Fitting into society
system where trade/industry is controlled privately
A company acting as a single entity
Coming to live in a foreign country
Leaving a country
the basic structure or features needed for society
Exclusive control of supply in one thing
Trying to seperate natives from immigrants
Making an area more urban
one company does two tasks usually done by seperate companies
Vertical Integration
Two similar businesses become one
Horizontal Integration
An American industrial revolution following the invention of steel
What is the second industrial revolution?
Many new inventions and factories and lots of immigration
What were the results of the Second Industrial revolution?
steel, electricity, telegraph, typewriter, airplane, camera, railroad, car
What were the major inventions of the industrial age?
Poverty, religious persecution, less jobs, famine, war, unstable government, disease
What were push factors for immigrants to leave their countries?
More jobs, freedom, natural resources, good economy, fresh start
What were pull factors drawing immigrants towards the US?
By steamboat, which was expensive, crowded, and dirty
How did immigrants travel?
Angel Island and Ellis Island
What were the immigrant induction stations into the US?
In small tenements
Where did immigrants live?
That people born in the US were better, and wanted to keep immigrants out
What did nativists believe in?
Places where immigrants could go to learn about the US and get help with many things.
What were settlement houses?
They wanted better working conditions
Why did workers form unions and hold strikes?
They could get in trouble or be denied jobs by joining one
How did labor unions affect workers?
When rural workers moved to big cities
What was urbanization?
Cities became crowded and overpopulated
What was the result of urbanization?
He was the top dog in the steel industry
What was Andrew Carnegie famous for?
He was president of the AFL, a big labor union at the time
What was Samuel Gompers famous for?
By allowing industrial leaders to gain a lot of power
How did the government's "hands off" policies help promote industrialization?
Having control over an industry
What are monopolies?
more workers cause immigration and more factories
Why did industry grow so much in the late 1800s?
buissness evolution you get it
What is social darwinism
made lightbulb
thomas edison
oil dude
john b rockefeller
afl president
samuel gompers
made settlement houses
jane adams
steel guy
andrew carnegie
the sir, called that bc bad conditions for workers
what is the gilded age?
unsafe hot cramped dirty long tiring
What were the working conditions for factory workers?