finding the abundance and mass of each isotope of an element (and therefore relative atomic mass)
identifying unknown compounds
always forms a 1+ ion
2 methods: electrospray and electron bombardment
used for high Mr compounds as other method too aggressive
sample dissolved in volatile substance (eg water) and injected through very small needle
particles gain a proton as they leave the needle
the Mr therefore increases by 1
X (g) + H+ -> XH+ (g)
used for elements and low Mr compounds (method is more common)
an electron is knocked off each particle by the high-energy electrons (fired from electron gun) to form 1+ ions
sample must be gaseous
X (g) -> X+ (g) + e -
electric field (created by plates) accelerates ions
all have same kinetic energy
particles put in tube and left to drift
the speed they travel is based on their mass (lighter particles move faster and have a shorter time of flight)
+ve ions hit -ve plate, electrons flow to +ve ions (gain electrons back) and this produces an electric current
size of current is proportional to the number of ions = abundance
number of currents produced = number of isotopes
computer measures size and amounts of currents and produces a graph
x-axis is m/z (mass/charge which is often m/1 as they are 1+ ions)
give results to 4 decimal places
easier to distinguish between molecules that have similar Mr