Current: the amount of charge passing a point in a given time period
==I = ΔQ/Δt==
I: current (Amperes)
Q: charge (Coulombs)
t: time (seconds)
Current is described in the AP exam as the flow of positive charge
Ohm’s Law
Batteries: create currents using a difference in potential
The “+” terminal has a higher electric potential
The “-” terminal has a lower electric potential
Generally, the greater the potential difference, the more current flows
Resistance: a property of the circuit that resists the current
Units are Ohms (Ω)
==R = ⍴L/A==
R: resistance
⍴: resistivity
L: length of wire
A: cross-sectional area of wire
Ohm’s Law
==I = ΔV/R==
ΔV: voltage across a certain part of the circuit (like a resistor)
R: resistance
I: current
Power: the rate at which electrical energy is converted to heat energy
==P = IΔV = I^2 R = ΔV^2/R==
Ohmic vs. Nonohmic
Ohmic: a circuit part (resistor or capacitor) that maintains the same resistance when the voltage across it or current through it changes - resistance is constant
Circuit Pictures
Wire: straight line
Battery: 4 parallel lines - one long line and then one smaller line repeated
Resistor: zig zag line
Capacitor: 2 parallel lines
Resistors in Series
==R = ⅀Ri==
Ri: the resistances of the resistors in series with each other
R: equivalent resistance or total resistance
Resistors in Parallel
==1/R = ⅀1/Ri==
Ri: the resistances of the resistors in parallel with each other
R: equivalent resistance or total resistance
Rules for resistors in circuits
The current in resistors in series is equal to each other
The voltage across resistors in parallel is equal to each other
The voltage across two resistors in parallel is also equal to the voltage across each individual resistor
V-I-R charts
Create columns of V, I, and R for each individual resistor and the total circuit
This helps us stay organized in complex problems
Kirchhoff’s Rules
Junction Rule: The current entering and leaving a junction is equal
Loop Rule: In a closed loop, the sum of the voltages is 0
Choose a loop of the circuit and when you see a resistor, the voltage is -IR because resistors resist the current
If the loop is against the current, the voltage is +IR
When you see a batter, add the voltage of the battery (if going from - to +)
If you go from + to -, subtract the voltage of the battery
If the current you calculate is negative, you chose the wrong direction and the current flows the opposite way
Experimental Circuits
In calculations, we assume most electronic devices in circuits act as resistors
Light bulb
The brightness of a bulb depends only on the power dissipated
The power of a bulb can change depending on the current and voltage of the circuit it’s in
Ammeters and Voltmeters
Ammeters: measure current
Ammeters work by putting them in series with resistors (current is constant for resistors in series)
Voltmeters work by putting them parallel to parallel resistors
Real batteries
In a perfect world, batteries have no resistance but in the real world, this is not true
The voltage advertised by a battery, ε, is actually larger than the real voltage ΔV (terminal voltage)
==ΔV = ε - Ir==
r: the internal resistance of the battery
I: current through the battery
Internal resistance is measured by hooking a battery up to a resistor and plotting the terminal voltage of the battery as a function of the current through the battery
The slope will be equal to -r
Open switch: that part (loop) of the circuit can be considered gone (dead)
Capacitors: two parallel metal plates separated by either air or dielectric material
Capacitance: how much charge a capacitor can hold for each volt of potential difference
==C = kεA/d==
C: capacitance
k: dielectric constant
ε: vacuum permittivity constant
A: area of one of the plates (both plates have the same area)
d: distance between plates
==ΔV = Q/C==
ΔV: Voltage
Q: charge
C: capacitance (Farads)
==U = 1/2 QΔV = 1/2 C(ΔV )^2==
U: energy stored in a capacitor
Q: charge
ΔV: potential difference
C: capacitance
==ΔV/Δr = E==
E: electric field
ΔV: potential difference
Δr: distance between plates
Parallel vs. Series Capacitors
Parallel Capacitors
==C = ⅀Ci==
C: total capacitance for capacitors in parallel
Ci: capacitance of capacitors in parallel
This is the same formula from resistors in series - capacitors are basically resistors in reverse
Series Capacitors
==1/C = ⅀1/Ci==
C: total capacitance for capacitors in series
Ci: capacitance of capacitors in series
RC Circuits
RC Circuit: a circuit containing resistor(s) and capacitor(s)
You’ll only be asked about RC Circuits in certain states
When you first connect a capacitor to a circuit:
No charge has built up so treat the capacitor like a wire with no potential difference
After a long time:
The capacitor has charged up to its max so no current will flow through it
Treat the capacitor like an open switch
The potential difference across the capacitor equals the voltage of the devices parallel to the capacitor