chapters 22 & 23! last one!!!!!!!!!!

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change frequency alleles

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change frequency alleles

evolution is a _______ in the __________ of _______ over time in a population

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jean baptiste lamarck

who was the first person to propose the idea of evolution

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use disuse body deteriorate

lamarck’s two ideas: ___ and _______ - says that parts of the ____ that are used more are larger and stronger and evolve and the unused parts _________

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inheritance acquired lifetime offspring

lamarck’s two ideas: __________ of _______ traits - traits that develop during _________ are passed on to _________

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were any of lamarck’s ideas correct?

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beagle origin species natural selection

what was charles darwin’s ship called? HMS _______

and charles darwin wrote the book _______ of _______, which supported the theory of _______ __________

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organisms characteristics offspring

a SPECIES is a group of ___________ with similar ____________ that is capable of inbreeding, meaning they can produce viable __________

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environment reproduce

NATURAL SELECTION: organisms best suited to their ____________ survive and ________ more frequently

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descent modification record descendants

darwin’s 2 theories about evolution! the first one:

_________ with ___________: newer forms appearing in the fossil ____ are actually the modified __________ of older species

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modification natural selection adapted reproduce traits

darwin’s 2 theories about evolution! the second one:

___________ by _______ __________: species that are best _________ to their environment are more likely to survive and __________, passing those favorable _______ to their offspring

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descent with modification

example of one of darwin’s theories: different species of finches on galapagos islands desceded from recent common ancestor

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modification by natural selection

example of one of darwin’s theories: the beaks of finches (think survival of the fittest)

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selection domesticated desired

evidence for darwin’s theory: artificial _________: the breeding of __________ plants and animals to select for ________ traits

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galapagos adaptations niches

evidence for darwin’s theory: beaks of _________ finches: different species of finches arose due to _________ of beaks to occupy different ______

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biogeographs past present

evidence for darwin’s theory: ____________: study of ____ and _______ distributions of species (divergent evolution)

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record traits time

evidence for darwin’s theory: fossil _____: shows how the _______ and characteristics of species changed over ____

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same different

evidence for darwin’s theory: comparative anatomy:

homologous structures: ______ structure ______ function

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different same

evidence for darwin’s theory: comparative anatomy:

analogous structures: ______ structure ______ function

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vestigial no

evidence for darwin’s theory: ________ structures: structures that serve __ purpose

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animals hox

evidence for darwin’s theory: comparative embryology: embryos for a variety of _______ all have a similar stage. embryological development: ___ genes

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biology DNA proteins

evidence for darwin’s theory: molecular ________: similarities in ___ and ________

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artificial selection

example of which evidence supporting darwin’s theory: breeding two racehorses to get the fastest horse

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homologous structures

example of which evidence supporting darwin’s theory: wings of a bird and arm of a human being very similar (falls within the comparative anatomy section)

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analogous structures

example of which evidence supporting darwin’s theory: wings of birds and insects both being used for flight (falls within the comparative anatomy section)

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vestigial structures

example of which evidence supporting darwin’s theory: tailbone and appendix in humans

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comparative embryology

example of which evidence supporting darwin’s theory: embryos for fish frogs birds snakes rabbits gorillas humans all look similar in one stage

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artificial selection, beaks of galapagos finches, biogeographs, comparative anatomy (homologous and analogous structures), vestigial structures, comparative embryology, molecular biology

name as many pieces of evidence that support darwin’s theory as you can. i’ll write them all in order but look through and check and count it right if you got 5!

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do individuals or populations evolve?

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a __________ is a localized group of individuals belonging to the same species, living in a certain area

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a _______ is a group of populations where individuals can reproduce with one another and make viable offspring

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gene pool

a ______ ____ is the total aggregate of genes in a population at any one time

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gene allele

gene versus allele: which is plant height overall and which is tall versus short (write in order like “allele gene” or “gene allele”)

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allele frequencies

evolution occurs when there is a change in the ______ ___________ of a population

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what is the hardy weinburg equation? (no spaces)

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hardy-weinburg theorem constant recombination

the ______________ states that the frequency of alleles and genotypes in a population’s gene pool remains _______ over generations unless acted upon by agents other than sexual ___________

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population size isolation mutations random no selection

five causes for the HW theorem to be maintained aka no evolution:

large __________ ____

__________ from other populations

no _________

________ mating

__ natural ________

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small not isolated mutations mating natural selection

five causes for HW to NOT be maintained aka evolution:

_______ population

___ __________ (immigration/emigration occuring)


no random _________

n________ ___________

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_____________: the changes in allele frequencies that occur over time within a population

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genetic drift

causes of microevolution:

_______ _____: changes in a gene pool of small population due to chance

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__________ effect: when natural disaster wipes out a large percentage of the population and the remaining population is not representative of the original population

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gene flow

causes of microevolution:

____ ____: the loss/gain of alleles from a population due to emigration/immigration of fertile individuals

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causes of microevolution:

________: change in organism’s DNA

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nonrandom mating

causes of microevolution:

_______ ________: inbreeding, mating between closely related partners, or assortive mating, individuals selecting partners similar to themselves

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natural selection

causes of microevolution:

_______ _______: organisms who survive reproduce more frequently

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natural selection affecting a heritable trait in a population (3 ways):

_________ selection: reduces phenotypic variation by selection for the most common phenotype

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natural selection affecting a heritable trait in a population (3 ways):

__________ selection: shift of overall makeup of population by favoring one extreme phenotype

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natural selection affecting a heritable trait in a population (3 ways):

_________ selection: favors both extremes over the more common intermediate phenotype

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diversifying selection

peppered moths are an example of

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directional selection

the beak size of finches getting larger in years when they ate more large seeds and then changing for future generations is an example of

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stabalizing selection

babies that are too big or small dying are an example of

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adaptive radiation

the semi circle of birds that looks like a sun (radiation) is

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