly the Flesh and Blood of Christ (and not merely a symbol).


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Pagans often accused Christians of being/doing which of the following things:

being bad citizens


murdering infants

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Pliny the Younger, a Roman official in the province of Bithynia, received complaints about Christians because they:

refused to buy meat sacrificed to idols

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This ancient heresy involved secret knowledge and the belief that the material world was evil:


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Which pagan author believed Christianity was "a revolutionary fad, a threat to the ancient culture and traditions of Rome"?


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Which bishop wrote letters to several churches as he journeyed to Rome to be eaten by ferocious wild animals?

St Ignatius of Antioch

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Explain what Jesus was saying when he told his disciples they must "Gird their loins....and light their lamps".

He was telling them to stay dressed and to be ready

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A meeting of the bishops of the church under the pope to clarify or establish Church teachings. The most authoritative source of teaching.

ecumenical council

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A belief system that is often polytheistic and lacks a central authority figure (like the pope).


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Belief in one god.


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Belief in many gods/goddesses.


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To be kicked out of the Church. You can be readmitted through Confession and repentance.


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Of the same substance. An attribute of God.


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Someone who leaves the true Faith to follow a false one.


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This saint trusted a disembodied voice that told him to leave his master, walk 200 miles to the coast, and that a ship would be waiting to take him home. The ship was waiting when he arrived. He made it home, only to come back and convert the land of his enslavement.

St. Patrick

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Preserved centuries of secular and sacred knowledge and were the cause of it being spread from 600 to 800 AD.

Irish monastics

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St. Gregory I

Hid in a cave because he didn't want to be pope, but reluctantly agreed and did the job splendidly.

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St. Gregory II

Sent Winfrid to convert the German tribes.

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Religious pilgrims perpetually journeying to spread the faith.

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St. Finnian of Clonard

Irish abbot that founded monasteries that produced manuscripts that spread knowledge to the rest of Europe.

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St. Augustine of Canterbury

Led 40 Italian monks to England to reconvert that land.

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What has historically proven to be a more powerful force than armies and conquest? (Choose the best answer from the reading)

Scholarship joined to sacrifice.

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The saint whose 15 years of perseverance and prayer won over the heart of their spouse and led to the conversion of the Franks.

St. Clotilda

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Pope who urged St. Augustine of Canterbury not to be fearful, but to boldly proclaim Christ to the peoples of England.

St. Gregory the Great

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When did Clovis finally promise to be believe and be baptized?

When he was losing a battle badly and promised to convert if Christ gave him the victory instead.

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Which was a religious practice of the Norse pagans?

Human sacrifices, including at sacred trees dedicated to a god or goddess.

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"Apostle to the Germans", this saint chopped down an oak considered sacred to Thor. When the god of thunder didn't strike him down, it validated his message that Christ was greater than the Norse gods. The people converted.

St. Boniface

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Muslim men are allowed to be polygamists if they can "Treat all their wives equally." True or False


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Muslims believe Jesus is a prophet and the Messiah, but not the Son of God. True or False


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Patron saint of childbirth (because he was born by caesarean section). Gave himself over to ransom Muslim slaves to freedom.

St. Raymond Nonnatus

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Set about converting Muslims through logic, debate, and by learning their language and culture.

Blessed Raymond Llull

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Argued that Muhammad's teachings should have been accompanied by miracles if they were truly from God, and should be dismissed since they were not.

St. Thomas Aquinas

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Argued that a rational God would not approve of the use of violence for religious conversion.

Manuel II Palaiologos

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Status of Jews and Christians living in Muslim territory. Required that they pay an extra tax and submit to Islamic authority, but were allowed to basically practice their faith.


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Who would Muslims claim wrote the Quran/Koran?

God gave it to Gabriel, who commanded Muhammad to write it down.

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What was another of the powerful motives to convert to Islam if you lived in a Muslim country?

Muslims could not be owned as slaves, but if you were a non-Muslim you could be taken into slavery and sold.

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Who was the only founder of a major religion still around today that engaged in war during his lifetime (and personally)?


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Which belief do Muslims hold in common with Christians?

That Mary the Mother of Jesus was a virgin when she conceived and gave birth to Jesus, and that she is to be revered among women.

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Muslims also refer to God as "Father". True or False


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Who is one of the greatest theologians of the Church who insisted faith and reason were capacities all humans should exercise and strengthen?

St. Thomas Aquinas

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Said, "The best penance is to accept with patience the punishments that God sends us."

St. Peter Damien

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One of many popes who had to defend the papal right to appoint bishops. When secular politicians have tried to appoint bishops in their territories it's called "lay investiture".

Nicholas the Great

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Said, "Be gentle to the weak, firm to the stubborn, steadfast to the proud, humble to the lowly."

St. Columbanus

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Reformer pope who instituted priestly celibacy to address the problem of priests giving property or showing favoritism to children. Celibacy means you don't get married or have sex, ever.

Pope Gregory VII

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You have a friend who is skeptical of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Write a persuasive letter explaining what it is about, the conditions that must be met for sins to be forgiven, and the common objections and reasons people have about going. Explain to your friend why he shouldn't worry about the priest remembering or telling anyone else their confession. Your letter should be a minimum of 5 paragraphs (remember, paragraphs are 2-5 sentences in length).

Write 5 paragraphs with 2-5 sentences per paragraph.

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