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Upheavels in China
Western influence- against nationalist from west
Gap between the rich and poor
War lord Era
Sun Yat-sen fails to unify China.Qing collapse then comes back
Twenty one Demands
A series of demands made by Japan to China in 1915, seeking to extend Japanese control over Chinese territory and economic interests, which heightened tensions between the two nations.
May Fourth movement
 an anti-imperialist, cultural, and political movement which grew out of student protests in Beijing on 4 May 1919.Â
The demonstrations sparked nationwide protests and increased Chinese nationalism,Â
Nationalists (Guomindang
people who wanted democratic control of the government (primarily elites)Â
people who were attracted to socialism (primarily poor)
elite Soviet trained leaders of the Revolution helped communist
Shanghai massacre
was a violent suppression of the Chinese Communist Party by the Nationalists in 1927, leading to a significant split between the two factions. Gumindangkill most communist
Long March
Gyomindang flee 6,000 miles from southern China to a remote military base in northern China
Many died from daily attacks
Struggle for a New China
a period during the early 20th century marked by social upheaval and political change, where various factions, including the Nationalists and Communists, sought to redefine China's future.
what did the Japanese want from china
wanted access to railroad from Korea
japanese imperialism on
The Japanese, who owned the railway, blamed Chinese nationalists for the incident and used the opportunity to retaliate and invade Manchuria.
Why did the communist and gumindang halt their civil war
to fight the Japanese threat
Liberal reforms in Japan
Japan moved toward more widespread democracy
Political parties grew stronger
Universal male suffrage
Political parties were manipulated by zaibatsu
The Western powers are concerned with Japan’s rapid expansion
Lurking Problems
behind their increasing wealth there were real issues in Japan
Rural peasants did not share prosperity
Urban factory workers earned low wages
Poverty drew both these groups to socialist ideas
Japanese population DOUBLED between 1870- 1925
Low of japanse economy
earthquake killed many, building damages, jobs lost, great depression
Great depression effect of japan
Devastated Japan – foreign buyers could no longer buy Japanese silk and other exports
Unemployment in cities soared, peasants starved
Economic disaster fed discontent of leading military officers, extreme nationalists
ultrantionalist beliefs
condemned politicians for agreeing to Western demands for limiting Japanese overseas expansion
Argued that compared to Western industrial powers’ empires, Japan’s empire was tiny
what were goals of ultranationalist
Argued an empire in Asia would provide raw materials and room for growing population
Set their sights on Manchuria
League of nationations and did with japan
condemned Japanese aggression against China – Japan left the League
Japanese government
broke agreements to limit
naval armaments it had
signed in 1920s
how did jpan spread message of militarism
the government used schools to teach students absolute obedience to the emperor and service to the state
anti Comintern pact
Japan allied with two aggressive powers, Germany & Italy- collective security agreement
Rape of Nanjing
Japanese soldiers were given orders to kill all remaining residents of the city