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acordar (o-ue)
to agree
acordarse (de) (o-ue)
to remember
to go
to go away, to leave
negar (e-ie)
to deny
negarse (a)
to refuse (to)
parecer (c-zc)
to seem
parecerse (a) (c-zc)
to look like
probar (o-ue)
to taste
probarse (o-ue)
to try on
volver (o-ue)
to return
volverse (o-ue)
to turn around; to become
peinarse (e-ei)
to comb one's hair
sonar (o-ue)
to ring
deshacer (yo - go)
to undo
satisfacer (yo - go)
to satisfy
componer (yo - go)
to compose, to repair
descomponer (yo - go)
to break
disponer (yo - go)
to dispose
exponer (yo - go)
to expose
imponer (yo - go)
to impose
proponer (yo - go)
to propose
suponer (yo - go)
to suppose
contener (yo - go)
to contain
detener (yo - go)
to detain, to stop
to entertain
mantener (yo - go)
to maintain
obtener (yo - go)
to obtain
retener (yo - go)
to retain
atraer (yo - go)
to attract
contraer (yo - igo)
to contract
distraer (yo - igo)
to distract
convenir (yo - go)
to agree, to be suitable for
intervenir (yo - go)
to intervene
prevenir (yo - go)
to warn, to forewarn, to prevent
confesar (e-ie)
to confess
despertarse (e-ie)
to wake up
sentarse (e-ie)
to sit down
demostrar (o-ue)
to demonstrate, to show
soñar (o-ue)
to dream
dormir (o-ue)
to sleep
morir (o-ue)
to die
jugar (u-ue)
to play
oler (hue)
to smell
advertir (e-ie)
to notify, to warn
convertir (e-ie)
to convert
divertirse (e-ie)
to enjoy oneself, to have a good time
medir (e-i)
to measure
despedir (e-i)
to fire
despedirse (de) (e-i)
to say good-bye (to)
impedir (e-i)
to prevent
atribuir (i-y)
to attribute
concluir (i-y)
to conclude
contribuir (i-y)
to contribute
distribuir (i-y)
to distribute
huir (i-y)
to flee
incluir (i-y)
to include
sustituir (i-y)
to substitute
espiar (-iar)
to spy
fiarse (de) (-iar)
to trust
guiar (-iar)
to guide
variar (-iar)
to vary
encoger (g-j)
to shrink
coger (g-j)
to grab, to catch
escoger (g-j)
to choose
recoger (g-j)
to gather, to pick up, to collect
elegir (g-j)
to elect, to choose
dirigir (g-j)
to direct, to conduct
dirigirse (g-j)
to go toward, to direct oneself
fingir (g-j)
to pretend, to feign
corregir (g-j)
to correct
afligir (g-j)
to grieve
distinguir (-guir)
to distinguish
extinguir (-guir)
to extinguish
perseguir (-guir)
to pursue; to chase
proseguir (-guir)
to proceed
conseguir (-guir)
to get, to acquire
aborrecer (c-zc)
to hate; to detest
agradecer (c-zc)
to thank
aparecer (c-zc)
to appear
crecer (c-zc)
to grow
merecer (c-zc)
to deserve
establecer (c-zc)
to establish
permanecer (c-zc)
to remain
pertenecer (c-zc)
to belong
reconocer (c-zc)
to recognize, to admit
conducir (c-zc)
to drive, to conduct
vencer (c-z)
to defeat
convencer (c-z)
to convince
ejercer (c-z)
to exert
exigir (g-j)
to demand
to fit
confiar en (-iar)
to trust
fiarse de (-iar)
to trust
resfriarse (-iar)
to catch a cold
to be worth