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What is human sexuality?
Human sexuality is how people express themselves as sexual beings
What is a heterosexual?
A heterosexual is attracted to the opposite sex, a 'straight person'
What is a homosexual?
A homosexual is attracted to the same sex, a 'gay person'
What is procreation?
Procreation is having sex to produce children
What is celibacy?
Celibacy is not having sex
What is adultery?
Adultery is voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and a person who is not their spouse (husband or wife) (known colloquially as 'cheating')
What is marriage?
Marriage is a legal relationship, usually involving economic cooperation, sexual activity, and childbearing
What happened in 1967 in regard to homosexuality?
In 1967, Homosexual acts were permitted for over 21s
What happened in 1994 with regard to human sexuality?
In 1994, the age of consent was lowered from 21 to 18
What happened in 2004 with regard to human sexuality?
In 2004, civi partnerships were recognised by law
What happened in 2014 in regard to same-sex marriage?
In 2014, same-sex marriage was made legal in the UK
What is cohabitation?
Cohabitation is living together without being married
What is contraception?
Contraception is the deliberate prevention of pregnancy
What is family planning?
Family planning is choosing when to have children, by using contraception to regulate births
What is divorce?
Divorce is the legal ending of a marriage
What is re-marriage?
Re-marriage is marrying again after being divorced from a previous marriage
What is annulment?
Annulment is when the Catholic Church deems a marriage to never have been valid
What is gender equality?
Gender equality is when people have the same rights and opportunities regardless of whether they are male or female
What quote is against sex before marriage?
'Do you know that your body is a tempe of the Holy Spirit'
What quote is for marriage and against sex before marriage?
'A man leaves his father and mother and unites with his wife and they become one flesh'
What is another term for sex before marriage?
Pre-marital sex is sex before marriage
What are other terms for sex outside of marriage?
Other terms for sex outside of marriage: โ Adultery โ Cheating โ Having an affair โ Extra-marital sex
What does the pill or injection do? What type of contraception is it?
โ Pill or injection stops woman producing egg โ Artificial method of contraception
How does a condom work?
โ A condom stops sperm meeting egg โ๏ธ Stops STIs โ Artificial method of contraception
What does some people classify the coil or the morning after pill?
Some people classify the coil or morning after pill as abortion
What does the coil or morning after pill do?
โ Stops a fertilised egg from implanting in the womb โ Artificial method
What is the rhythm method?
โ The rhythm method is avoid having sex at the most fertile times of a woman's period โ Only natural method
What is sterilisation?
โ Sterilisation involves cutting or tying the fallopian tubes (woman) , cutting or tying the sperm duct (males) , this is permeant (last for life) โ Permanent method
What is a hymn?
A hymn is a song of praise to God
What are marriage vows?
Marriage vows: โ Promises made in the witness of โ God โ People attending โ Responsibility to stay together eternally ('till death do us part')
What are marriage prayers?
Prayers during marriage ceremonies: โ Priest asks God to bless couple
In what years did Quakers campaign for homosexuality?
Quakers campaigned for homosexuality in 2009
What is a Muslim quote against adultery?
'And do not go anywhere near adultery; it is an outrage, and an evil path.'
What is a Muslim quote against sex before marriage?
'Let those who find not the wherewithal [money] for marriage keep themselves chaste [virgin] until God gives them the means.
What is a quote against adultery?
'Do not commit adultery'
What is a quote for procreation + marriage?
'Be fruitful and increase'
What quote links lust and adultery?
'Anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart'
What quote is for marriage and against divorce?
'What God has joined together, let no one separate'
What is a quote against divorce and re-marriage?
'Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery'
What is a quote that justifies divorce?
'Anyone who divorces his wife, except for marital unfaithfulness, and marries another woman, commits adultery'
What is a quote for respecting parents'
'Honour your father and mother'
What is a quote for procreation and caring for children?
'Children are a heritage from the Lord'
What is a quote for love in relationships?
'Husbands love your wives'
What is a quote showing everyone was created equally?
'Image of God'
What is a quote supporting gender + homosexuality?
'There is neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus'
What is a quote against homosexuality?
'Do not have sexual relationships with a man as on does with a woman; that is detestable'
What quote tells people to love?
'Love one another'
What was significant about the 2021 census?
For the first time, the 2021 census revealed that the majority of people weren't Christians
Today, what % of marriages happen in a church?
Today, only 24% of marriages happen in a church
What is an example of a catholic counselling agency?
An example of a catholic counselling agency is Relate and Accord
What fraction of UK marriage end in divorce?
1/3 of UK marriages end in divorce
What % of British Muslims disapprove of homosexuality?
ยฝ of British Muslims disapprove of homosexuality
What is the 2010 equality act?
2010 Equality Act in the Uk ended discrimination (including gender discrimination)
What is a nuclear family?
A nuclear family is a couple and their dependent children, regarded as a basic social unit.
What is a step family?
A step family is a family that is formed on the remarriage of a divorced or widowed person and that includes a child or children
What is an extended family?
An extended family is the nuclear family plus grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins
What is polygamy?
Polygamy is having more than one wife
What is bigamy?
Bigamy is being married to more than one person at the same time
What are traditional gender roles?
Traditional gender roles: โ Men โ work (breadwinner) โ Women โ domestic roles