AP CSP Create Performance Task
A significant component of the AP Computer Science Principles exam that accounts for 30% of the total score.
Program Code Requirements
Must include input, processing, output, at least one list, a function with a parameter, and comments explaining functionality.
Collaborative Approach
Working with peers to debug and refine code ideas.
Video Requirements
Must be in .mp4, .mov, .wmv, or .avi format, less than 30 MB, and must show program input, functionality, and output.
Written Responses Structure
Consists of four questions answered in a structured PDF with technical vocabulary and proper citation.
Calculate_sum Function
A function that takes a list of integers as input, processes them to calculate the total sum, and returns that total.
Technical Vocabulary
Specialized language used in the field of computer science, such as 'parameters', 'functions', and 'iterations'.
External Libraries or APIs
Any third-party code or services that you may reference or utilize in your development process.