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acanthus leaves
a stylized LEAF MOTIF, one of the primary decorative elements of classical architecture, as evident on the capital of the corinthian column. with its origins in greece, it was adopted by romans and transmitted into the general classical tradition
based on the honeysuckle flowers and leaves
moorish design or scrollwork, leaves flowers, and interlaced branches, beautifully intertwining and flowing patternnof eaves and flowers, and based on the assyrian tree of life
a full or half male figure used instead of a column or in place of a furniture leg
board placed at the base of a wall and rests on the floor; usually treated with moldings
decorative strip or molding that resembles a STRING OF BEADS. found on furniture, silver, glassware, pottery etc.
the edge of any flat surface that has been cut at a slant to the main area
TORTOISESHELL, IVORY, MOTHER-OF-PEARL and METALS of various colors used as INLAY TO ORNAMENT CABINTEWORK, name is derived from andre charles boulle
ROUNDING OF AN EDGE or aris. e.g. to the edge of a table or a rounded edge of a brick
c and s scrolls
motifs which emulate the letters c and s, which are characteristics of rococo style. found on furniture and decorative frames
wooden lining for interior walls, usually paneled. any treatment resembling the same
conventionalized leaf pattern of classical origin used to enrich a cyma reversa molding. sometimes called a leaf and dart pattern
wave pattern
continuous pattern conventionally imitating a series of breaking wave crests
a decorative band or garland of flowers, foliage, or other ornamental material
ornament used on the sides of pinnacles, usually leaf or bud shaped; commonly seen in gothic art
formalized bunch of leaves carved at intervals on the edge of wood moldings
french term meaning"FIVE LEAVES"; a patyern resembling a five-leafed clover
form of an unrolled scroll with an oval center and havibg pierced, curled edges; conventionalized shield or ovoid form used as an ornament, often enclosed with wreaths, garlands on scroll-like forms
column carved in human form, used as a supporting motif in an architectural composition
molding of concave form approximating a quarter circle
ceiling rose
generally made of plaster, a circular decorative molding fixed to the ceiling, often in the center, and often has a pendant light fitting suspended from it
chair rail
topmost molding of a dado. sometimes known as the dado cap. placed on a wall at the height of a chairback to protect the finish of the wall
a bevel or slope made by paring off the edge of anything originally right angled. often used on legs of furniture
pattern consisting of alternating light and dark squares
corner block
square block of wood used to form a junction between the sides and head strip of door and window trim. any block similarly usedin cabinet-making
ornamental SUNKEN PANEL in ceiling, vault, or the lower surface of an arch, beam or other architectural feature
molded projection that crowns a wall, or divides it horizontally for compositional purposes. may be formed simply with a crown molding or be built up with a number of moldings
crown molding
decorative molding at the junction between a wall and ceiling of a room, or the uppermost horizontal moulding of a classical entablature
cyma recta curve
an s shaped curve which begins and ends horizontally
cyma reversa curva
curve starts and end vertically; a reversed s shaped curve
lower portion of a wall, when treated differently from the surface above it. in the classical styles, the dado usually has a base, shaft, and cap molding, and is often paneled or ornamented
diaper pattern
an all-over or repeating pattern without definite limits
a small square projecting block in a cornice
an ovoid shaped molding forming part of a classical capital. it springs from the shaft of the column, just under the abacus
egg and dart moulding
a classical motif foubd on Architectural elements such as decorative cornices and also furniture. consist of repeated and alternate dart and egg (oval) shapes
female head and bust used at the top of a volute
string of many kinds of material hanging in a curve between 2 points
divider with an openwork design, the lacey effect produced by twisting and curling wire together or the open work in porcelain
narrow flat molding or area, raised or sunk to separate larger moldings or areas
fleur de lis
stylized three-petal iris flower tied by an encircling band, used as the heraldic bearing of the royal family of france
channels in a vertical position used to embellish columns, pilasters, or furniture legs. these are parallel concave grooves that are usee to ornamnet a surface
greek geometric band or border motif, consisting of INTERLACING OR INTERLOCKING LINES, aka the meander or key pattern
ELONGATED OVOID FORMS placed in a parallel series and projecting beyond the surface they enrich
a pilaster that narrows toward the bottom and is capped with a topless female half figure
a grotesque animal or human form used as a water spout
PREPARED PLASTER OF CHALK AND WHITE LEAD which may be cast to make repeating ornamental forms in relief to apply to wood panles, plaster surfaces, etc.
monster with a body of a lion and the head of and wings of an eagle
an incongruous combination of monstrous animal and human forms
band or border running pattern having the appearance of overlapping or interlacing circular forms
a tapering pilaster terminating in a head or bust of a male
cabriole leg formed like the tarsal joint of the hind leg of a quadruped
decorative motif in greek origin resembling a conventionalized FANLIKE ARRANGEMENT OF PETALS
panel resembling a FOLDED CLOTH. prevalent in the gothic period
form resembling a crescent/ half moon
grotesque head or mask
running ornamnet consisting of an intricate variety of fret or fretwork
melon bulb
highly ornamnented turning in two sections
overall pattern of stylized flowers and plants, french origin
leading or prominent edge of a moulding or drip. it may be the edge of a step or the edge of a table. e.g. bull nosing
ogee or ogive
molding or an arch form composed of two opposing cyma curves whose convex sides meet in a point, thus forming an s, but is somewhat elongated compared to a cyma
variety of brass made to imitate gold or bronze, can also be mounted on a surface
convex molding used in classical architecture. usually an exact quarter of a circle but in grecian it is flatter and quick on top
using veneers cut as cross sections of roots and branches of walnut , olivewood and some fruit woods to redemble the irregular concentric rings in oyster shells
flat circle or oval containing acanthus leaves in a rosette arrangement
round or oval shaped disk, often enriched by a rosette or other ornament
a boss elongated so that it hangs down from the intersection of coffers in ceilings or from tables
papier mache
compound of paper pulp or shreds of paper mixed with paste or glue to be moulded into various shapes
picture mold
horizontal molding near a ceiling from which pictures can be suspended. aka picture rail
plate rail
rail or narriw shelf fixed along a wall and grooved to hold plates, esp for ornaments or display
a four lobed ornamentation
a long, semi cylindrical, stem like from a grouping of such used to enrich moldings
scroll and leaf ornamnent sometimes combined with cartouches ir grotesque forms and applied to friezes, panels or other architectural forms.
usually a symmetrical gorizontal composition. sometimes called an arabesque
an ornamnental motif formed by a series of leaves arranged around a central point. the leaves are usually conventionalized and may be arranged to form a circle, ellipse or square
x pattern
scallop shell
semicircular shell with ridges radiating from a point at the bottom. esp common in furniture design during the queen anne and Georgian periods in england and the united states. alos extensively used in the early Spanish renaissance
parchment roll used as an ornament
scroll pediment
broken pediment with each half shaped in the form of a reverse curve, and an ending in an ornamnental scroll. usually a finial or some sort is placed in the center between the two halves of the pediment
used as marquetry in furniture panes. aka endive
figure having the head and breasts of a woman, wings of an eagle, and the body of a lion
consisting of enriched interlacing flat bands and forms similar to fretwork
stonework formed in the head of a gothic window. applied to the surface on a door or wood panel
tree of life pattern
pattern resembling a tree or vine, showing branches, leaves, flowers, and small animals. originating in ancient assyris, it was borrowed by the Persians, east indians and early english renaissance designers
three-lobed ornamentaion resembling a clover
MILLWORK AROUND OPENINGS such as windows and doors, usually called casings
convex semi-circular molding
ornamental motifs, patterns or portraits centered on a large field
vitruvian scroll
peculiar pattern of scroll work consisting of convolved undulations
spiral scroll forming the characteristics of the ionic capital