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Absolute Direction
Corresponds to the direction on a compass: north, south, east, west, and combinations such as northeast and southwest
Absolute Distance
The distance that can be measured with a standard unit of length, such as a foot, yard, mile, or kilometer
Absolute Location
A precise position on Earth’s surface
An official count or survey of a population, typically recording various details about individuals, such as age, sex, and race
Contagious Diffusion
The wavelike spread of ideas in the manner of a contagious disease or forest fire, moving throughout space without regard for hierarchy
Cultural Ecology
The study of the interactions between societies and their local environments
Environmental Determinism
The belief that the physical environment is the dominant force shaping cultures and that humanity is a passive product of its physical surroundings
Formal Region
A geographical area inhabited by people who have one or more traits in common
Functional Region
A geographic area that has been organized to function politically, socially, culturally, or economically as one unit
Hierarchical Diffusion
Occurs when ideas leapfrog from one important person, community, or city to another, bypassing other persons, communities, or rural areas
The basic physical and organizational structures and facilities (such as buildings, roads, and public utilities) needed for the operation of a society
Map Projection
A method for representing the surface of Earth or a celestial sphere on a plane (two-dimensional) surface; all map projections distort some aspect of Earth’s surface
Perceptual/Vernacular Region
A geographic area that is perceived to exist by its inhabitants, based on the widespread acceptance and use of a unique regional name
The belief that any physical environment offers a number of possible ways for a society to develop and that humans can find ways to overcome environmental challenges
Relative Direction
A direction that can be described as position, such as in front of or behind, to the left or to the right
Relative Distance
A measurement of the level of social, cultural, or economic similarity between places despite their absolute distance from each other
Relative Location
The position of one place (or person) in relation to the position of another place (or person)
Relocation Diffusion
Occurs when individuals or groups with a particular idea or practice migrate from one location to another, thereby bringing the idea or practice to their new homeland
Reverse Hierarchical Diffusion
Occurs when ideas leapfrog from a lower level of a hierarchy to a higher level
The territorial extent of an idea or object
Scale of Analysis
The territorial extent of an idea of an object. Can be local, regional, national, or global.
Spatial Patterns
The placement or arrangement of objects on Earth’s surface; also includes the space between those objects
Stimulus Diffusion
Occurs when a specific trait is rejected, but the underlying idea is accepted
Time-distance decay
Also known as the “first law of geography”; the idea that near things are more related than distant things, and interaction between two places decreases the farther apart they area
Time-space compression
The decreasing distance between places, as measured by travel time or cost; often summarized by the phrase “the world is shrinking”