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JFK Foreign
Cuban Missile Crisis, containment
JFK Domestic
AFDC Welfare for families w/ dependent children
LBJ Foreign
Containment, Operation Rolling Thunder
LBJ Domestic
Great Society programs
Nixon Foreign
SALT I, detente, vietnamization
Nixon Domestic
Created EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)
Carter Foreign
Camp David Accords for peace btwn Egypt and Israel
Carter Domestic
Environmental concerns & clean energy (NEA or National Energy Act)
Reagan Foreign
Negotiations w/ Gorbachev, Iran-Contra Affair
Reagan Domestic
Reaganomics/trickle-down economics
HW Bush Foreign
Operation Desert Storm, Gulf War
HW Bush Domestic
ADA for disability rights
Clinton Foreign
Clinton Domestic
EITC (Earned income tax credit)
W Bush Foreign
War on Terrorism, Afghanistan
W Bush Domestic
USA Patriot Act
Obama Foreign
Paris Agreement for carbon emissions, extension of war in Afghanistan
Obama Domestic
Affordable Care Act, Obamacare